11-05-2003 ~ ." 1. CALL TO ORDER: ..... .""" CITY OF EDGEWATER ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING November 5, 2003 8:00 a.m. Chairman Joe Martin called to order a regular meeting ofthe Economic Development Board at 8:01 a.m., Tuesday, November 5,2003, in the Community Center. 2. ROLL CALL: Chairman Joe Martin Nora Aly Adelaide. Carter Christopher Balmer Douglas McGinnis Thomas Hamall Oscar Zeller Nancy Freeman Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Also present were City Manager Ken Hooper, Assistant City Manager Liz McBride, Planning and Zoning Board member Anton Heeb, One Stop Career Center Business Service Representative Sandy Jones, Southeast V o'lusia Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Steve Dennis, News Journal staffwriter Cindy Crawford and Board Coordinator Pat Drosten. Mr. Balmer arrived at 8:15 a.m. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes from the October 1, 2003 meeting were presented for approval. MOTION bv Ms. Carter. SECONDED bv Mr. Balmer to approve the minute. MOTION CARRIED 8 - 0 4. CONTINUED BUSINESS: A. Program of work - Promotional Activities Subcommittee Report Mr. McGinnis gave a brief report on the upcoming BUSINESS BEFORE HOURS mixer, which will be held on November 13, 2003 from 7:30 am until 9:00 in the H & RBlock office located at 1824 S. Ridgewood Ave (Florida Shores Plaza). Area restaurants have donated food. Admission will be by presenting a business card. The committee has asked for the members to provide input regarding information they would like to collect via the E:\edb\edb-minutes\minute 11 0503 .reg..doc ... ...., questionnaires that will be distributed at the mixer. B. Board Vacancy recommendations Chairman Martin asked that all board members consider making recommendations to fill the existing board vacancy. Several recommendations were made and the board coordinator will contact those individuals and mail out applications to those interested. 5. NEW BUSINESS: - Presentation by Mr. John Kolesa, Global Management Solutions Mr. Kolesa conducted a presentation of the services his firm offers municipalities in their economic development efforts. 6. CHAIRMAN AND BOARD MEMBERS REPORTS: Ms. McBride gave an update on Parktowne - Phase II. These sites should be going out for bid in January 2004, for $65,000 per acre. The Declarations of Convanences is nearly completed. Mr. Hooper stated that City Council would hear and vote on proposals for the 60-acres site, which formerly housed Prestress Concrete on Monday, November 10. Mr. Balmer asked that the board minutes and agenda be placed on the Economic Development Boards page of the city's website. He also gave a brief report on the ~ducational subcommittee's meeti~g. . Chairman Martin gave an update on ParkTowne developments. ~dditionally, he made a disclosure that he has made an investment with NIT Holdings as a limited partner. He' also reminded the board that the CRA workshop will be held on November 18, 2003 at 6:00 pm in the City Community Center. 7. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Board, a motion was made and approved to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:36 a.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Pat Drosten, Board Coordinator Economic Development Board E:\edb\edb-minutes\minutell0503.reg..doc 2