02-03-1987 ~ ...." CITY OF EDGEWATER LIBRARY BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 3, 1987 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Chairman Mary Rice called the meeting to order at 1:00 P.M. in the Edgewater Library. ROLL CALL Secretary Lilian Bond-Nelson called the roll. Present were: Mary Rice, Jean Haughwout, Lauretta Shafer, and Lilian Bond-Nelson. Jan Dudley was absent. Also present were: Gene Allison, Assistant Director of the Volusia County Libraries; Gayle Harmon, Librarian; and Shirley Garthwaite, President of Friends of the Library. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - JANUARY 7, 1987 Chairman Rice called for corrections or additions to these minutes. There were none noted and she stated they are accepted as written. Beth Weilenman, News Journal reporter, arrived at the meeting at this time. TREASURER'S FINANCIAL REPORT Chairman Rice stated that the report would be about the same as the last meeting so it won't be presented again. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT Librarian Gayle Harmon distributed copies of her report. She pointed out the form has a new look. She read the totals of the circulated items for January, 1987, noting it's up 367 from last Jauary. She noted they have 80 new members but 47 did not renew so it's a total of 33. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Mrs. Bond-Nelson moved that the officers remain the same as presently. Mrs. Shafer seconded the motion. It was unanimously agreed they'd remain the same. REPORT ON STATUS OF GRANT Mrs. Harmon noted that they still don't have an answer and don't have a date for the meeting. Chairman Rice asked that they be advised when something is known and Mrs. Harmon agreed she'd do that. REPORT ON STATUS OF FUND RAISING Chairman Rice stated she doesn't know any more than at the last meeting, but they are having individual interviews. Mrs. Bond- Nelson pointed out it's a 3-week feasibility study. Mrs. Harmon said the contract is for 3 weeks, and if it's necessary to extend it, the contract price is still the same. Mrs. Bond-Nelson noted that Mr. Clapper is very enthusiastic about this area. Mrs. Haughwout said he'd made about 40 calls. Mrs. Harmon stated that Mr. O'Lone had called her the day before and he'd talked to someone about a grant with the Kresge people, but they're interested in service to the handicapped, so she referred him to Dana Smith. Mrs. Haughwout referred to the Southeast Bank foundation that the Library could apply to. Chairman Rice said Mr. Sikes had introduced her to the new young man who will be replacing him when he retires and he said they'll make a donation. Mrs. Harmon agreed it could be pursued. ~ ~ ~ , . REPORT ON COLORS, ETC., FOR NEW LIBRARY Mrs. Harmon presented sketches prepared by her daughter which showed the various colors of the roof on the split face block building. She noted that there will be cedar beams that will be unfinished and will age naturally. She said the lattice work and windows are bronze color, which were approved by the Committee. She noted that the architect leaned toward the orange for the roof. She had samples of the various colors that were available to choose from. She said the Construction Committee will make the decision, but they'd be interested in input. Chairman Rice said she'd talked with Jan Dudley and she agreed to whatever the Board agrees to. The Board members reviewed the various colors. Mrs. Harmon noted that the material is aluminum and the materials that Dana Smith chose are almost maintenance free. She pointed out that the roof is bolted on and if they decide to expand the Library at a later date, it's taken off and bolted back on. After more discussion, it was decided that the choices were: 1) Terra Cotta, 2) Orange, and 3) Hunter Red. It was agreed that a memo would be sent to the Library Construction Committee to advise them of the Library Board's suggestions. DISCUSSION OF PLANS FOR VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION LUNCHEON Chairman Rice asked the number of volunteers now and Mrs. Harmon replied they have 18. There was a discussion about dates when there was no conflict. It was noted that April 22nd is Library Day and there's a meeting in Tallahassee. It was agreed to plan on April 29th for the luncheon, and to have the same type of menu as last year since everyone enjoyed it. Mrs. Harmon asked if she should take care of invitations again and Chairman Rice agreed that would be helpful. The menu for last year was discussed, including which member brought what dish. Chairman Rice asked if another meeting would be necessary for finalizing the plans. Mrs. Harmon noted they may need another meeting on the budget. Mrs. Haughwout asked when it has to be ready and Mr. Allison replied they don't have the date yet and sometimes it's in April. Chairman Rice suggested they might have a short meeting in April. MISCELLANEOUS ANNOUNCEMENTS Chairman Rice said she'd neglected to bring a letter in that was an answer to a letter the Board wrote requesting Bill Chappell's support. She said his letter indicated he'd do so, and she'll provide the letter for the Board files. Chairman Rice said there was also a letter about the possible grant and she'll provide that for the files also. Chairman Rice asked for any other announcements. Mrs. Bond-Nelson brought up the subject of Library Day on April 22nd. Mr. Allison said they'll go up on the 21st. Chairman Rice pointed out that Mr. Allison is anxious to have as many attend as possible. Mr. Allison said they have to convince the new Governor. He added that our own delegation is the most liberal in the State. AJOURN Chairman Rice stated that since there is nothing else to come up, the meeting is adjourned. Meeting adjourned at 1:45 P.M. Minutes submitted by: Lura Sue Koser Recording Secretary -2- Library Board Meeting February 3, 1987