12-02-1987 '-" ....." CITY OF EDGEWATER LIBRARY BOARD MEETING DECEMBER 2, 1987 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Chairman Mary Rice called the meeting to order at 1:35 P.M. in the Edgewater Library. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - FEBRUARY 3, 1987 Chairman Rice asked for any corrections or additions to the minutes and there were none noted. Ms. Bond-Nelson moved they be accepted as presented. Mrs. Shafer seconded the motion. Chairman Rice stated they are accepted as read. ROLL CALL Secretary Lilian Bond-Nelson called the roll. Present were: Mary Rice, Lauretta Shafer, Lilian Bond-Nelson. Jan Dudley was excused and Jean Haughwout arrived later. Also present were Gayle Harmon, Librarian; Shirley Garthwaite, President of Friends of the Library; and Madalon Reichold of the County Library system. TREASURER'S REPORT Treasurer Lauretta Shafer stated that the savings certificates are $2,531.90 and the savings account is $1,428.80. There were no corrections or additions and Chairman Rice stated this is accepted. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT Librarian Gayle Harmon stated that reports from previous months are in the members' folders. She then reviewed her November report, reading totals of circulated materials, income, books and recordings added. She noted there are 20,556 total books in the Library and they now have five compact disks. She stated that 49 new people registered and 47 were deleted, with a grand total of 3,596 patrons. Jean Haughwout arrived at this time, 1:41 P.M. Mrs. Harmon then continued with her report, listing total borrowed and loaned books, total childrens programs and total adult programs. REPORT ON STATUS OF NEW LIBRARY Mrs. Harmon stated they had the ground breaking and the site preparation is pretty well completed and they project it will be in May, which is the best possible time because it's a slow month and before the children's programs in the summer. Chairman Rice pointed out they'll have to start planning for an open house. She asked if they're deciding on interior furniture and Mrs. Harmon replied they're working on needs for shelving. Chairman Rice asked how things will be moved and Mrs. Harmon replied they earmarked $5,000 in the budget for the move. She added that a lot of patrons indicated they'll help but she doesn't know if the County will assume that liability. Ms. Bond-Nelson asked if the County will supply the shelving and Mrs. Harmon replied yes, plus they'll use the shelving they have now and add to it. Mrs. Harmon pointed out that the County is self-insured now. Ms. Bond-Nelson noted the distance is short. Mrs. Haughwout asked if it includes the dismantling and putting up shelving and Mrs. Harmon replied she doesn't know. Mrs. Harmon left the meeting at this time, 1:47 P.M., to attend another meeting with County staff. ., , ~ .,. ...., REPORT ON VOLUNTEER LUNCHEON - APRIL 29, 1987 Chairman Rice stated they have 18 volunteers and 14 attended the luncheon. She noted that Jan Dudley was very helpful and supplied the price of the chicken. She noted there were 4 Board members and guests were the Mayor, Fran Spitzler, Jim Wheeler and Madalon Reichold. She added that 4 of the volunteers were absent. She suggested that at the next meeting they should start planning for the next volunteer luncheon as it should come about the same time next year. RESPONSE TO COMMUNICATION FROM MR. WHEELER RE: MEETINGS Chairman Rice stated she received a communication that was too late to respond to from the legislative committee of the Florida Library Association and it was a request to write to the various legislators in the area for more money. She noted they met the people in Tallahassee in April and they're aware we're grateful for what they've done. Mrs. Reichold suggested the Library be given a copy of the listing of legislators. Chairman Rice agreed she'd supply it. Chairman Rice stated they received an October 29th letter from Jim Wheeler regarding the State seminars and there is also a celebration to meet the author at the County Library Center on December 20th. She noted that the author Cleveland Amory's book is "The Cat Who Came for Christmas" and it was written for adults. She noted there's a seminar for Friends and Trustees and it will be in Daytona Beach on February 18, 1988. She added that the Friends voted money to send 4 people but they don't know who the 4 people will be. She expressed appreciation to the Friends for their willingness to spend the money for this. Chairman Rice stated that Judith Williams, Chairman of the Library Association, suggested they plan ahead for Library Day April 14, 1988, and they'll coordinate the travel. She noted that on July 22nd she sent the Florida Library Association $10.00 and she doesn't expect to be reimbursed for it. She said they asked consideration of a donation to pay for the lunches for the legislators and their staff. She noted that the Friends sent some money and it might be a good idea if they did it. Mrs. Haughwout asked the cost for a luncheon and Chairman Rice replied probably at least $5.00. Ms. Bond-Nelson asked if they'd ever given before and Chairman Rice replied they'd never been asked before. There was a discussion about an appropriate amount to give and Mrs. Garthwaite noted that the Friends are sending $25. Mrs. Haughwout moved that they send $10. for the Library Day luncheon. Mrs. Shafer seconded the motion. Chairman Rice asked Treasurer Mrs. Shafer to arrange for the $10 check. DISCUSSION OF TENTATIVE PLANS FOR OUR PART IN "OPEN HOUSE" WHEN THE NEW LIBRARY IS COMPLETED Chairman Rice suggested they start thinking about this and looking into what other open houses were like. There was a general dis- cussion about possibilities. Mrs. Haughwout suggested a guest book that would then be kept on file at the Library and a list of who they're inviting. Chairman Rice noted they'll have to talk with Mrs. Harmon to see what she wants. MISCELLANEOUS ANNOUNCEMENTS Chairman Rice asked for announcements and there were none. She thanked the members for help with the questionnaire. Chairman Rice announced the next meeting will be Wednesday, January 6, 1988, at 1: 30 P.M. in the Library. ADJOURN Ms. Bond-Nelson moved to adjourn. Mrs. Shafer seconded the motion. Meeting was concluded at 2:03 P.M. Minutes submitted by: Lura Sue Koser -2- Library Board Meeting December 2, 1987