04-21-1988 '-" v ~ CITY OF EDGEWATER LIBRARY BOARD APRIL 21, 1988 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Chairman Mary Rice called the meeting to order at 2:12 P.M. in the Edgewater Library. ROLL CALL Secretary Lilian Bond-Nelson called the roll. Mary Rice, Present; Jean Haughwout, Present; Lauretta Shafer, Present; Jan Dudley, Absent; Lilian Bond-Nelson, Present. Also present was Mr. Jim Wheeler, Director of the Volusia County Library Services. Shirley Garthwaite, Friends of the Library, arrived later. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - FEBRUARY 2, 1988 Ms. Bond-Nelson questioned what the check for the luncheon was and Mrs. Rice explained that it was for the legislators and she paid for it. Mrs. Rice also pointed out that the meat for the Volunteer Luncheon was from Legends and not from Publix as planned. She stated that if there were no other corrections, the minutes will stand as written. TREASURER'S REPORT Treasurer Lauretta Shafer reported there is $1,509.75 in savings and $2,708.59 in the C.D. Mrs. Harmon explained the intent for the $1,000 donation. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT Mrs. Harmon distributed copies of her March report and read the figures. Mrs. Harmon stated that they need to come to an agreement about use of the multi-purpose room when the Library is not open as it was designed to be used when the Library wasn't open. Mr. Wheeler explained that Deltona has a County-owned building and they have a volunteer or someone in the group using the Library facility to take responsibility for it and get the key. He added that there will be security alarms and they don't want to give the combination out to everyone so they'll probably exclude the meeting room from it. He noted the projectors and equipment will have to be separated from that room. He suggested they have a Library volunteer assume the responsibility of seeing it's locked up. There was discussion about the various groups that might want to use the meeting room. Mr. Wheeler suggested the requests go through Gayle Harmon. Mrs. Harmon noted she didn't feel there would be a problem with booking the room for non-profit organizations. Mr. Wheeler suggested they might receive donations for the room use. COUNTY LIBRARY DIRECTOR JAMES WHEELER - REPORT ON NEW LIBRARY EQUIPMENT, STAFF, ETC. - Mr. Wheeler stated they opened bids on April 8th for the shelving and the low bidder was also the best delivery date of sixty days. He said the supplier is Library Bureau and was their preference through experience. He added they hope to have a mid-June opening. Mr. Wheeler stated the circulation desk was ordered separately and Purchasing advised they would deliver it within a month. ....." ,.., ~ COUNTY LIBRARY DIRECTOR JAMES WHEELER - REPORT ON NEW LIBRARY EQUIPMENT, STAFF, ETC. (Continued) Chairman Rice asked about the staff. Mrs. Harmon explained that Marilou will leave the children's services and go to adult services and volunteer coordinator and Kat Hill will be in the children's section and she'd interviewed Betty Waciserhaley who will be a lateral transfer and will be the Library Aide and can type and has computer experience. She noted that there's still a position for another Aide and Helen West does not want full time so she's hoping to split it into two part time positions. She added that May 16th is the projected date for them to begin. Mr. Wheeler then discussed the process for moving to the new building. Mrs. Harmon said they'll probably have the Library closed for about two weeks. Mr. Wheeler pointed out all the moving will be done by professionals and they're not counting on volun- teers or friends, etc. Mr. Wheeler said with automation they have a complete inventory and know their records are accurate and they're asking 1 million dollars from the County Council for automation and there will be a terminal in each branch. Mrs. Garthwaite asked about desks and chairs. that the staff desks and file cabinets are on because the County is moving 500 employees to center and they're getting new furniture. He handled by Purchasing. Mr. Wheeler advised hold until July the new administration pointed out it's Chairman Rice asked if the tables for the public will be there with suitable chairs and Mr. Wheeler replied yes. Mrs. Garthwaite asked if they'll only have one desk and one chair for a month. Mrs. Harmon explained the locations of the furniture in the Children's section and in the back room. Mr. Wheeler pointed out the furnish- ings and equipment were budgeted for three years. He added they went ahead with all the shelving, and he'll express the concerns they have for a new facility. PLANS FOR "OPEN HOUSE" FOR NEW LIBRARY Chairman Rice passed around a program that was used for a dedi- cation ceremony elsewhere. She suggested that Jean Haughwout be chairman of the committee for the open house due to her experience. She said they ordered and paid for 1,000 book packs. She showed a newsletter that was done by the Friends in another area, and a recognition reception brochure. She suggested the Boy Scouts be present since they had a rummage sale for the Library. Mrs. Bond- Nelson suggested an invocation would be appropriate. There was discussion about who would be invited as special guests. Chairman Rice requested a motion to appoint Jean Haughwout as the Chairman of the Open House Committee. Mrs. Shafer made the motion. Mrs. Bond-Nelson asked if she'd accept it and Mrs. Haughwout agreed she would do it if she had clerical help. Mrs. Garthwaite offered to help also. Mrs. Bond-Nelson seconded the motion. There were no objections to the motion. There was discussion about finances and it was agreed to solicit donations. There was then discussion about the date and it was agreed to plan June 26, 1988, 2 PM on a Sunday. There was a short recess while Mrs. Harmon telephoned the Chamber of Commerce to be sure there wasn't a conflicting local activity that date and time. Mrs. Harmon advised that date was clear. -2- Library Board Meeting Minutes April 21, 1988 '-"" ..., PLANS FOR "OPEN HOUSE" FOR NEW LIBRARY (Cont'd) There was discussion about refreshments to be served and it was agreed to have punch and cookies. Mrs. Harmon stated that Mr. Conti had volunteered music. Mrs. Haughwout suggested using the Boy Scouts to assist with parking. Mrs. Harmon agreed and suggested they could park in the shopping center. Mr. Wheeler stated that the Police might be needed for traffic. Mrs. Haughwout asked about tables and Mr. Wheeler replied they could loan the tables. Mr. Wheeler left the meeting at that time, 3:30 P.M. It was discussed that Reverend Harvey Hardin deliver the invocation. Mrs. Harmon suggested that names be jotted down of the people they want to invite. MISCELLANEOUS ANNOUNCEMENTS Chairman Rice announced she received an invitation from Broward County Library to a buffet and didn't think she would attend but perhaps others might want to go. Chairman Rice then spoke on membership to the American Library and noted that it costs $30. to join. There was discussion about the advantages of the membership. Mrs. Haughwout suggested they get one and circulate the information. Mrs. Harmon agreed it might be of interest and she doesn't receive it. There was disucssion about belonging to the Florida Trustees and the American Trustees. Chairman Rice pointed out she already belongs to the one. Mrs. Bond-Nelson moved they do nothing about it. Mrs. Haughwout seconded the motion. Chairman Rice spoke on the application for the White House Conference on Libraries Task Force, with a request for support by becoming a member as a group or individually. She noted that Mr. Wheeler suggested $10 for personal membership with one contact person and she feels that's a logical request. Mrs. Harmon agreed it would keep them abreast. Chairman Rice stated she'd send it under her name with a personal check. Mrs. Bond-Nelson said she'd be reimbursed. Mrs. Haughwout moved to take care of it. Mrs. Bond- Nelson seconded the motion. Mrs. Garthwaite thanked the Library Board for inviting her to the appreciation luncheon. Chairman Rice displayed her copies of the letters they wrote to the three Representatives, Senators, Librarian, and Secretary of State. Mrs. Harmon noted they delivered them in Tallahasseee. ADJOURN Mrs. Haughwout so moved to adjourn. Mrs. Bond-Nelson seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned at 3:55PM. Minutes submitted by: Lura Sue Koser Recording Secretary -3- Library Board Meeting Minutes April 21, 1988