FEBRUARY 1, 1989
Chairman Mary Rice called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m. in the
Edgewater Library.
Present were: Mary Rice, Jean Haughwout, Lauretta Shafer, and
Lilian Bond-Nelson. Jan Dudley was excused. Also present were:
Librarian Gayle Harmon, Jim Wheeler, Volusia County Library
Director, and Clem Malecki, Volusia County Library coordinator,
and Madalon Reichold.
Mrs. Rice asked for any corrections or additions to the minutes.
None were noted. She stated the minutes stand approved as sub-
Mrs. Harmon distributed copies of her monthly reports for the
months since the last meeting. She reviewed the figures for the
current month. She stated they're working on the sign problem.
She read the figures on the equipment uses. She noted they
collected $102.15 in overdue charges. She said they have the
second part time person aboard and can do follow ups and are
getting books back at a better rate, and collecting more in overdue
charges. She pointed out there were 159 new borrowers this month
and 1,937 new patrons have signed up since the opening of the new
Library. She said they received from the County two new type-
writers, four coffee tables; the lectern with stand; and the Merlin
telephone system.
Library Dav in Tallahassee Aoril 5, 1989
Mrs. Rice stated they requested $65 for registration and the hotel
and three meals with travel to be by car.
Mrs. Rice stated she received a letter that had been sent to
Shirley Garthwaite's address. She said she also received a copy
of a letter to a lady in Jacksonville which requested support to
our let the legislators know the need for local libraries. She
pointed out that Secretary of State Jim Smith has made libraries
his top priority and has requested $7,717,646 over the current $9
million dollars for State Aid to Libraries for a total of
$16,784,762 available for State Aid in Florida.
Mrs. Rice stated she received a copy of the technical bulletin. Mr.
Wheeler advised he'd take care of that. Mrs. Rice stated that
the Governor's wife was named to the White House Conference
Amended Bv Laws
Mrs. Bond-Nelson moved they be accepted as presented.
Haughwout seconded the motion. The By-Laws were approved.
Library Board Minutes
February 1, 1989 Meeting
Page two
Election of officers
Mrs. Rice stated that Jean Haughwout and Lilian Bond-Nelson have
been reappointed for three year terms. She asked for suggestions
for officers. Mrs. Haughwout nominated Mary Rice for Chairman.
Mrs. Bond-Nelson seconded. Mrs. Bond-Nelson nominated Jean
Haughwout as Vice Chairman. Mrs. Haughwout nominated Lilian Bond-
Nelson as Secretary. There were no other nominations. Mrs. Bond-
Nelson moved the nominations be accepted as given. Mrs. Haughwout
seconded the motion.
Volunteer aooreciation recoanition
Mrs. Rice stated that in the past they've had a luncheon for every-
one and she didn't know if they could have one for 30 people. Mr.
Wheeler stated that next year there will be an appropriation of $3
per volunteer for appreciation. Mrs. Haughwout asked if there
would be any help this year and Mr. Wheeler replied no. Mrs. Bond-
Nelson stated that Friends would contribute to pay for some of the
costs. There was discussion about the amount of work involved and
the larger numbers. Mr. Wheeler stated that Brannon had a
Christmas party and the Mayor handed out certificates. Mrs. Harmon
pointed out they enjoyed the luncheon but it's a lot to ask to
prepare and serve food on that scale. She said Marilou is the
Volunteer Coordinator and they can decide if they want a tea or
entertainment to have nice event for the people. Mrs. Rice noted
that if there's entertainment, you don't have a chance to talk with
the people. There was discussion about available dates and it was
agreed on April 12th with a possibility that Mrs. Harmon may not
be there and that it be at 12:30 for the luncheon.
Budqet reauest for Board for next year
Mrs. Rice stated she gave a list to Mrs. Harmon. Mrs. Harmon read
from the list: Florida Library Association membership; White House
Conference; Library Day attendance; contribution for lunch for
legislators and staff; expenses for Volunteer luncheon; necessary
Library meetings and seminars. Mrs. Haughwout suggested they ask
for all the items on the proposed budget. Mrs. Harmon agreed.
Mr. Malecki stated the County Board is proposing recognition of
Board presidents, past and present, and they'd like to erect a
plaque in each library with board presidents on it with enough room
for 20 to 25 to be kept inside the libraries.
Mr. Malecki stated he's worked on the Coty reclassification study
and they recommended upward reclassification for all the aids and
the support volunteer coordinators.
Mr. Malecki stated they're working on automation planning and
almost everything is in place. Mr. Malecki said he has a 10-minute
video he'd like to show at the next meeting. It was suggested that
perhaps that could be shown at the volunteer appreciation program.
It was agreed that Mrs. Harmon would handle the invitations for the
Mrs. Rice suggested they adjourn.
Bond-Nelson seconded the motion.
Mrs. Haughwout so moved. Mrs.
Meeting was adjourned at 2:20
Minutes submitted by Lura Sue Koser, Recording Secretary