Chairman Mary Rice called the meeting to order at 1: 33 p.m. in the
Edgewater Library.
Present were: Mary Rice, Jean Haughwout, Lilian Bond-Nelson, and Jan
Dudley. Lauretta Shafer was excused. Also present were Gayle Harmon,
Librarian, and Pat Young, Regional Librarian.
Introduction of Pat Youna. Reaional Librarian
Mrs. Rice introduced Mrs. Young and reviewed her educational background
and prior Library experience. Mrs. Young briefly reviewed her prior
working relationship with Mrs. Harmon. She distributed book markers and
brochures regarding the vote for the new regional library. There was
brief discussion regarding the site for the new library. Mrs. Young
compared usage of public libraries compared to college libraries and
physical layouts.
Mrs. Harmon stated they have reports for December and January but she
hasn't completed February. She noted they went on line December 10th
are still learning the new automated system. She stated they're
collecting more money for overdue charges and they've registered more
people than shown because it didn't include people already in the data
base. She briefly reviewed the report. There was discussion regarding
the $30 annual fee for non-residents compared to other locations.
January 2. 1991
Mrs. Rice asked for any corrections or additions or corrections to the
minutes. Mrs. Bond-Nelson moved they be accepted as written. Mrs.
Haughwout seconded the motion.
Reoort on olan for increased Library oarkina soaces
Mrs. Rice stated they have a memo from the City Manager and they'd
discussed the parking difficulties at the last meeting and Mrs.
Haughwout and Mrs. Harmon talked with the City fathers. Mrs. Haughwout
stated she met with Mr. Gates Castle, City Engineer, at the Library and
they discussed it and looked around outside. She said she recommended
to the side but they didn't agree with all the ideas because of
retention. She said they can get 14 spaces which isn't a lot but is
something. Mrs. Bond-Nelson asked if it would be using the retention.
Mrs. Harmon explained it will have to be reworked. Mrs. Haughwout noted
Mr. Castle felt at the other end would be too far away for the parking
and she suggested impervious concrete as it seems like such a waste of
land. Mrs. Harmon said she's happy with it because it isn't getting
into the expansion area.
Mrs. Young asked if it's 9,000 feet for expansion. Mrs. Harmon replied
she doesn't think it was that much and it's in the future. Mrs. Young
stated they should allow 5 parking places for every 1,000 square feet
of building so they should provide 50 parking spaces for the building
they're in and this would bring it to 41. She noted on some days 50 is
not enough. Mrs. Dudley pointed out night meetings are bad. Mrs.
Harmon said it's adequate for Library traffic but not for programs and
meetings. There was discussion regarding the location and the need for
on site retention. Mrs. Young stated they could provide a letter of
justification requesting the full 5,000 per square foot be provided with
the additional 9 to be in shell overflow. She suggested they provide
documents for 9 extra spaces and project it would meet the needs until
there's an addition on the building when the whole thing would have to
be reworked. Mrs. Bond-Nelson noted $19,000 is a cost estimate.
Report on olan for increased Library oarkina soaces (Continued)
Mrs. Young asked if the foundation was done for a second story. Mrs.
Harmon replied the architect was very much against it and said it was
too disruptive and the idea was to square it off and then have a
mezzanine overlooking the main floor. Mrs. Young briefly referred to
Library standards being met and said if they're looking at 9 for
overflow, documentation can be provided to show the need for going with
a full 50 spaces. Mrs. Haughwout said she told him they need as many
as they can get and she doesn't know if they can get more. There was
discussion about the 14 spaces being worthwhile. Mrs. Haughwout
suggested they could say they're happy with 14 and would like to see
more. Mrs. Young said she'll prepare it and submit it to the Board or
go with them to a meeting. Mrs. Haughwout said they need to send it to
the City Manager.
Mrs. Haughwout moved they ask the City to consider more parking. Mrs.
Rice asked Mrs. Haughwout to continue with Mr. Castle. Mrs. Haughwout
noted everyone is very cooperative. Mrs. Dudley seconded the motion.
Mrs. Young stated she'll send the letter to the Board President with
copies to the City Manager and then the Board could discuss it and
possible it would be better coming from them.
Finalizina olans for Volunteer Appreciation luncheon to be held Aoril
10. 1991. at 12:30 p.m. - Mrs. Harmon noted there are 30-35 active
volunteers. There was discussion about how the number of volunteers has
grown over the years. There was a review of what food and paper items
would be provided by the Board members and Mrs. Harmon. Mrs. Rice
reviewed the names of those to be invited.
Election of officers - Mrs. Dudley moved they renominate the present
officers. Mrs. Bond-Nelson seconded the motion.
Library Dav in Tallahassee Karch 20. 1991. and suggestions for reminders
to be aiven to Leaislators - Mrs. Rice stated there was a request for
reminders to be given to the Legislators and she asked if the children's
section could put something together. Mrs. Harmon agreed to see what
they could put together. Mrs. Young suggested a banner from the Friends
and Library about helping the children with hand prints from story
times. Mrs. Rice noted they'll write letters also. Mrs. Young stated
some people use posters, cups, T-shirts, or pencils. There was
discussion about prior reminders taken. Mrs. Young pointed out the
Governor has not made a stand on libraries and they don't know how
strong the support will be in the future but they still have Jim Smith
as Secretary of State and T. K. Wetherell will help.
List of contributions and qifts to be submitted to County Council
Mrs. Rice stated the Library Boards and Friends have been asked to
provide a background of what has been done in the last 10 years.
There was discussion regarding the endowment and other accomplishments.
Mrs. Harmon suggested they combine the list and Board members agreed.
Mrs. Rice stated she'll meet with Mrs. Harmon and the Friends and
requested any ideas be submitted to her.
Mrs. Rice stated everyone is concerned about traffic with the widening
of 442. She stated they have a letter to the City Manager from D.D.T.
regarding this and it's important to write a letter to present at the
meeting being held tonight. Mrs. Harmon stated they need to address the
amount of vehicular, bike, and foot traffic. Mrs. Young asked if they
should request a light for the intersection. There was discussion about
a turning lane and having traffic into the shopping center only from
U.S. 1. Mrs. Rice reviewed the letter sent from the City in 1987, the
reply from D.D.T., and a letter to Chief Schumaker. Mrs. Haughwout
suggested it be written again. Mrs. Young suggested they request a
traffic count and set a date and time. Mrs. Harmon suggested it would
be 7-8:30 a.m. and 4-5 p.m. Mrs. Rice requested authorization to write
the letter and present it to Mr. Birney (D. D. T.) tonight. Mrs.
Haughwout stated she favors a turning lane and a traffic light.
2 Library Board Minutes
March 6, 1991
Mrs. Young suggested they leave it as a suggestion so it can be the
first thing they'll rule out. Mrs. Rice stated they could send them
statistics but that doesn't tell them everything as many people look at
the newspaper and read and are non-residents that come for a short
period of time in the Winter and they don't have the $30 to pay for a
membership card. She added these people are not counted in the total
number of people who use the Library. She added there are bikers and
walkers and joggers and people who like to come in and sit down and
read. Mrs. Harmon noted the bikers and walkers need to be safe.
Mrs. Haughwout moved that Mary Rice take care of writing the letter to
present tonight to D.O.T. for the turn lane to the Library. Mrs. Bond-
Nelson seconded the motion.
Mrs. Rice said she has received information from various sources, such
as A.L.A. and Library boards. She read an excerpt from the Washington
News Letter.
Mrs. Harmon stated they'd like approval to go ahead and leave the other
room of the Library permanently set up as a children's area and not open
the doors for the occasional special meetings. She said some meetings
are weekly and they want both sides and they have to open and close up
the doors and setup and take down tables and put the children's things
away and most weeks they have 6 programs a week for children. There was
discussion regarding the moving of tables and whose responsibility that
should be. Mrs. Young stated it's important for the Board to make a
motion to support the Librarian's recommendation that half the meeting
room be retained for children's services and half for community programs
so it's on record. Mrs. Haughwout so moved. Mrs. Bond-Nelson seconded
the motion.
There was discussion regarding the lack of meeting places in the
community and the number held in the Library.
Mrs. Bond-Nelson moved to adjourn.
Meeting was adjourned at 2:52 p.m.
Mrs. Dudley seconded the motion.
Minutes submitted by:
Lura Sue Koser
Recording Secretary
Library Board Minutes
March 6, 1991