JANUARY 6, 1993
Chairman Mary Rice called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m. at the Edgewater
Public Library.
Members present were: Mary Rice, Jean Haughwout, Jan Dudley, and Lilian Bond-
Ne 1 son. Lauretta Shafer was absent. A 1 so present were: Gayl e Harmon,
Librarian; James Wheeler, County Library Services Director; Alice Haldeman,
Southeast Regional Librarian; and Jack Hayman, Edgewater Mayor.
December 11, 1992 - Mrs. Bond-Nelson moved they be accepted as circulated. Mrs.
Haughwout seconded the motion.
Mrs. Rice stated she received the Florida Library Association publication and
they are very anxious that everyone become a member of the Association. She
noted she's been a member for some time.
Librarian Gayle Harmon distributed a copy of the statistics and briefly reviewed
the various activities. There was brief discussion about the County monthly
circulation statistics and the format used. Mrs. Harmon reminded the members
the internal calculations are on a quarterly basis. She pointed out they collect
a lot more money on overdue charges now that they are automated.
Mayor Hayman asked if the literacy program is part of this report and Mrs. Harmon
explained these numbers are only programs we put on. There was discussion about
the literacy program.
Report on County Council actions at meetina re: Reaional Library
Mrs. Rice stated she attended the meeting and everyone wants to know where the
money is going and wants to get their fair share of it. She said the County
Council decided to go ahead with the 25,000 square feet Deltona Library. Mrs.
Haldeman pointed out it will have potential expandability to 50,000 in the
future. Mrs. Rice explained an architect will be hired to make prototype designs
for the smaller libraries with future capabilities to expand. Mrs. Haldeman
stated the prototype is for 25,000 square feet and they want to adopt that for
the Southeast Volusia and Port Orange library buildings using the same interior
style so that people will feel comfortable if they go to a different library.
She pointed out the local communities would work on the exteriors of the
buildings to fit in with local standards. She noted that some of the sites
people want will not accommodate this type building. Mrs. Rice pointed out the
savings for architectural fees by using the same prototype.
Report on Count v Council actions at meetina re: Reaional Librarv (Continued)
Mayor Hayman asked what process is involved in the decision making as to where
the regional library will be located and asked if it's time for the political
process to be involved with representatives from the southeastern region to do
negotiations. He noted that our Council looks at the OBCC Edgewater campus as
the best area and it could fit into a master educational plan perhaps. He
explained how the road networks would be suited for this including for the use
by Bethune Beach residents.
Mayor Hayman stated Council asked him to speak to the Board on these issues and
he asked if it's time for Council to become more proactive instead of reactive.
Mrs. Bond-Nelson asked if the regional library would preclude the New Smyrna
Beach Library. Mrs. Haldeman replied County staffing is at a critical point
and they've had a hiring freeze so until they can hire positions to staff a
building, they cannot operate more than the two buildings in the region. Mrs.
Haughwout and Mrs. Bond-Nelson commented on the desirability of keeping the New
Smyrna Beach Library for the New Smyrna Beach downtown area and keeping our
Edgewater branch and putting the regional on 10th Street. Mrs. Harmon suggested
they could use the New Smyrna Beach building for classes and other activities.
Mayor Hayman pointed out if the regional library were located on 10th Street next
to OBCC, there may be an adverse effect on the present library in New Smyrna
Beach to the point they may reduce the current level of services. There was
discussion about the efforts to reduce duplication of reference materials and
the need to recognize the need for staffing as well as the need for buildings.
Mrs. Haldeman explained there are 6 regional librarians and a library operations
manager and they've informed up to the Assistant County Manager level that the
minimum staffing level should be 18 for operating a 25,000 square foot building
and they're down to 11 at New Smyrna Beach, going on 10. She pointed out a lot
of this planning was based on a study done in 1987 by a library consulting
company and there have been a lot of changes since then.
Mayor Hayman asked if other locations were considered. Mrs. Haldeman replied
in Edgewater they considered this library and OBCC and for New Smyrna Beach it
was along Highway 44 near Jungle Road and by the Interstate. She explained they
measured the distance from the South Beach to the present New Smyrna Beach site
and to the OBCC site and driving time was within minutes. She noted the Friends
of the Library in New Smyrna Beach have stated they'd rather stay where they are
with the same library and forget a regional library if they cannot have both.
Mayor Hayman stated that plan is unacceptable to those outside New Smyrna Beach
and they'd be denying a regional library to the others.
Mrs. Harmon commented on the benefits of the Edgewater site, noting there's about
5-1/2 acres between the library and Burger King but there's a drainage ditch
coming through it and it would be an expensive piece of property to acquire.
Mrs. Haldeman noted the need for adequate parking for any site that's selected.
Library Board Minutes
January 6, 1993
Report on County Council actions at meetinq re: Reqional Library (Continued)
Mayor Hayman asked what the trade off would be if they were to lobby for DBCC.
Mrs. Haldeman said she doesn't know if they can keep 3 libraries, not counting
Oak Hill, because of staffing. There was discussion about possible grant
stipulations to keep the present library as a public library for a certain number
of years. Mrs. Harmon explained Edgewater is considered a full service library
but does not get reference tools and will not expand the staffing because welre
more of a neighborhood type facility for light reference.
Mayor Hayman asked if theylve talked to Dr. Day to see if DBCC would help to
develop the research center facilities. Mrs. Haldeman replied the library
director from DBCC has mixed feelings about how that would work and at one time
a consultant recommended the West side of the County have a research branch on
the West campus of DBCC and she doesn't know why it didn't happen. Mayor Hayman
said the building could be a joint venture with the college to share costs. Mrs.
Haldeman stated she feels it could be worked out but some librarians will object.
Mayor Hayman asked if the Board wants to take what was discussed and include it
with the Council effort to try to work out some type of solution. Mrs. Bond-
Nelson said if Edgewater cannot be made into a regional library, the next best
thing would be a research center. Mrs. Harmon stressed that flexibility is
necessary. Mrs. Haldeman suggested a letter to Jim Wheeler outlining the
possibility that Edgewater is willing. Mayor Hayman stated George Musson should
be involved. He said he has to report back to Council and after that a plan
would be in order and helll informally meet with George Musson and Dr. Day and
Jim Wheeler and will get Dr. Day's input on the research center and weigh it
and go to New Smyrna Beach and talk with George Musson. He said they'll follow
protocol and let them know our interest and ideas and then will write letters
and get on the County Council agenda with anyone else involved there.
Mrs. Harmon asked the time frame and Mrs. Haldeman replied therels a deadline
for grant applications of May 1 and they'd need everything in the package. She
noted there could be a delay because of concerns that decisions are being based
on 1987 figures and populations have shifted. Mrs. Rice pointed out that a
beautiful new building is not needed if there is no staffing for it.
Mayor Hayman stated helll do these things and will report to Council that the
Board agrees to work with the Council on this issue.
Ms. Haldeman said she heard someone say they're satisfied with the library now
but the County buys the books and pays the staff and the City does the building.
Mayor Hayman said he'll include an explanation of the arrangement with his
Mrs. Rice stated State grants are very critical for libraries. It was noted that
there's a strong sense of ownership of people in the community but they realize
books are purchased by the State and County and grants. Mayor Hayman left the
meeting at this time.
Library Board Minutes
January 6, 1993
Appointment to library Board due to expiration of term of Mary Rice
It was noted that Mary Rice was reappointed to the Board for another three-year
term to end January 4, 1996.
AmendinQ library Board By-laws to conform to recently adopted resolution on
meetinQ attendance requirements - Mrs. Dudley moved to amend the By-Laws to
conform to the recently adopted City Council resolution 93-R-02. Mrs. Haughwout
seconded the motion.
Report of ReQional librarian
Mrs. Haldeman had spoken earlier in the meeting.
Mrs. Harmon stated Library Day is in February this year. It was agreed that
someone from the Library Board wou 1 d go to Ta 11 ahassee wi th Mrs. Harmon to
represent the Board. Mrs. Rice stated election of officers is on the agenda for
the next meeting and she would like to pass the chairmanship to the Vice-Chairman
and she will be the Vice if that1s what the Board members want.
Mrs. Rice announced the next meeting will be on February 3rd, the first Wednesday
of the month, at 1:30 p.m.
Mrs. Bond-Nelson moved to adjourn. Mrs. Dudley seconded the motion. Meeting
was adjourned at 2:38 p.m.
Minutes submitted by:
Lura Sue Koser
Recording Secretary
Library Board Minutes
January 6, 1993