02-03-1993 .. 'w' 'Wi CITY OF EDGEWATER LIBRARY BOARD FEBRUARY 3, 1993 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Chairman Mary Rice called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m. at the Edgewater Public Library. ROLL CAL.L Members present were: Mary Rice, Jean Haughwout and Lilian Bond-Nelson. Jan Dudley and Lauretta Shafer were absent. Also present were: Gayle Harmon, Librarian: James Wheeler, County Library Services Director; and Alice Haldeman, Southeast Regional Librarian. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Januarv 6, 1993 - Mrs. Bond-Nelson moved they be accepted as written. Mrs. Haughwout seconded the motion. Mr. James Wheeler, County Library Director, reported on the meeting held with City Manager George McMahon and Mayor Jack Hayman aM a 1 so Mayor Musson IS appearance at the City Council meeting. He stated all three cities involved have agreed to wait three years with Deltona being done first and then Port Orange second, because sites have been picked, and Southeast Volusia would be next. He said he also met with City Manager Frank Roberts and Mayor Musson of New Smyrna Beach and they've agreed waiting would be best so that a site could be selected. He noted they had planned to apply for all three grants by May 1st but now they wonlt. He pointed out they need to apply for a grant a year before the time so a decision should be made by the Spring of 1995 so they can make application. He said the County had suggested the downtown New Smyrna Beach library could still be maintained with limited staffing. He added that New Smyrna Beach wants the County to build on the old Winn-Dixie site. Mr. Wheeler briefly reviewed the use of certificates of participation for funding other libraries. Mrs. Harmon asked who will actually make the decision on the 'site. Mr. Wheeler replied the cities will decide and will go back to the County Council in two or three years. There was discussion regarding the advantages of the 10th Street location in conjunction with the Community College and Joe Martinis proposal regarding an industrial site which hasn't been negotiated yet with the railroad. Mrs. Haughwout asked if this can be done with Edgewater and New Smyrna Beach staying the way they are. Mr. Wheeler replied no, because of staffing, and the County's already cut 10% of their payroll and sees further cuts in the next 5 years. He pointed out the State money that Edgewater received will help keep this library at the present location and they have never talked about cutting Edgewater back. Concern was expressed that if the regional library is put on 10th Street, the current New Smyrna Beach library would be gone. Mr. Wheeler pointed out New Smyrna Beach wants part of their present building for cultural activities but staff and reference resources and 80,000 books would be needed for the regional. He noted sharing with the College would give wonderful resources that couldn1t be afforded otherwise. ; .. ~ There was brief discussion regarding the need and planning for regional libraries. It was again pointed out the need for more parking at our Edgewater library. Ms. Alice Haldeman, Southeast Regional Librarian, noted the usual plan is to double a library within 5 years. She added that population growth is hard to predict and holding off may be a benefit. She reviewed the population figures with projections until the year 2010 for New Smyrna Beach and Edgewater. It was noted that unincorporated areas need to be considered. The need for more parking in Edgewater was discussed further with the possibility that the County would expand parking since the regional building is delayed. REPORT OF THE LIBRARIAN Mrs. Harmon distributed copies of her report and reviewed statistics. She noted they have circulated fewer adult fiction books this year, partly due to not having a lot of new ones lately and some problems with checking out paperbacks that are not bar coded. She noted there were 39 meetings other than library programs in the meeting rooms. She presented copies of a systemwide circulation listing. Mrs. Harmon read a report by Mr. Wheeler regarding the request that New Smyrna Beach respond by March 1st with an offer of what site they would provide. His report suggested the Board could consider supporting the City with a resolution advocating the location at OBCC even if meant also having a smaller downtown branch in New Smyrna Beach. It was noted there would be a meeting tomorrow to discuss this. The fact that more than one library in the same county would be applying for grants in the same time span was discussed. COMMUNICATIONS There were no communications brought up at this time. UNFINISHED BUSINESS There was no unfinished business brought up at this time. NEW BUSINESS Library Day in Tallahassee February 24, 1993 There was discussion about who would attend the Library Day and it was agreed to ask the City to fund one member. Mrs. Harmon noted there wou 1 d be three going from the Friends, plus she would go, and one member of the Board. Mrs. Rice pointed out there's no luncheon in Tallahassee as they've had in the past. There was discussion regarding the names of the current legislators with the new districts. The time element for the trip was reviewed. Plans for Volunteer Appreciation luncheon - date, menu, etc. A date for the luncheon was discussed and it was agreed to hold it Friday, April 30th, at 12 noon in the Library. Menu for the luncheon was discussed, including putting individual salads at each place or placing bowls of left over food on each table. Mrs. Rice noted Mrs. Shafer made the potato salad; Mrs. Haughwout 2 Library Board Minutes February 3, 1993 ....,. ....., Plans for Volunteer Appreciation luncheon - date, menu, etc. (Continued) said she'd supplied dessert and tea; Mrs. Harmon said she furnished baked beans and coffee, cups, and invitations; and Mrs. Rice said she and Ms. Bond-Nelson did the rolls, plates, butter, and salad, and got the meat platters. Mrs. Harmon noted she received the County check today for $93.00 for this. Mrs. Rice noted Mrs. Dudley provides a check. Mrs. Harmon said there were 31 volunteers and then there will be guests and Board members. A list of the names of those invited last year was read. Mrs. Rice suggested they invite Gene Allison this year since he is retiring and has done so much for Edgewater and this was agreed to. Mrs. Harmon stated the two girls in children1s services have offered to present a puppet show. Mrs. Rice felt that would be great. There was discussion regarding the staff that would be off on a Friday and it was decided to change the luncheon to Tuesday, April 27th. Election of Officers Mrs. Rice nominated Jean Haughwout as Chairman. Ms. Bond-Nelson proposed Jean as Chairman and Mary Rice as Vice-Chairman. Mrs. Rice suggested Ms. Bond-Nelson as secretary. Mrs. Haughwout expressed concern with amp 1 e time to go to activities away from the area because of her business constraints. She noted that Mary Rice has been Chairman since 1979 which was when she came on the Board. Miscellaneous Report of Reqional Librarian Ms. Haldeman stated she and Gayle attended an interesting meeting on how to handle difficult people. The latch key program was discussed. It was noted this is now being funded by the County and there are 22 in the current program. Ms. Haldeman noted the New Smyrna Beach Library Board meets on a Friday in case anyone wants to attend. Mrs. Haughwout encouraged attendance at the meet i ng on Thursday regard ing library plans. Mrs. Rice reported on March regional workshops and distributed information. Mrs. Rice announced the next meeting will be April 27th and it will be the luncheon. ADJOURNMENT Ms. Bond-Nelson moved to adjourn. Mrs. Haughwout seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned at 3:05 p.m. Minutes submitted by: Lura Sue Koser Recording Secretary 3 Library Board Minutes February 3, 1993