JANUARY 5, 1994
Chairman Jean Haughwout called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m. at the Edgewater
Public Library.
Members present were: Mary Rice, Lilian Bond-Nelson, and Jean Haughwout. Jan
Dudley and Lauretta Shafer were absent. Also present were: Gayle Harmon,
Librarian; Alice Haldeman, Southeast Regional Librarian; Charlene Weaver,
Assistant County Attorney; and Sue Habel, Manager of Volusia County Library
February 3. 1993 - Ms. Bond-Nelson moved for approval. Mrs. Rice seconded the
motion. Minutes were approved as written.
April 27. 1993 - Ms. Bond-Nelson moved for approval. Mrs. Rice seconded the
motion. Minutes were approved as written.
Mrs. Harmon distributed copies of her reports and called attention to the annual
report for their review.
Mrs. Harmon said they've received new reference shelving provided by the Friends
and have done some rearranging.
Mrs. Harmon stated Tobey Berg left to be a full time mother and Ruthie McCormick
will be coming in February as a replacement.
Mrs. Harmon stated Ollie Wright completed 5 years and had her 70th birthday and
has left and they'll replace that position soon.
Mrs. Haughwout stated she received a communication regarding Library Day March
1st and 2nd in Tallahassee and they need to keep those dates in mind.
Mrs. Haughwout stated she got a letter from the New Smyrna Beach Library Advisory
Board regarding a workshop January 24th at 8:00 a.m. at the New Smyrna Beach
Mrs. Haldeman commented on the Annual Workshop that the State Library sponsors.
Mrs. Harmon suggested they check to see which would be the nearest location and
she offered to provide transportation, if interested.
There was no unfinished business brought up at this time.
Discussion re: Reqional Library and Status of Edqewater Library
Mrs. Haughwout briefly reviewed the background of the Regional Library possibly
being located at OBCC. She noted that OBCC was in the County, and not in
Edgewater until it was annexed and utilities were supplied. She said it seems
to be a foregone conclusion that whatever town has the regional 1 ibrary, the
existing library will be closed. She stated if that is true, this Board cannot
support the OBCC site. She noted the 1-95 site is available in the County. She
suggested they might want to request the County put the site selection on hold
until we can come up with recommendations.
Mrs. Haughwout stated we could expand our current library and perhaps there are
some benefactors or the publ ic could come up with ideas or donations. She
clarified these are not her recommendations.
Mrs. Haughwout pointed out the current location is the most feasible and
accessible and doing something here might be the best solution. She read an
article regarding selecting sites for public libraries and stated they need to
look at future expansion of the library.
Mrs. Rice asked how they'd get the adjacent land if they were to expand the
regional library here. Ms. Bond-Nelson asked the price for the adjacent
property. Mrs. Haughwout replied the asking price is $900,000.
Mrs. Rice stated New Smyrna Beach was promised the regional library and asked
how New Smyrna Beach would fare if it were located here. Mrs. Haldeman said
her understanding was it was promised there and they'd already started calling
it the New Smyrna Beach Regional Library years ago. Mrs. Harmon agreed it was
a foregone conclusion and was assumed it would be in New Smyrna Beach.
Charlene Weaver, Assistant County Manager, explained the idea of regional
libraries and discussion of locations occurred in 1987 when a consultant did a
study on the entire library system. She noted at that time most of the library
buildings were owned by cities or library associations versus the County and
many decisions regarding the buildings' appearance and locations were made by
the cities or associations. She said two years ago after three referendums to
build or expand libraries failed, the County Council decided to levy a County-
wide construction tax to allow expansion of the library system to continue.
Ms. Weaver stated that from a County-wide perspective to provide quality service
throughout the County, they looked at demographics for 1987 and what is
projected to happen until 2010. She noted in Southeast Volusia County,
Edgewater projects a stronger growth pattern than New Smyrna Beach, and that
trend was shown in the 1 ate 80 I S and the 1990 census and by Un i vers ity of
Florida and other experts' figures.
Library Board Minutes
January 5, 1994
NEW BUSINESS (Continued)
Discussion re: Reaional Library and Status of Edaewater Library (Continued)
Ms. Weaver stated they looked at the best site to service the entire Southeast
region for Edgewater, New Smyrna Beach, and Oak Hill, and some sites are free
and some would require purchase. She said they considered 12 or 13 sites and
staff evaluated the sites based on established criteria. She added that money
is always an issue.
Mrs. Weaver stated there was a meeting with the New Smyrna Beach and Edgewater
Mayors, but Oak Hill's Mayor wasn't involved in the initial meetings, and
they're trying to reach consensus about where to locate a new building and what
to do with the current facility to best serve citizens in Southeast Volusia.
Mrs. Haughwout asked what the situation with New Smyrna Beach would be if we
could get some money or could work it out to have the regional library at our
site. Mrs. Weaver replied New Smyrna Beach would stay open but the types of
reference material that would be available there would not be as substantial as
that available in the regional library and the amount of staff would be less
than at the regional library. She noted the regional library services are
different with the higher references, computers and technology there.
Mrs. Rice asked if childrens programs that now exist would be kept the way they
are at the two libraries if the new building only had reference materials. Mrs.
Weaver replied the childrens programs would continue at both sites and they have
them at all branch sites, regardless of location. Mrs. Rice asked if there
could be a reference library only. Mrs. Weaver explained she didn't know if
that would be the most efficient way because for reference and family materials
they'd have to go to different libraries, plus from a staffing standpoint.
Mrs. Weaver said the State-mandated Comprehensive Plan for all cities had
County-added non-mandated components for cu ltura 1 arts and 1 i braries. She
explained the square footage level of service and noted with Brannon, Oak Hill,
and Edgewater, plus a regional, it would be above the level of service for all
the rest of the County.
Ms. Habel asked if childrens services are important and they don't want them
diminished. Mrs. Rice agreed that's correct. Ms. Habel stated the library is
very committed to childrens services and the plan they've been working with
would have a separate room for childrens services which would be adjacent to
meet i ng rooms for crafts and programs. She sa i d the reg i ona 1 f ac i 1 ity wi 11
provide more childrens services than now but the community branch would not stop
providing those programs. Mrs. Rice pointed out accessibility to the library
is needed for young mothers with small children and for family areas and she
thinks it would be a mistake to build a library far away from many homes.
Mrs. Haughwout suggested the site should be where the largest percentage could
have access to the facility and location is of prime importance. Mrs. Haldeman
pointed out in favor of the DBCC location its proximity to the Middle School as
neither library is accessible now.
Library Board Minutes
January 5, 1994
NEW BUSINESS (Continued)
Discussion re: ReQional Library and Status of EdQewater Library (Continued)
Ms. Bond-Nelson stated the college is off the beaten path and is not convenient
for the average person because people want to go shopping and they don't want
to take their children that far from the school. Mrs. Rice agreed.
Mrs. Haughwout stated the consensus is that we do not want to lose the Edgewater
Library and the recommendation would be to ask the County to take a step back
and give everyone a chance to search and come to a better solution. She said
she has done a lot of research and doesn1t have a site to recommend at this
point. She suggested they could publicize it to come up with ideas.
Mrs. Weaver stated that at the last meeting with the County Manager and two
Mayors they agreed as a group to support the DBCC site, leaving Brannon open and
relocating Edgewater from this location to DBCC. She added that Mayor Hayman
had expressed concern that he needed to meet with this Board and the Friends to
discuss it and he is very supportive of the library. She noted that Mayor
Hayman understands the importance of connecting economic development with
education, and libraries are a part of that, and DBCC and the industrial complex
and all connecting for economic development that helps the community as a whole.
She said DBCC is not a perfect site but she doesn't know if they'll find one.
She stated staff will suggest to the Council to continue delaying this decision
and continue with discussions to try to reach an agreement between the three
cities and County on the best location. She pointed out it will take more time
but they have lots of time and there1s no urgency about making this decision
immediately. She added if they have to forego asking for the grant, they can
wait another 12 months, and they'll have the opportunity to see the prototype
and talk with the architect. She said the architect is working on it now, and
it will probably be constructed and completed in late 1995. She assured the
Board no decision has been made.
Mrs. Haughwout asked to be included to receive information so she doesn't have
to read about it in the newspapers. Mrs. Weaver stated the new Library Director
will be here Thursday and she'll meet with him and will propose they bring Board
Chairs together with Mayors and County staff and see what they can do. Mrs.
Haldeman said they hope toaccomp 1 ish that at the New Smyrna Beach Board
meeting the 24th. Mrs. Weaver pointed out the new Director needs time to eval-
uate everything and formulate what would be technically helpful.
Mrs. Haughwout asked if the County Council would make a decision without our
knowledge. Mrs. Weaver replied they would not do that and for any discussion
with the County Council, this Board and the cities will be notified, and there
will be plenty of opportunities.
Ms. Bond-Nelson asked if Edgewater has to close if DBCC is selected. Mrs.Weaver
replied the County has set a County-wide service level and to keep New Smyrna
Beach and Edgewater and build a regional library would put it at a higher level
than the rest of the County. She said Council could decide it1s going to raise
the level for all the County, but that will mean more staff and she doesn't see
the Council supporting that from a financial standpoint with ongoing operating
and maintenance expenses.
Mrs. Haughwout stated we will wait. Mrs. Rice and Ms. Bond-Nelson agreed.
Library Board Minutes
January 5, 1994
NEW BUSINESS (Continued)
Expiration of Terms of Jeanette Dudley and Lauretta Shafer on 2/4/94
It was noted that both ladies have requested reappointment. The Board members
concurred to request reappointment by the City Council.
Mrs. Haughwout asked if the new Director could meet with them as a Board on the
25th if the meeting on the 24th is cancelled. Mrs. Haldeman explained others
have called because of conflicting schedules. Mrs. Haughwout asked if they can
get information on the 24th. Mrs. Haldeman explained the meeting on the 24th
is for the region, not the city. Mrs. Habel clarified it1s a joint meeting on
the 24th at 8 a.m. to meet the Director. Mrs. Haldeman explained it will be
information gathering with no decisions and theylll call those that have not
responded to urge the importance of meeting to express thoughts and opinions.
Mrs. Habel stated theylll be receiving invitations for a January 28th reception
for the new Director from 6 to 8 p.m. at the City Island Library.
Mrs. Haldeman stated circulation is slowly increasing when you compare monthly
reports over the last 3 to 4 months. She noted that within the next 15 years
they will be underbuilt. She briefly reviewed the annual compilation.
Mrs. Haldeman stated the News Journal is planning to bring terminals later this
year that will be hooked up to network information in each library and Edgewater
will receive one. She said shelll provide information about the library and
there will be other input and people can find out about information networks.
Mrs. Haldeman stated Sue Habel and she and others have been part of a State
Library sponsored workshop regarding standards and library offerings. She said
they plan to study the entire system and when the Assistant Regional Librarian
arrives in a couple of months, it may be done more informally in this region.
Mrs. Haldeman stated she is sponsoring a book discussion group and hopes to get
participants. She said it's sponsored by the State Library and they loan books
out and then get together for discussion.
Mrs. Haldeman stated New Smyrna Beach sponsors the Black Heritage Festival and
a professor from A & M wi 11 be at a meeting February 23rd at 2 p.m. at the
Library re: Toni Morrison.
Mrs. Haldeman stated the position of Assistant Regional Librarian has been
offered to a gentleman who's been Director of the Florida Institute of
Technology Library for 20 years and wants public library experience. She added
he has a Doctorate in Library Science.
Renewal of Florida Library Association and White House Conference
memberships - Mrs. Haughwout stated these membersh ips have been renewed and
she's been reimbursed by the City for both.
Mrs. Rice so moved. Ms. Bond~Nelson seconded.
Meeting adjourned at 1:58 p.m.
Minutes submitted by:
Lura Sue Koser,
Recording Secretary 5
Library Board Minutes
January 5, 1994