02-02-1994 ~ ..." CITY OF EDGEWATER LIBRARY BOARD FEBRUARY 2, 1994 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Chairman Jean Haughwout called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. at the Edgewater Public Library. ROLL CALL Members present were: Mary Rice, Lilian Bond-Nelson, Jean Haughwout, Jan Dudley and Lauretta Shafer. Also present were: Gayle Harmon, Librarian; Michael Knievel, County Library Director; and Alice Haldeman, Southeast Regional Librarian. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES January 5. 1994 - Ms. Bond-Nelson moved they be approved as presented. Mrs. Shafer seconded the motion. Minutes were approved as submitted. REPORT OF THE LIBRARIAN Mrs. Harmon presented her reports to the members, noting they continued to grow except in children's services and they haven't had a children's specialist since October. Mrs. Harmon briefly reviewed the statistics and stated Ruth McCormick is expected to come as a children's specialist the last of February or first of March and Ollie Wright will be replaced with Ann Potter, who will be part time and primarily under Marilou in circulation. Mrs. Haldeman pointed out Ms. Potter will have a 28 hour week and Ollie had 17-1/2. COMMUNICATIONS Mrs. Haughwout stated she attended the reception for Mr. Knievel last Friday evening and it was very enjoyable and they're pleased to have him on board. Mrs. Haughwout stated she and Mary Rice attended the meeting on the 24th in New Smyrna Beach and it was very informative and she'll review it later. Mrs. Haughwout stated Jan Dudley and Lauretta Shafer were re-appointed to 3-year terms by Counci 1. UNFINISHED BUSINESS There was no unfinished business brought up at this time. NEW BUSINESS Mrs. Haughwout stated at the meeting on the 24th Phil Giorno recommended they form a task force to discuss the regional library issue and it's to be done in the next 60 days. She noted she signed up to serve but she doesn't know how they'll be selected. She suggested any other members can sign up also by sending a letter to Mr. Knievel. Mr. Knievel explained he has a list of volunteers and they're processing that list now. Mrs. Haldeman noted the Council will try to get a balance from all the area to have equal representation. Mr. Knievel stated it will be about 15 people. Library Day in Tallahassee on March 1st and 2nd Mrs. Haughwout read the information on the activities, noting the 2nd is the most important day. There was discussion regarding how arrangements had been made in the past by Mr. Allison. Mr. Knievel advised he'll try to get information out in the next two days. '-' """" NEW BUSINESS (Continued) Florida Librarv Association Annual Conference in Orlando May 10-13 Mrs. Haughwout read the information on the Conference for May 13th and noted they should get more information on this later. . She stated she'll try to go to that. Plans for Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon - date, menu, etc. The members discussed the menu used last year and it was the consensus to have the same this year. Mrs. Harmon noted there are 38 volunteers and they plan for 50 to include board members, staff, and guests. The date was set for Tuesday, April 19, at 12:30 p.m. Increasinq Board Membership to Seven Mrs. Haughwout stated this was suggested and she asked for input. pointed out the by-laws would have to be changed. Mrs. Dudley moved Mrs. Rice seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED unanimously. Ms. Bond-Ne 1 son to increase to 7. Election of Officers Ms. Bond-Nelson moved that Jean Haughwout be elected Chairman and Mary Rice be Vice Chairman. Mrs. Dudley stated the rest would remain the same and she seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED unanimously. MISCELLANEOUS There were no items brought up under miscellaneous. REPORT OF REGIONAL LIBRARIAN Mrs. Haldeman deferred her comments until Mr. Knievel could speak. Mr. Knievel thanked the Board for inviting him to this meeting and for attending the reception. Mr. Knievel stated feedback from the brainstorming meeting in New Smyrna Beach was very good and formation of a task force makes people more comfortable. He pointed out the deadlines were self-imposed and now they'll take time to work on it. He noted he doesn't have a history on the way things work and cannot make decisions now and will appreciate their patience while he learns and will try to communicate in advance when he's ready to make a decision. Mr. Knievel stated he's meeting Monday with the Assistant County Manager and a County Library Board representative and they'll discuss boards, Friends, the press, and personnel and buildings, and will include long range plans. He noted in 1987 there were long range plans set and they may want to reconsider some of the items because there was no analysis or research done. He said they need to re-examine the long range plan for the system and decide if they want to go into a new planning cycle. Mrs. Haughwout asked if the master plan will be done in-house. Mr. Knievel explained the County's history of hiring outside consultants because of the need to get an objective outside expert to recommend improvements and changes and to reduce the political fracturing of a community, and from local to County governments. He added if that's true, then it will probably be recommended again. He explained his past experience working with teams on long range planning without outside consultants. Mrs. Haughwout suggested since he's new to the commun ity, there may not be a need to hire an outs ide consu ltant. Mr. Knievel said his recommendation will probably be what she suggested but this will be a blended decision making process. He pointed out if they hire an outside consultant with this complex issue, it would be money well spent. 2 Library Board Minutes February 2, 1994 ~ ,.." REPORT OF REGIONAL LIBRARIAN (Continued) Mrs. Haldeman announced Edgewater will host the local story telling festival on March 19th. She explained the children learn a story and present their story telling skills and suggested anyone attend that can. Mrs. Harmon stated it1s in the morning and runs until 1:00. Mrs. Haldeman said it's sponsored by the Volusia County Children's Library Services and Volusia Association of Media Educators. Mrs. Haldeman stated shelll have information from the 24th meeting and when the committee is formed, shel 11 give the names of the representatives to Gayle Harmon. Mr. Knievel thanked Mrs. Haldeman for her word processing of the information for the 24th. Mrs. Haldeman stated that at the last Edgewater Friends meeting Les Mason suggested the City install a foot bridge across the gully to get from the community to the North to the Library. She suggested the Library Board may want to recommend it to the City. Mrs. Harmon agreed it's advisable, noting the children are walking the pipes there. Mr. Knievel pointed out it's a safety issue besides the convenience. Mrs. Haughwout suggested they recommend it now. Mrs. Haughwout asked about the expanded park i ng. Mr. Kn i eve 1 sa i d if there I s an opportunity to improving the parking issue locally, he would encourage them to pursue it. Mrs. Haughwout explained there's concern there may be changes made because of the regional library. Mrs. Dudley suggested if they eliminate the bushes and lawn, they could expand the parking. Mrs. Harmon noted they need on-site retention. Mr. Knievel suggested they look at other alternatives for parking, such as with private owners and keep exploring that. Mrs. Haughwout agreed they could research it to see what else could be done. Mr. Knievel reviewed an incident with the roof on the Port Orange Regional Library where the City agreed they'd consider paying for the difference. Mrs. Harmon explained the County Engineer looked at this and sheld received a low cost alternative of using shell. Mrs. Dudley moved they bring to the attention of Council the bridge and parking. Mrs. Shafer seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED unanimously. ADJOURNMENT Mrs. Dudley moved to adjourn. Mrs. Shafer seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned at 2:00 p.m. Minutes submitted by: Lura Sue Koser, Recording Secretary 3 Library Board Minutes February 2, 1994