11-08-1995 ~ ..""" CITY OF EDGEWATER LIBRARY BOARD NOVEMBER 8, 1995 MEETING MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Chairman Jean Haughwout called the meeting to order at 3:35 p.m. in the Edgewater Library. ROLL CALL Present were members: Jean Haughwout, Fran Byrne, Mary Rice, Lilian Bond-Nelson, Lauretta Shafer, and Sue Shaw. Jan Dudley was absent. Also present was Gayle Harmon, Librarian, and Sue Koser, recording secretary. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES March 1, 1995 reqular meetinq Mrs. Bond-Nelson moved they accept the minutes of March 1st as circulated. Mrs. Rice seconded the motion. Minutes were approved as submitted. April 25, 1995 special meetinq Mrs. Byrne moved they be approved. Mrs. Bond-Ne 1 son seconded the mot i on. Minutes were approved as submitted. Mav 24, 1995 special meetinq Mrs. Byrne moved for approval. Mrs. Rice seconded the motion. Minutes were approved as submitted. REPORT OF THE LIBRARIAN Mrs. Harmon distributed statistical reports for the time between the last meeting to the present, pointing out she didn't have the report for the last quarter due to computer problems. She reviewed computer problems that have been encountered. She noted the upgrade on the computer system has new features that wi 11 be available in a couple of weeks for the public with an online catalog for other libraries. She explained they can place items on hold and check their accounts to see if anything is owed. There was discussion regarding taking inventory when the computers are down. Mrs. Harmon noted they'll eventually be connected to libraries throughout the state. Mrs. Harmon explained the library telephone number was changed again because Southern Bell had assigned numbers that confl icted with Suncom numbers elsewhere. Mrs. Harmon stated they had to replace one of the big air conditioning compressor un its in the back and had troub 1 e gett i ng it hooked up and then with high humidity and she hopes that's been resolved but has borrowed an instrument to measure humidity. Mrs. Harmon noted the Friends of the Library made about $1,200 at the Folk Art Festival. Mrs. Harmon stated they had good programs and attendance for the summer sessions for the ch il drens programs with about 6 weeks off schoo 1. She noted the children's section has been rearranged to make it more of a divided room and they hope to have another terminal there. She briefly reviewed other activities of the staff and programs for the children. ..... .,., REPORT OF THE LIBRARIAN (Continued) Mrs. Harmon referred to the request for letters to the legislators and distributed the information, noting the members could also write letters as individual citizens. A recess was called at 3:55 p.m. with meeting called back to order at 3:58 p.m. COMMUNICATIONS Mrs. Haughwout stated sheld also received the request for letters for more State aid and had written to our Senator and Representative as Board Chairman. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Comments received from City Attorney re: Board By-Laws and Amended By-Laws with comments incorporated Mrs. Rice moved to make the changes that the group will be called the "Library Board of the Edgewater Public Library". Mrs. Byrne seconded the motion. Motion carried with voice vote. Mrs. Bond-Nelson moved to approve the membership terms. Mrs. Rice seconded the motion. Motion carried with voice vote. NEW BUSINESS Expiration of term of Mary Rice January 4, 1996 Mrs. Shafer moved to reappoint Mary Rice. Mrs. Byrne seconded the motkln. Motion carried with voice vote. MISCELLANEOUS Mrs. Haughwout stated shelll submit a bill for dues for the Florida Library Association. Mrs. Haughwout asked the status of the library lease and Mrs. Harmon noted no further action was taken on it as there were certain demands by the City the County wouldn't agree to and itls in the legal departments. Mrs. Harmon stated the regional library is in the grant process and only Southeast Volusia is in the running if the funds are available. Mrs. Byrne noted the Mayor talked with her at the Festival and asked the Board and Friends to write letters. There was discussion regarding a date for the next meeting and it was decided for Wednesday, March 6th, at 3:30 p.m. and a special meeting could be called prior to that date if needed. ADJOURNMENT Mrs. Haughwout adjourned the meeting at 4:15 p.m. Minutes submitted by: Lura Sue Koser Recording Secretary -2- Library Board Meeting November 8, 1995