Vice Chairman Mary Rice called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. in
the Edgewater Library.
Present were members: Fran Byrne, Mary Rice, Lilian Bond-Nelson,
and Sue Shaw. Jan Dudley and Lauretta Shafer were absent.
Chairman Jean Haughwout and County Library Services Director Mike
Knievel arrived later. Also present were Gayle Harmon, Librarian,
and Sue Koser, recording secretary.
November 8, 1995 regular meetina
Mrs. Byrne moved for approval. Ms. Shaw seconded the motion.
Minutes were approved as submitted.
Librarian Gayle Harmon distributed statistical reports, noting the
format is different now and they may go back to those in the past
but they're still developing the automated system. She distributed
a report for the month of February which had cumulative figures.
Mrs. Harmon responded to members' questions regarding some of the
items listed on the report. Mrs. Harmon will talk with her staff
regarding legibility of handwriting of names to be more conveniont
for volunteers that call patrons to advise a requested book is
there for pick up.
Mrs. Harmon noted they have received two new PC's from the County
and they'll be hooked up to the LAN wide area network and will have
Internet access. Ms. Shaw asked if there will be a charge for
users. Mrs. Harmon explained they'll probably limit the patron to
15 minutes and if there is a request for a document to be
delivered, there will have to be a cost. Mrs. Harmon briefly
commented on ways to prohibit access to some items on the Internet
if you prefer not to get into it.
Mrs. Harmon stated the childrens programs are going well and they
had a float at the Christmas Parade that was a lot of fun. She
noted they've held a couple of workshops for the kids for school
There were no communications brought up at this time.
Visions for 21st Century
Mrs. Harmon displayed a visioning manual that shows the County Long
Range Plan for 1995-2000. She distributed copies of a page in the
manual on the vision and mission. She pointed out there's a State-
wide effort to bring planning and standards up to date. She said
the County Council got involved also and she distributed copies of
minutes regarding the County Council's statement on this. She
noted there was a revised mission statement in December, 1995, from
staff and distributed copies of that page. She pointed out ours is
an advisory board and she doesn't think the City is obligated and
Fran Byrne is our representative to the County and would have input
to the County.
Mrs. Rice stated she's happy with the letter from County
Councilmember Lynne Plaskett.
Mrs. Byrne stated that in regard to the highlighted section on "How
good is my library", when they had a membership drive they received
good comments about our library compared to others and how much
they appreciated the staff and the help they got.
Mrs. Haughwout arrived at this time. 3:45 p.m.
Mrs. Harmon stated that some people from the North are thriL.ed
with the library and its connection to Volusia County.
Mrs. Haughwout explained she brought up the article on visioning
from the Florida Library magazine to see if we should be doing
something we're not doing.
Plans for Volunteer ADDreciation Luncheon
There was discussion about the tentative date for the luncheon and
after discussion, it was agreed to hold it Thursday, April 11th, at
12:30 p.m. at the Library.
Mr. Knievel arrived at this time, 3:55 p.m.
There was continued discussion about providing items for the mE~al
and it was agreed that Mrs. Haughwout would contact each of 1:he
members with suggestions and quanti ties. Mrs. Byrne volunteered to
do the decorations. Mrs. Harmon asked Mr. Knieve1 if we would get
the $3.00 per person as we have in the past to cover part of the
expenses for the meal. Mr. Knievel will check and let her know.
Mrs. Byrne pointed out the Friends covers the portion the County
doesn't provide.
Mrs. Haughwout stated she'd attended the opening of the Port Orange
Library Board Meeting
March 6, 1996
Mrs. Haughwout stated the dues for the Florida Library Association
are being changed and instead of being due as in the past, they
will go from January until December, which will amount to about an
additional $5.00 being paid this first year. She asked if anyone
has a problem with processing the payment and there were no
objections s. Haughwout stated she'll pay those dues and also Sir
those for WHICH. WK-C L 1 .
Fundina for Library Dav in Tallahassee
Mrs. Haughwout stated she understands the Friends are not going to
pay this year. Mrs. Byrne explained Friends are not going this
year. She said she's gone the last 5 years and the same people go
year after year and nobody else is interested in going. She feels
it was a waste of money the last couple of years and she'd prefer
to spend the money for something else, such as staff meetings or
training. There was a discussion about Library Day as an annual
legislative lobbying. Mrs. Rice commented on its worth when it was
first started.
Mrs. Haughwout stated they could write letters or call our
congressmen if something comes up.
County Library Director's status report on Southeast VoluElia
Regional Library
Mr. Knievel stated they met with the architects this week and went
over the contract for their engineering services for the design and
use of the prototype design for Southeast Volusia. He said the
site has been under lease on Live Oak since September and they've
done walk arounds on the site a couple of times and are about ready
to assign task 4 to the architect.
Mr. Knievel stated that since this project is ranked #1 in l:he
State, they're pretty confident of funding of the construction
project of about $500,000, which is the budget recommended by Lhe
Governor, even though the Secretary of State only request:ed
Mr. Knievel explained the time line is to have the architect
assigned a task of preliminary design and drawings and prints and
start on the site work within 30 to 60 days as priority 1. He said
priority 2 is to get the State legislators to approve the grant,
and priority 3 is to work with State library staff to get an award
letter as soon as possible, which will probably be about July. He
pointed out the State regulations are a 270-day clock, which is the
time you have to get a contractor on board. He said the earliest
they could start construction would be August, which is the end of
the County's fiscal year, and the impact on the budget of doin9
Library Board Meeting
March 6, 1996
construction work goes hand in glove. He noted the Port Orange and
Deltona Libraries had construction schedules backed up to start in
October with ground clearing in November and construction by
Christmas and that's the most likely scenario for the Southeast
Regional Library. He said another scenario is the County will do
a bond issue and start construction earlier, maybe sometime in
August. He explained they could do a change order rather than go
out to bid with a whole new set of bid documents and pre-bid
conferences and meetings, and could keep the contractor of Port
Orange and Deltona, and the contract would be for three libraries.
Mrs. Haughwout asked if other contractors would be upset and Mr.
Knievel explained there could be a challenge from interested
bidders. He said this could be a considerable cost savings, such
as $100,000 or $200,000. He pointed out there are some des5.gn
changes, such as the roof will be smaller and that will take care
of a number of problems with large roofs.
Mrs. Haughwout asked about the existing New Smyrna Beach library.
Mr. Knievel explained that's City property so disposition would be
in the City's hands when the library vacates it. He referred to
what he'd read in the newspapers and heard about possibly expanding
the park, building a first class dinner restaurant on the
waterfront, or expanding the City offices there.
Mr. Knievel expressed appreciation for the past efforts of this
Board related to the Southeast Volusia Regional Library.
Mr. Knievel stated they haven't forgotten the issue of expanding
the parking here and the lease and these are on the long term plctn.
Mrs. Haughwout stated she'd written to congressmen and received one
Mrs. Rice so moved to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 4:25 p.m.
Minutes submitted by:
Lura Sue Koser
Recording Secretary
Library Board Meeting
March 6, 1996