04-11-1996 ..... ...." LIBRARY BOARD OF THE EDGEWATER PUBLIC LIBRARY APRIL 11, 1996 SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES Chairman Jean Haughwout called the special meeting to order at 12:40 p.m. at the Edgewater Library. The purpose of the meet i ng was to recogn i ze the Library volunteers and to have an election of officers. Present were members: Jean Haughwout, Fran Byrne, Mary Rice, and Lauretta Shafer. Lilian Bond-Nelson, Jan Dudley, and Sue Shaw were absent. Also present were: Gayle Harmon, Librarian; Marilou Spencer, Coordinator of Volunteer Services; Alice Haldeman, Southeast Volusia Regional Librarian; Bill Bowden, County Support Services Manager; and Jack Hayman, Mayor. Mayor Hayman offered the blessing and Mrs. Haughwout welcomed the volunteers to the special recognition luncheon. She then recessed the meeting for the luncheon. At the conclusion of the luncheon at 1:25 p.m., Mrs. Haughwout called the meeting back to order. She introduced the guests. Jack Hayman, Mayor of Edgewater, expressed appreciation for volunteer services. He explained he's involved with the Volusia Literacy Council and spoke briefly about literacy problems in our community. He commented on cost effectiveness of volunteer hours and the help given to needy people. He noted the future regional library will be a great asset to our community. Bill Bowden, Volusia County Support Services Manager, represented Mike Knievel, who was attending a County Council meeting. He stated on today's County Council agenda is using the same architect for the Southeast Regional Library that was used for the other two libraries. He pointed out they can improve over Deltona and Port Orange libraries to help our regional library. He said he doesn't personally know many of the volunteers but they are very important and perform essential functions so that staff are able to do their jobs. He noted volunteers are voices to the community and can provide input from the public back to the library. He thanked the volunteers for their hours of dedicated service. Alice Haldeman, Southeast Volusia Regional Librarian, thanked the volunteers for the hours they put in and public relations with the community. She thanked those who wrote letters to legislators as it was very important to the process of making them aware the community supports the regional library project. She said we need money to come back to Volusia and we are strong with the grant. Mrs. Haughwout, as Chairman of the Board, thanked the volunteers. She said she hears how friendly our Edgewater library staff and volunteers are, and other libraries have people, but ours are friendly people. She stated the library volunteers, city hall personnel, and businesses need to be friendly so people will come back. She noted an impression on a child in a library can make a big difference in a child's life. ...,. ....." Mrs. Haughwout thanked Sue Koser, the recording secretary. She noted that City Manager George McMahon could not be present and she expressed his thanks to volunteers for all they do for the library. Mrs. Haughwout introduced board members present: Lauretta Shafer, Mary Rice, and Fran Byrne. She explained absences of other members: Sue Shaw, Lilian Bond- Nelson, and Jan Dudley. Gayle Harmon, Librarian, thanked the volunteers. She explained the luncheon is a joint effort of the Board planning and preparing food with financial support from Friends of the Library and Volusia County Public Libraries. She noted invitations were done on the computer by Linda Ladd. She said the centerpiece was by Fran Byrne and table decorations were by Fran Byrne and Jean Foster. Mrs. Harmon said there were 5,623 volunteer hours the last calendar year and a library assistant would have cost $37,112, so they couldn't have been open as many hours perhaps or offer the same leve 1 of services if it weren't for volunteers. She pointed out volunteers provide much more than labor, they provide friendly service and camaraderie. She read a customer comment card that had excellent ratings on their services. She thanked the volunteers for coming and for their work the past year and expressed her appreciation for all of them. Pat Jenkins and Ruth McCormack provided a puppet presentation. recorder was turned off during this brief interval.) Marilou Spencer, Coordinator of Volunteer Services, stated it's been a very busy year in Edgewater and termi na 1 s are work i ng very we 11. She thanked the volunteers, noting several retired this past year and three are new. She stcted there are 37 to 39 volunteers and they are an extended family. (Note: the Ms. Spencer and Mrs. Haughwout distributed certificates to the volunteers. Mrs. Haughwout thanked everyone for coming and said she's looking forward to next year. She then recessed the meeting while the luncheon guests left. Mrs. Haughwout called the meeting back to order at 2:07 p.m. to hold election of officers. Mrs. Rice moved the same members continue in their old positions. Mrs. Byrne seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED unanimously. Meeting was adjourned at 2:10 p.m. Minutes submitted by: Lura Sue Koser, Recording Secretary -2- Library Board Special Meeting April 11, 1996