Chairman Jean Haughwout called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. in the Edgewater Library.
Present were members: Jean Haughwout, Jo Anne Sikes, Lilian Bond-Nelson, Mary Rice, Fran Byrne,
and Sue Shaw. Marie Goodrich was absent. Also present were: Librarian Gayle Harmon and Regional
Librarian Russell Long.
March 4. 1997 regular meeting
Ms. Bond-Nelson so moved. Mrs. Byrne seconded the motion. Minutes were approved as submitted.
April 8. 1997 special meeting
Mrs. Byrne so moved. Ms. Bond-Nelson seconded the motion. Minutes were approved as submitted.
Mrs. Harmon announced they had Staff Day last Thursday when all libraries closed and employees
met. She noted it turned out very nicely.
Mrs. Harmon announced this Saturday the Friends have the Folk Art Festival and this is the 23rd
annual event.
Mrs. Harmon displayed the coloring and activity book that Jo Anne Sikes and Ruth McCormack
cooperated on to produce. She noted Jo Anne will use it with the 2nd and 3rd graders. She pointed
out this is an excellent example of cooperation.
Mrs. Harmon stated Marilou Spencer and Patricia Jenkins will retire October 31st and they will be
missed. She said there will be an informal open house on Sunday, October 25th from 2 to 4 pm and
there's a collection being taken with a presentation between 3 and 3:30 pm. Mrs. Harmon stated she
hopes to have new staff soon. She explained the open positions and process to hire.
Mrs. Harmon stated they plan to put an entry in the Christmas Parade on December 13th.
Mrs. Harmon stated she doesn't have the year end statistics yet. She pointed out the computers are
heavily used and generate a lot of extra work because the people need help.
There were no communications received.
. ~,,*4,'
Status report on expansion of Library parking lot - Mrs. Haughwout read an excerpt from the City
Engineer's monthly report regarding the status of the request to the County for $125,000 for the parking
lot expansion. Regional Librarian Russell Long confirmed the item is on the County Council agenda
for this Thursday.
Final report of Vol usia Library Study Group - Mrs. Haughwout stated she has the report for anyone
to review and time will tell just what was accomplished. Mrs. Harmon advised there is a reference copy
in the Library also. Mrs. Byrne noted meetings are to be scheduled to see they're following through.
County's request re: renewal of lease agreement - Mrs. Haughwout stated the City has to work with
the County, and she read the September 17, 1997, letter to County Library Director Mike Knievel from
City Manager George McMahon.
Status of WHCLlST - Mrs. Haughwout stated apparently there were problems and she doesn't know
if they are going to continue. She read an excerpt regarding the agency and coordination with other
Expiration of terms of Board members Jean Haughwout and Lilian Bond-Nelson in January _
Ms. Bond-Nelson indicated she did not wish to be reappointed and Mrs. Haughwout thanked her for
the many years of service. Mrs. Haughwout indicated she was willing to serve again. Board members
reviewed applications that were on file in City Hall in order to select someone to be recommended to
the City Council to replace Ms. Bond-Nelson. The consensus was the first choice would be Linda
Ladd; second would be Joyce Bevel; and third would be Catherine Andrews.
Regional Librarian Long stated the new library is on schedule overall and the foundation and stem wall
and underground utilities are almost complete.
Mr. Long indicated concern with continuing operations at Edgewater while replacing the two retiring
members. He briefly reviewed the process for promoting and appointing employees. He advised the
staff of New Smyrna Beach Library can be used to temporarily fill in upon request of Mrs. Harmon.
Mr. Long complimented Mrs. Harmon on her representation on the task team for Staff Day last
Thursday and expressed his appreciation for her participation.
Mrs. Sikes requested the Board write a letter to Marilou Spencer and Pat Jenkins for their marvelous
service to the community and their friendliness and compatibility.
Mrs. Sikes moved to adjourn. Mrs. Rice seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned at 4:05 p.m.
Minutes submitted by,
Lura Sue Koser,
Recording Secretary
Library Board Meeting Minutes
October 14, 1997