03-03-1998 \..) ~- ...."" .. LIBRARY BOARD EDGEW ATER PUBLIC LIBRARY MARCH 3, 1998 MEETING MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Chairman Jean Haughwout called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. in the Edgewater Library. ROLL CALL Present were members: Mane Goodnch, Jean Haughwout, Linda Ladd, Mary Rice, and Sue Shaw. Fran Byrne was absent. Jo Anne Sikes arnved at 3:45 p.m. as she had been in another part of the Library with a history presentation. Also present were: Librarian Gayle Harmon, Regionai Librarian Russeii Long, and County Library representative for District 2 Eva Williams. Chairman Haughwout introduced the Board's new member, Linda Ladd. APPROV AL OF THE MINUTES October 14. 1997 regular meeting Mrs. Haughwout asked for any corrections or additions. Being none, she stated the minutes were approved as presented. REPORT OF THE LIBRARIAN Mrs. Hannon announced that Jo Anne Sikes was in the next room doing a history taik. She reviewed the number of history programs Jo Anne had put on this year. Mrs. Hannon stated they have fuii staff now with Melanie West as Assistant filiing Manlou's position and Carol Brooks as computer/A.V. librarian in Pat's position. She reviewed their prior experience. Mrs. Harmon stated they have been very busy with the social studies projects with the children along with heavy computer use. Mrs. Harmon announced the Rotary Club gave the Library a gift of National Geographic with 108 years on CD-ROM. Mrs. Harmon stated the Library will be a poiling place again. She noted the parking lot is scheduled to be done in August. Mrs. Harmon distributed copies of the annual statistics and reviewed circulation figures. Mrs. Hannon introduced the two new Library employees to the Board members, who wished them weii and offered to assist in any way possible. Ms. Williams asked if the increase in circuiation was with videos. Mrs. Harmon was not sure but thought it was due to best seller type books and childrens books. Mrs. Harmon stated the Christmas Parade was canceled due to weather so the elves entry is in storage. COMMUNICATIONS Mrs. Haughwout stated she paid the Florida Library Association dues and will be reimbursed $20 by the City. Mrs. Haughwout stated Library Day is March 17 and 18 in T aiiahassee. She noted nobody attended the last couple of years but she has information if anyone would like to go. ,. ...., ...., UNFINISHED BUSINESS Progress report on expansion of Library parking lot - Mrs. Haughwout stated not much is going on at this point and when it happens, it will be all at once. She explained it's pre-engineering and other work going on now. Mrs. Harmon pointed out that Eckerd's is building on the corner and it will affect the Library also, with both parties working together. There was a discussion about the number of spaces that will be provided with the expansion. NEW BUSINESS Plans for volunteer appreciation luncheon - It was agreed April 21 st at 12:30 p.m. at the Library would be the date for the luncheon, noting that is in National Volunteer Week. Jo Anne Sikes arrived at the meeting at this time, 3:45 p.m. The menu for the luncheon was discussed at length with agreement it would be basically the same as last year. It was also agreed that Fran Byrne would be asked to do table decorations again this year if she can, and if she is unable to do so, other members would work together on it. Mrs. Sikes agreed to put on a history presentation for the program. MISCELLANEOUS Regional Librarian Long stated progress on the regional library is good and they may finish earlier than anticipated. He noted a sculpture and water color will be placed in the new library, and a memorial will be given by a number of New Smyrna Beach artists working collectively with their own money. Mrs. Williams stated her assurance that they are following up on a regular basis and management took note of the more serious problems brought up. Mrs. Williams stated they are looking closely at Bill Gates grants and noted only certain areas qualify. Mrs. Williams and Mr. Long briefly explained the broad banding system of employee classifications with the County, except for the Police and Fire groups. Mrs. Haughwout announced the next Board meeting will be the luncheon on April 21 st. Mrs. Sikes distributed copies of the activity book and pointed out they already have a second printing. She noted Edgewater schools have been real enthused with this. Mrs. Sikes stated she just judged a social studies project at the Middle School. Mrs. Sikes stated all but the fish on the activity book are historically correct. She explained how the children use the book. Ms. Shaw stated she received a call about Internet policy and monitoring. Mr. Long explained New Smyrna Beach Library received a call also. There was discussion about filtering systems being used in some locations. ADJOURNMENT Mrs. Haughwout adjourned the meeting at 4:15 p.m. Minutes submitted by, Lura Sue Koser, Recording Secretary Library Board Meeting Minutes 2 March 3, 1998