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January S, 1999
3:30 P.M.
Chairwoman Jean Haughwout called to order a regular meeting of the Library Board at 3:35 p.m.,
Tuesday, January 5, 1999, in the Edgewater Public Library.
Members present were Chairwoman Jean Haughwout, Marie Goodrich, Mary Rice, Linda Ladd, Sue
Shaw, and Jo Anne Sikes. Also present were Assistant Librarian Melanie West; Regional Librarian
Russell Long; and recording secretary Liz McBride. Kathy Clausnitzer was absent.
The minutes for October 13,1998, were presented to the Board for approval. Ms. Goodrich moved
to approve the minutes as presented, second by Ms. Sikes. Motion CARRIED 6-0.
Chairwoman Haughwout asked Ms. Goodrich if she wrote two letters as requested at the last meeting.
Ms. Goodrich said she did, but did not have copies with her. Ms. Goodrich said she would supply
the recording secretary with copies.
Assistant Librarian Melanie West informed the Board that Librarian Gayle Harmon was unable to
attend the meeting for medical reasons.
Ms. West reported, with the hiring of Stacey Hutchins, the Library was now fully staffed. She said
Ms. Hutchins was working out beautifully.
Ms. West commented on the new tile flooring in the lobby and in the conference room, thanks to
the Friend's of the Library. She said they (the Friends) also paid for a CD cabinet, a slot board and
new bulletin board. Ms. West said the County also had been generous by replacing the top of a
circulation desk and building in a new drawer.
Ms. West reported the new parking lot was open. Everyone commented how nice it was.
Edgewater Library Board
January 5, 1999
Page -2-
Report of the Librarian Con't:
Ms. West mentioned, she and Childrens' Librarian Ruth McCormick participated in the Edgewater
Christmas parade on December 12. Ms. West said Ms. McCormick's vehicle was decorated as a
Christmas package, with elves reading books on the top of the car and a banner identifying Edgewater
Public Library. She said a great response was received from the citizens.
Ms. Ladd referred to "Volunteer Voices," a brochure to recruit volunteers, and noted there were no
pictures of Edgewater volunteers or volunteers of other branch libraries. She said she had written
to Sue Habel at the Library Support Center to express her concern of the smaller libraries being
ignored. Ms. West read her letter to the Board. Chairwoman Haughwout also read a letter she had
written to Ms. Habel. The Chairwoman read a response letter from Ms. Habel. In that letter, Ms.
Habel indicated it was impossible to include photographs of all 15 branches and support outreach
services in anyone brochure. Ms. Habel wrote she was pleased to include a photograph of the
Edgewater volunteers, to illustrate "1998 The Year of the Library Volunteer," in the 1998 Library
Annual Report.
Regional Librarian Russell Long felt there was no deliberate attempt to slight the Edgewater
volunteers or any of the community branches. He indicated he was not aware of this concern until
he received the reply letter from Sue Habel. Mr. Long suggested future correspondence be copied
to appropriate parties, so all would be informed.
None at this time.
A. Review Library Lease Agreement
1) Make recommendation for Council approval
Chairwoman Haughwout pointed out a few minor changes in the agreement. Regional Librarian
Russell Long said the agreement was basically the same as in the past, except the County would now
be responsible for the maintenance of the building. Chairwoman Haughwout asked if something
needed to be done quickly, who would they contact. Mr. -R~~ said there would be contract services <.:::-
available, and that Librarian Gayle Harmon would have the numbers. Discussion continued in
regard to service contracts for the upkeep of the facility.
Edgewater Library Board
January 5, 1999
Page -3-
New Business Con't:
While copies of the agreement were being made, Chairwoman Haughwout informed the Board, Parks
and Recreation/Maintenance Director Jack Corder had asked if the members would be interested in
a ribbon cutting ceremony for the library parking lot. After discussion, the Board felt it would be
a good idea. A date and time to be decided within the next few weeks.
With copies of the agreement distributed, the Chairwoman reiterated the changes. Mr. Long said
the agreement had been negotiated between the Library Director and the City Manager. He said the
input he had received from the Library Director was that it (agreement) was an amicable and
agreeable situation. Essentially, he said, it was a ten year lease for one dollar per year, and the library
assumed all responsibJities for maintenance. Mr. Long said the language in the agreement was with
current terminology.
Ms. Sikes moved that the Board recommend the Library Lease Agreement for City Council approval,
second by Ms. Shaw. Motion CARRIED 6-0.
B. Consider Board Meeting Dates for 1999
Chairwoman Haughwout said the Board would probably meet in March to plan for the April
volunteer's luncheon. She said officer elections would be held at the next meeting. After discussion,
March 2, 1999, at 3:30 p.m. was agreed upon for the next meeting, and April 20, 1999, at 12:30
p.m. for the luncheon.
Nothing at this time
There being no further business to come before the Board, a motion was made and approved to
adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 4:20 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Elizabeth J. McBride
Recording Secretary