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March 2, 1999
3:30 P.M.
Chairwoman Jean Haughwout called to order a regular meeting of the Library Board at 3:30 p.m.,
Tuesday, March 2, 1999, in the Edgewater Public Library.
Members present were Chairwoman Jean Haughwout, Marie Goodrich, Mary Rice, Linda Ladd, Sue
Shaw, and Jo Anne Sikes. Also present were Librarian Gayle Harmon and recording secretary Liz
McBride. Kathy Clausnitzer was absent.
The minutes for January 5,1999, were presented to the Board for approval. After Librarian Gayle
Harmon pointed out a misspelled name on the bottom of page two (Mr. Russell should have read Mr.
Long), Ms. Rice moved to approve the minutes with the correction, second by Ms. Goodrich.
Motion CARRIED 6-0.
Librarian Gayle Harmon stated this was their busy time of year, with a lot of school projects and
winter visitors.
Ms. Harmon said the Board may want to congratulate Ruth McCo~ck who had recently completed
25 years with V olusia County. She said Ms. McCo~ck was among a large number of honorees at
a recent County luncheon.
Ms. Harmon said the Friends held their open house January 24, 1999, which was well attended
event. She said they had a book sale in January, a membership drive in February, and the election
of officers at the February meeting. Ms. Harmon said Jo Anne Sikes was the new president of the
Friends, replacing Fran Byrne who had retired.
Ms. Harmon informed the Board, the Friends received a gift of stocks from an anonymous donor.
She said it was suggested the stocks be sold and the money used to purchase items for the Library.
Ms. Harmon said the stocks sold for more than $16,000. She said a new computer and printer had
been purchased, and light-weight tables had been ordered.
Edgewater Library Board
March 2/ 1999
Page -2-
Report of the Librarian (con't):
Ms. Harmon reminded the Board the Library Lease Agreement had been presented to City Council
and was signed. She said it would go before County Council Thursday, March 4, 1999/ and if
signed, the Library would be leased to the County beginning fiscal year October 1, 1999. She said
the County would then be responsible for the maintenance and insurance.
Ms. Harmon brought a few items horn the Friends, bookmarks from an event celebrating 25 years
of friendship and service, and some brochures.
Chairwoman Haughwout asked Secretary Marie Goodrich to send a letter of congratulation to Ruthie
McCorm!ck from the Board, for her 25 years of service.
None at this time.
A. Library's Intemet Access - Children's Computers
Chairwoman Haughwout said there had been many articles in the newspaper concerning this issuer
and that at this point, only the children's computers would be screened. Ms. Harmon said the filters
were already in place at the Library, and stated they had not encountered any serious problems.
B. Monetary Contributions to the Library
1) Discuss promoting and donating methods
Chairwoman Haughwout said Ms. Harmon touched on this subject by mentioning stocks being
donated. Ms. Harmon said the same person had donated stocks several times in the past.
Chairwoman Haughwout felt the Board needed to promote and encourage methods of donating to
the Library. She said they needed to let people know difference ways they could give. She suggested
placing a message on the back of the City's utility bill or in the newsletter. Ms. Harmon said she had
asked other libraries for examples of flyers they may have developed for doctors', lawyers' or financial
planners' offices, which would suggest donating to the library. Chairwoman Haughwout also
suggested encouraging book donations. Book donations were discussed.
Ms. Harmon agreed to draft something for the newsletter and for the back of the water bill in regard
to donating to the Library. Sue Shaw said she would provide Melanie Grift.. with information for
the newspaper -dl...A
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Edgewater Library Board
March 2, 1999
Page -3-
New Business (con't):
Chairwoman Haughwout read an article horn the "Friends and Trustees Newsletter" regarding asking
medical persons in the community to contribute to the library. Ways to go about looking into this
were discussed. Chairwoman Haughwout suggested each member talk to their individual doctors and
dentists, to find out their interest in donating books to the library pertaining to their fields. She said
the Board could discuss their findings at the next meeting. Ms. Harmon said she would list some
titles that may be of interest. Internet access for medical information was briefly discussed.
C. Discuss April 20, 1999, Volunteer Luncheon
Chairwoman Haughwout said for the past several years, ham, turkey, cheese and salads were served.
She said it was up to the Board what they wanted to do this year. Everyone agreed to keep the same
menu. Ms. Harmon said they had 54 volunteers and should plan for 60 people. The Board
discussed who was making what. Ms. Ladd said she had already printed and addressed the invitations.
Ms. Sikes said she selected lighthouses as a theme, and explained what would be placed on the
luncheon tables. Chairwoman Haughwout said Ruthie McCorni!,ck would be doing a program.
Ms. Sikes asked Ms. Harmon what would become of the heavy tables once the new tables were
received. She said the Community Center could use them to replace the ones in poor condition.
Ms. Harmon said she would check into the request.
Chairwoman Haughwout informed the Board that Mary Rice was reappointed by City Council to
serve another three years.
The Board discussed whether to honor certain people at the luncheon and decided against it.
There being no further business to corne before the Board, a motion was made and approved to
adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Elizabeth J. McBride
Recording Secretary