04-20-1999 - Special
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April20, 1999
12:30 P.M.
Chairwoman Jean Haughwout called to order a special meeting of the Library Board at 12:35 p.m.,
Tuesday, April 20, 1999, in the Edgewater Public Library. The purpose of the meeting was to
recognize the Library volunteers.
Members present were Chairwoman Jean Haughwout, Marie Goodrich, Mary Rice, Linda Ladd, Sue
Shaw and Kathy Clausnitzer. Jo Anne Sikes was excused. Also present were Librarian Gayle
Harmon; Southeast V olusia Regional Librarian Russell Long; County Library Representative for
District 2 Eva Williams; V olusia County Library Director Mike Knievel; Edgewater Mayor Randy
Allman; County Councilman for District 2 Jim Ward; and recording secretary Liz McBride.
Chairwoman Haughwout welcomed everyone, commented how nice the volunteers' pictures posted
in the lobby were, and applauded the volunteers on all their hard work. Russell Long delivered the
blessing. The meeting was recessed to partake of the meal.
Chairwoman Haughwout introduced Edgewater Mayor Randy Allman, who expressed his appreciation
to the volunteers as invaluable resources to the City, noting if it were not for the volunteers, there
wouldn't be a Library. The Mayor asked the volunteers to let him, Councilor the City Manager
know if there was anything they could help with.
Chairwoman Haughwout introduced Eva Williams, County Library Representative for District 2.
Ms. Williams thanked the volunteers and expressed her appreciation. She commented on the large
amount of money saved by the volunteers.
Chairwoman Haughwout introduced Russell Long, Southeast V olusia Regional Librarian. Mr. Long
assured the volunteers they were unique with their rapport with this community, and thanked them
for their service.
Chairwoman Haughwout introduced Mike Knievel, V olusia County Library Director. Mr. Knievel
said they had come a long way in five years (referencing the parking lot). He commented on his
meetings with the Council, the Mayor and City Manager regarding the signing of the Library Lease
agreement. Mr. Knievel said he felt good things would be happening, and asked the volunteers to
help plan for the next three years. He expressed his appreciation to the volunteers.
Edgewater Library Board
April 20, 1999 - Minutes
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Chairwoman Haughwout introduced Jim Ward, County Councilman for District 2. Mr. Ward
echoed the remarks of those before him. He thanked the volunteers for their work and the luncheon.
Chairwoman Haughwout introduced Librarian Gayle Harmon, who was given a standing ovation.
Ms. Harmon thanked the Board for the preparation and serving of the luncheon. She also thanked
Marie Goodrich for the pictures and Linda Ladd for printing the invitations. Ms. Harmon remarked
that the current volunteers were their "best batch".
Chairwoman Haughwout introduced the program presented by Ruthie McCorrcitk, which was a
narration of "cracker" tales. -
Linda Rutty, volunteer coordinator, distributed certificates to the volunteers in attendance. She
stated Sheri Shambora, Marge Christiansen, Linda Ladd, Catherine Billick and Lillian Matetich had
the most hours. Ms. Rutty thanked the volunteers for coming and expressed her thanks for their
Chairwoman Haughwout called the meeting back to order at 1:55 p.m.
Chairwoman Haughwout read a memorandum written by Jo Anne Sikes regarding the Hawks Park-
Edgewater historical collection located at the Library, and referred to an attached letter to Mike
Knievel. She asked for the Board's comments.
Mr. Knievel said he had a lengthy discussion with Jo Anne Sikes, and a conversation with Gayle
Harmon, Russell Long and Eva Williams on this topic. Mr. Knievel recommended to acknowledge
that Jo Anne had a legitimate concern about the succession of the property. He felt there was
insufficient legal documentation about the ownership of the properly (historical records, photographs,
etc.). He recommended identifying the documents/records that establish their origin and then assign
some authority for their continued maintenance and for some eventual succession. Mr. Knievel said
this could be done by an interlocal agreement between the interested parties, and an inventory list.
He felt the interested parties should at least include the City of Edgewater, County of V olusia, and
the Edgewater Library stake holders (Board, Friends, staff). He felt the parties should discuss this
further with competent legal representation. Mr. Knievel discussed his concerns, and gave an
example of items being donated without proper documentation. Mr. Knievel said the Board and the
Library could advise legal council how they wanted the materials maintained and what could be done
about succession. He said Jo Anne had relayed to him that most of the materials had been donated
to the City of Edgewater, and if so, he recommended the Board attempt to identify some record or
records that acknowledge that. He recommended the Board consider using the City attorney. He
felt safe in saying the County's legal department would also help with legal assistance. Mr. Knievel
reiterated his recommendation, for the Board to do the best they could to establish claim to the
property, assign the responsibility, and the discuss the succession of the property.
Edgewater Library Board
April 20, 1999 - Minutes
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Ms. Williams asked what type of items they were talking about. Ms. Harmon said old photographs,
Dr. Hawks' ledgers of all the town people, records of the Union Church, letters, books, and paper
memorabilia of all kinds. Ms. Goodrich said, in the early 60's the City Clerk of Edgewater showed
her the journals, which were taken from the city's vault.
Chairwoman Haughwout asked if the current historian would be the person in charge of compiling
the information. Ms. Harmon stated it had always been her understanding the historical collection
belonged to the City and that she, as the Librarian, was custodian of the items. Ms. Williams said
they were also charged with maintaining them in good order. Ms. Harmon said one reason the
collection was placed in the Library, was because some things were being stored under the stage of
the Community Center.
Mr. Long encouraged the Board to follow-up on the direction of Mr. Knievel. He said his two
concerns were archival preservation and the continuance of the collection. Mr. Long felt this should
be done expeditiously while "we" are friends.
Mr. Knievel felt the way the current collection was being maintained was hne, but was uncomfortable
with a lack of an inventory. Ms. Harmon said the originals were put away in archival envelopes and
boxes and only the copies could be accessed. Chairwoman Haughwout asked if the Library is to be
keeper of these records, what would happen in the future if someone suggested starting a museum.
Mr. Knievel said that's one of the questions the stakeholders should address.
Chairwoman Haughwout entertained a motion to have Jo Anne Sikes either do or have help doing
an inventor list. Ms. Harmon said Ruthie McCor~ck would be interested in participating in this,
and that she had or was going to talk to the State ar~hival people as far as the proper way of indexing
and cataloging.
Ms. Goodrich mgved to have the Board delegate City historian Jo Anne Sikes and Childrens' Librarian
Ruthie McCor,Jck to make an inventory of the Historical Edgewater-Hawks Park Collection and seek
competent legal ;;dvice in drafting a statement of ownership and succession, second by Ms. Clausnitzer.
Motion CARRIED 6-0.
Mr. Long felt it was important to follow-up on what the Board had decided to, and make some
specifications for things that may be added to the collection.
Ms. Ladd asked if the election of officers should have been held at this meeting. The by-laws stated
the elections are held the second meeting of the year. There was discussion on whether officer
elections were already held, holding the elections at this meeting, or waiting until a later date.
Ms. Shaw moved to continue with the present officers until elections in 2000, second by Ms. Rice. Motion
Edgewater Library Board
April 20, 1999 - Minutes
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Chairwoman Haughwout indicated the next meeting would be October 5, 1999, at 3:30 pm.
There being no further business to come before the Board, a motion was made and approved to
adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 2:44 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Elizabeth J. McBride
Recording Secretary