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October 5, 1999
3:30 P.M.
Chairwoman Jean Haughwout called to order a regular meeting of the Library Board at 3:38 p.m.,
Tuesday, October 5, 1999, in the Edgewater Public Library.
Members present were Chairwoman Jean Haughwout, Marie Goodrich, Mary Rice, Linda Ladd, and
Kathy Clausnitzer. Also present were Assistant Librarian Melanie West; Regional Librarian Russell
Long; and recording secretary Liz McBride. Sue Shaw and Jo Anne Sikes were excused.
The minutes for the regular meeting of March 2, 1999, were presented to the Board for approval.
The Chairman observed that on page two of the last paragraph it should read Melanie Parks not
Griffin. Assistant Librarian Melanie West gave the correct spelling of Ruth McCormack's name.
The minutes for the special meeting of April 20, 1999, were presented to the Board for approval.
The spelling of Ms. McCormack's name was corrected. Ms. Rice moved to approve both minutes
with corrections, second by Ms. Ladd. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Assistant Librarian Melanie West said she was in attendance on behalf of Librarian Gayle Harmon
who was recovering from recent surgery. She said a log of her recovery was being kept for those
inquiring how she was doing.
Ms. West informed the Board the County had officially taken over the maintenance of the library as
of October 151.
Ms. West said the Children's Story Time program had begun on September 23, 1999. She said the
programs were on Wednesdays at 10:00 and 10:30 a.m.
Ms. West made the Board aware that Ruth McCormack was continuing with the County Leadership
Program. She said Ms. McCormack had been to programs on the airport, the Ocean Center, the jail
and all over the County learning how V olusia County operates.
Ms. West said the library was closed on August 6th for an in-house work day. She said the staff was
able to put up new signage, freshen up the appearance of the library, and do computer training.
Ms. West said the Friends of the library had their book sale on October 151 and 2nd. She said Ms.
Rice would talk about the sale later in the meeting.
Library Board Minutes
October 5,1999
Page -2-
Ms. West said the display case had been done this month by local historian Charlie Carlson. She
said the display was based on a book he had written about the occult and unexplained events. She
said the glasses Mr. Carlson wore in the movie the Blair Witch Project were on display in the
Ms. West updated the Board on the Gates Grant. She said the library was awarded four new
computers which should be installed in February. Ms. West said, through the grant the library had
been upgrade and now is able to sent additional people to Seattle for training. She said she had been
selected to attend the five day program, which would enable her to train not only her Edgewater
coworkers, but those throughout the County library system.
Chairwoman Haughwout read a letter written by corresponding secretary Marie Goodrich to Ruth
McCormack congratulating her for the completion of 25 years of service with the V olusia County
Library System. She also read a thank you note from the volunteers for the annual luncheon
prepared for them.
A. Acknowledge June 1999 Membership Payment to WHCLIST - Chairman Haughwout
formally acknowledged payment of the membership dues to the White House Conference on Library
and Information Services Task Force.
B. Discuss County Takeover of Library Maintenance on October 1, 1999 - Chairwoman
Haughwout said Melanie West already touched on this subject and asked if anyone had any
questions. Regional Librarian Russell Long stated contact had been made with the City in regard
to contracting with the City for the grounds maintenance, but no response had been received.
C. Status of Historical Edgewater-Hawks Park Collection - Chairwoman Haughwout said
Ms. Skies had been numbering and logging each item in an accounting book. She said everything
would in entered into a computer, with two copies being made for the City of Edgewater and the
Edgewater Library.
Chairwoman Haughwout referred to promoting and encouraging ways of donating to the library
which was discussed at a previous meeting. There was a brief discussion on different ways to get
the word out. Ms. McBride informed the members, the new billing system did not allow for the
printing of information on the back of the water bills. Mr. Long said there was a V olusia County
Public Library system form available for the receipt of all sorts of donations. He also said there was
an endowment fund, which showed what each branch library received in cash contributions. He said
once a year distribution of accrued interest on those balances was made. He said Edgewater has a
small endowment which Ms. Harmon adds to the book budget. Mr. Long said if the funds grew to
a large balance, a capital project could be taken on. Chairwoman Haughwout asked if Mr. Long
could fax a copy of the form to her office. He said he would make it available. Chairwoman
Haughwout asked if anyone was willing to work to this project. Ms. Clausnitzer agreed to do so.
Library Board Minutes
October 5, 1999
Page -3-
A. Advise Members of Term Expiration Dates - Chairwoman Haughwout asked when the
members' terms expired. Ms. McBride informed the members of their expiration dates. Ms.
Goodrich and Ms. Sikes had expiration dates in February 2000. It was suggested they address a
letter to City Council requesting reappointment.
Ms. Ladd moved that the Library Board recommend to City Council that Marie Goodrich and Jo
Ann Sikes be reappointed in February 2000, second by Ms. Clausnitzer. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
B. WHCLIST Newsletter Editor Requesting Library Board News - Chairman Haughwout
read a letter from Merrilyn Ridgeway requesting the WHCLIST be informed of events happening
in the Edgewater area. Ms. Goodrich volunteered to write a letter if she was given an idea of what
to say.
The Board discussed where to obtain the information.
Chairman Haughwout asked Regional Librarian Russell Long if he had anything going on. Mr. Long
said the most exciting thing for Edgewater was the Gates Grant which Ms. West already spoke of.
Mr. Long explained the program was based on poverty level and the people would benefit from
having free access to the Internet at the public library.
Ms. Rice reported on the Friends Book Sale. She said they were very happy to see so many people
come to the sale. She was pleaseckith the two police officeI9Nho contributed their "muscles" in ~
- -
helping them set up, and offering to do so in the future. Ms. Rice wanted to write a letter to Chief
Schumaker. Chairwoman Haughwout suggested the letter should come from the Friends. Ms. Rice
reminisced when the library was small and housed in the Police Station. Ms. Rice said they collected
$596 at the sale.
Ms. Ladd said, on September 23rd the Volunteers held their annual "Shelf Reading Party" where 14
volunteers and two staffs members came in after the library closed to put books in their proper order.
Ms. Ladd said they currently had 54 volunteers.
Chairman Haughwout said the next meeting would be January 4th at 3:30 p.m.
Mr. Long said the Friends of the Library for New Smyrna Beach were starting their second season.
He said tickets were on sale for a piano performance by Michael Rickman, October 16th at 2:00 p.m.
There being no further business to come before the Board, a motion was made and approved to
adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 4: 13 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Elizabeth J. McBride
Recording Secretary