Thursday, Aprill8, 2002
Chairman Fowler called the Regular Meeting of the Citizen's Code Enforcement Board
to Order at 5:32 p.m. Thursday, April 18, 2002 in the Community Center.
Members present were Chairman Anthony Fowler, Vice Chairman Linda Johnson, Ms.
Joy Brindley, Ms. George Ann Keller, and Mr. Russell Baugher. Mr. Bobbie McGuire
was absent. Also present were: Mr. Sid Nowell, Board Attorney, Captain Jill Danigel,
Code Compliance Officer Mike McGrath, Code Compliance Officer Angela DeSue, and
Recording Secretary Lisa R. Miller.
introduced Mr. Russell Baugher and welcomed him to the Board.
The Minutes of the March 21, 2002 Regular Meeting were submitted for approval. Ms.
Keller moved to approve the minutes with the following correction: on page four
paragraph one in two places the name should read Mr. Randy Williams instead of Mr.
Randy Curtis. Ms. Brindley seconded. Motion CARRIED 5 to O.
There were none.
There was nothing pending that was currently in compliance.
NEW BUSINESS: Status of Land Development Code Revisions - Captain Danigel
brought the Board's attention to the notebooks that had been provided to them by
administration staff She noted that the Board would receive updates as we get them and
once they got through Article XVI they would go back and review the document as a
whole. Captain Danigel added that at that time they would get another complete copy.
Captain Danigel pointed out that Article III is where they get a lot of complaints
generated from such as outdoor storage, etc. She added two other key sections that define
the Code Enforcement Board and how it does business are: Article VIII, Section 21-86
and Article X. Captain Danigel stated the State Statutes and By-Laws for the Board were
also included in the notebook as well as a copy of the new Noise Ordinance that is
actually in the Code of Ordinances. The Board reviewed the notebooks and there was
discussion regarding the location of items in the Land Development Code.
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Regular Meeting 04/18102
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None at this time.
DISCUSSION ITEMS: Board Vacancy - Captain Danigel stated she had called all
the Board applicants the Board had asked her to call. She informed the Board that City
Council was having a workshop on April 22nd at 6:30 p.m. in the Community Center and
one of the items they were going to discuss was the process by which they would make
appointments to the various boards serving the City. Captain Danigel stated there was
nothing the Board could do about the vacancy until Council went over the process and
she would report back the outcome.
Sunshine Law - Attorney Nowell stated, as there were new members to the Board it
would be a good time to go over the Sunshine Law. He gave the Board members a brief
overview. Mr. Baugher asked if he knew someone in Edgewater that has a problem with
someone on his street not being in compliance that has come to him with the problem
what he should do. Attorney Nowell pointed out the section of the Board Bylaws that
states, "No board member shall initiate actions before the Board." Attorney Nowell stated
Mr. Baugher should tell the person that if they felt there was a violation they should
contact the Code Enforcement Officers or bring it before the Board. Attorney Nowell
stated a good rule of thumb is that if you have any concern, you raise it so that everything
would be out in the open.
By-Law Review - Attorney Nowell addressed Section VI that states that a Board member
can't initiate anything that might be brought before the Board. He added this includes
even being involved in the process out in the street with your neighbor; the Board
members must remain neutral. Attorney Nowell stated the other item that needed to be
looked at was absences especially excused absences and non-excused absences. Attorney
Nowell stated the Board wears two hats: the first being serving as a somewhat advisory
board, and then also serving in a judicial capacity by hearing cases and they should be
familiar with Article VII which describes the hearing process. Captain Danigel added
that under Article V, C Board Absences, members shall notifY the Board Coordinator.
She stated that if for any reason the Board member could not attend that Ms. Miller was
their contact person. Mr. Nowell stated the new rule was that if you get a packet there is a
meeting. Captain Danigel stated that was correct unless you get a cancellation notice
instead of a packet.
The next meeting of the Code Enforcement Board will be Thursday, May 16th at 5 :30
p.m. in the Community Center.
CODE ENFORCEMENT COMMENTS: Captain Danigel stated that if the Board
members had been reading in the papers they would already know that Code Compliance
had been working on signs in the right-of-way, banners, free-standing signs at the
convenient stores and enforcement of the Land Development Code pertaining to
Citizen Code Enforcement J'arrd .....,
Regular Meeting 04/18/02
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unattended vending machines. She added they are in the process of working out a
solution with the newspapers to get some sort of modular stand that is aesthetically
pleasing, but which would not create the problems that we had before. Captain Danigel
stated they also had started going through Florida Shores looking for the worst violations
so things are going to get a lot busier.
PUBLIC COMMENTS: There were none at this time.
ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Board at this
time, Chairman Fowler adjourned the meeting at 6:02 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Lisa R. Miller, Board CoordinatOl"