06-20-2002 ..... ....., CITY OFEDGEWATER CITUENCODEENFORCEMENTBOARD REGULAR MEETING June 20, 2002 5:30 p.M. COMMUNITY CENTER MINUTES CALL TO ORDER: Chainnan Fowler called to order a regular meeting of the Citizen Code Enforcement Board at 5:30 p.m., Thursday, June 20, 2002, in the Community Center. ROLL CALL: Members present were, Chainnan Anthony Fowler, Vice Chainnan Linda Johnson, Joy Brindley, George Ann Keller, and Glenn Barnhill. Also present were Captain Jill Danigel, Code Compliance Officer Mike McGrath and recording secretary Elizabeth McBride. Russell Baugher and Bobbie McGuire were absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes for the regular meeting of May 16, 2002, were presented to the Board for approval. There being no corrections or changes, Ms. Keller moved to approve the minutes as presented, second by Ms. Johnson. Motion CARRIED 5-0. SWEARING IN OF WITNESSES: None at this time. CASES IN COMPLIANCE: NEW BUSINESS/PUBLIC H~ARINGS: By-law Update - Captain Danigel stated since their discussion of revising the By-laws, the City Council realized that all the City Boards' By-laws were inconsistent among themselves. She said staff was working on compiling a more generic By-law document but that there may be things unique to individual Boards. It was anticipated that a draft of the changes would be available for the next meeting. None at this time. Election of Officers - Chainnan Fowler announced they would hold elections for Chainnan and Vice Chainnan and asked for nominations. Ms. Johnson nominated Tony Fowler for Chainnan. There being no other nominations, Chainnan Fowler asked for nominations for Vice Chainnan. Ms. Johnson nominated George Ann Keller for Vice Chainnan. Ms. Johnson moved to elect Tony Fowler for Chairman and George Ann Keller for Vice Chairman, second by Mr. Barnhill. Motion CARRIED 5-0. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None at this time. LIEN REDUCTION REOUESTS: None at this time. ... Citi~ Code Enforcement Board June 20, 2002 - Minutes Page -2- DISCUSSION ITEMS: CODE ENFORCEMENT COMMENTS: Captain Danigel commented that included in the Board's packets were the weekly code updates which are given to City Council prior to their regular meetings, keeping them informed of "hot topics" in code enforcement. She said things were pretty quiet but expected grass and weeds calls due to the recent rain storms. Captain Danigel informed the Board that there should be a case next month under Lien Reductions. None at this time Ms. Keller inquired what a diesel sign was. Captain Danigel explained that one gas station on SR 442 and one on US 1 has signs that read "Unleaded" "Super Unleaded" or whatever, and had free- standing signs that added the diesel price. Since the City wanted the free-standing signs eliminated, the two gas stations had a sign company permanently install a diesel sign. Ms. Keller asked about checking into a sign that was installed at the ice cream parlor. Captain Danigel said the shop has a large ice cream cone and underneath it, a sign which does not meet the codes. She said they have applied for a permit for a permanent sign. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None at this time. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Board, a motion was made and accepted to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 5:39 p.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Elizabeth J. McBride Assistant to City Manager F:\codeenforcement\ceb062002reg.min