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Thursday, February 20, 2003
5:30 p.M.
Chairman Fowler called to order a regular meeting of the Citizen Code Enforcement Board at 5:30
p.m., Thursday, February 20,2003 in the Community Center.
Members present were: Chairman Anthony Fowler, Vice Chairman George Ann Keller, Ms. Joy
Brindley, Ms. Linda Johnson, Mr. Glenn Barnhill, Mr. Ben DelNigro, and Mr. Ed Com. Also present
were City Manager Ken Hooper, Captain Jill Danigel, Code Compliance Officer Angela DeSue, and
Recording Secretary Lisa R. Miller.
The minutes for the regular meeting of January 16, 2002, were presented to the Board for approval.
There being no corrections or changes, Mrs. Keller moved to approve the minutes as presented. Ms.
Brindley seconded Motion CARRIED 7-0.
SWEARING IN OF WITNESSES: Code Compliance Officer Angela DeSue was sworn in for
No cases for the board's consideration at this time.
NEW BUSINESSIPUBLIC HEARINGS: Case #2002-CE-1021, Mr. Peter White, 2825 Needle
Palm Drive, Edgewater, Florida 32141, Parcel #8402-01-12-8140, LOTS 12814 & 12815 EXCE25
FT IN DITCH BLK 413 FLA SHRS UNIT 20 MB 19 PG 240 PER OR 4879 PG 4397. Violation of
Section 21-35.04- Commercial Vehicles in Residential Areas. Code Compliance Officer DeSue
presented information regarding Case #2002-CE-1021. She stated she had received a complaint
regarding a commercial vehicle parked in a residential area at 2825 Needle Palm Drive. After several
attempts to contact the owner, Officer DeSue met with the owner, Mr. Peter White, and explained the
ordinance to him. Officer DeSue stated Mr. White had explained that their other vehicle was out of
order and that this was the family's only means of transportation. Officer DeSue stated she gave them
two to three weeks to get the other vehicle up and running and to remove the truck from their
premises. Officer DeSue stated that as ofthe meeting they were in compliance. There was discussion
regarding the pictures in the packet, the size and type of the vehicle, and the code compliance
process. As the violation was in compliance, the board took no action at this time.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: There was no unfinished business at this time.
LIEN REDUCTION REOUESTS: There were no lien reduction requests at this time.
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February 20, 2003 - Minutes
Page 2
DISCUSSION ITEMS: There was discussion regarding a previous case, (#2002.CE-8038) that had
come before the board and been tabled. It was noted that Mr. Burtner had been to the Building
Department and was trying to obtain permits for the work that had been done on his property at 2429
Unity Tree Drive.
Mr. Ken Hooper, City Manager, explained to the Board that the City was considering the option of
using a special master to hear code compliance cases. Mr. Hooper stated this would speed up the
process and also allows the city to recoup some of the costs for code compliance. There was
discussion regarding the pros and cons of this idea. Mr. Hooper invited the board to sit in on a work
session, as it would be done at a public meeting.
CODE ENFORCEMENT COMMENTS: Captain Danigel stated a Special Master Hearing would
be held in Ormond Beach on February 24th at 10 :00 a.m. in the Ormond Beach City Hall. Captain
Danigel stated that Compliance Officer McGrath would be coming back from the Building
Department the next week. She added that Compliance Officer DeSue had been working on Hibiscus
businesses and would be moving on to Guava. There was discussion regarding dumpsters and
basketball hoops. It was noted that all basketball hoops that were permanently set in the right of ways
had been moved. There was discussion regarding privacy fences and whether or not compliance
officers have the right to look over them. The Board was informed compliance officers cannot go
onto the property to look over or stand on a stool to peek over, it must be in their line of sight.
PUBLIC COMMENTS: There were none at this time.
ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting
adjourned at 6:10 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Lisa R. Miller, Recording Secretary