10-16-2003 '-" ..""" CITY OF EDGEWATER ClllZENCODEENFORCEMENTBOARD Thursda~October16,2003 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY CENTER ~I~UT~S CALL T9 ORDER Co-Chairperson George Ann Keller called to order the regular meeting of the Citizen Code Enforcement Board at 5:34 PM in the Community Center. ROLL CALL Members present were: Co-Chairperson George Ann Keller, Linda Johnson, Ben Delnigro, Glenn Barnhill and Ed Corn. Present were candidates for the Code Enforcement Board: Dan Grisell, Elizabeth Donahue, Charles Crampo, Gene Mirabella, Alice Haldeman and Jean Kayat. Also present were Captain Jill Danigel, and Board Secretary Shontella Jackson. Absent were: Joy Brindley who notified the Board Secretary at September board meeting. 4PPROVAL OF MINvr~S The minutes for the regular meeting of September 18, 2003 were presented to the Board for approval. There being no corrections or changes a motion was made for approval. MQTION.,V Ben Dtlniaro. SECONgEQ bV Lind~ :Jgtanson to aDDrove the m,nutes of the SeDtember 18. 2003 meetina. MOTION CARRlEQ UNANIMOUSLY. NEW BUSINESS: Review of applications for vacant position Co-Chairperson George Ann Keller presented the floor to all applicants, which applied to serve on the Code Enforcement Board. Dan Grisell was present and gave a brief statement regarding to his personal life and interest in serving on the Board. Mr. Grisell has also served on the Police Pension Board. Co-Chairperson Keller asked all applicants if the time changed to a morning Board meeting other than an afternoon Board meeting would this time change cause any inconvenience to you? Mr. Grisell stated that he would not '-" ...., have any problem with the time change. Ben Delnigro asked Mr. Grisell if he knew anybody on the Board? Mr. Grisell advised that he did not. Elizabeth Donahue was present, gave a brief statement and interest in serving on the Board. Ben Delnigro asked Ms. Donahue if she was aware if she is on the Board that she cannot file a complaint? Ms. Donahue stated, she was aware. Ben Delnigro asked Ms. Donahue if she knew anybody on the Board? Ms. Donahue replied yes, she knows Mr. Delnigro. Delores Cuncanich was not presented and the Board Coordinator informed the Board that Ms. Cucanich was no longer interested in serving on a Board. Charles Crampo was present, gave a brief statement on his personal life and interest in serving on the Board. Mr. Crampo works on the CAP Program. Co- Chairperson George Ann Keller commented that she does know Mr. Crampo from the CAPS Program. Gene Mirabella was present, gave a brief statement on his background and interest in serving on the Board. Co-Chairperson Keller asked Mr. Mirabella if the time changed would he have any problem with an earlier time of day for Board meetings? Mr. Mirabella advised that he did not. Francisco Diaz III was not present. Alice Haldeman was present, gave a brief statement on her background and interest in serving on the Board. Ms. Haldeman stated that she could probably attend some morning meetings but her job comes first. Ben Delnigro asked if Ms. Haldeman applied once before? Ms. Haldeman replied no. Jean Kayat was present, gave a brief statement on her personal life and interest in serving on the Board. Ms. Kayat stated she owns her own business and morning would not be a problem. The Board discussed the applicants and made recommendation for the Council. Unda Johnson replied that she would make the motion and wanted everyone to know there are a lot of factors that the Board members have to take into consideration when choosing Board members, such as the district you happen to live in, your occupation, and your experience of serving on a board mayor may not have any affect on it. She advised that the Board's suggestion to the Council might have absolutely no affect whatsoever. She made a motion to narrow it down to three possibilities that the Council can consider. MQTJON bv Lio~a 19hnson. SECOtiDED bv Ben pelni9ro that we offer tq the Council our recommendltion that one of ~e followinG ti1ree oeoDle would. be consi~,red ~ fill the vacant pqsi~on witll the (:i,Uzen Code '-' ...., Enforcemen~ Board these are not in any sDeCific order: Dan CiriseU" ~Do~ahue and Jean l(ayat. MOn()~ CA~fUgD UNANJMOY$L Y. Co-Chairperson George Ann Keller thanked all the applicants for coming and invited them to stay for the continuation of the meeting. Most of the applicants left the meeting. Election of new chail]Jerson Co-Chairperson George Ann Keller opened the floor to discussion for chairperson. The Board had a brief discussion. Mr. Barnhill wanted to know who was interested in the position. Ms. Johnson stated that Ms. Keller has been serving as vice chairperson and filling in as our chairperson. I have served a term as a vice-chairman, and Mr. Delnigro is open to possibilities. MO-nON by Ben ~Iniaro, SECQNDCD .~ Glenn Bambill to nomi~ate (;eorae Ann K~IIII for Cha.imerson for ttae City of Edgewater C~e Ellforcement Board. MOnOri ~RRJt;D UN&N~QUSL Y. MOTIOfj bv Ben ~Inlaro, $ECOND~P by f;d Com to nomina_ "'tt'lda J9hn~n as Vice Ch,lroerson wi~ the Ci\y of edgewater Code Eoforcement Board. MOnON ~RRlEP UNANI~OU$LY. Status of search of Board Attorney Capt. Danigel briefed the Board that the position was advertised in several newspapers requesting letters of interest; the City has only received one from an attorney in Orlando. The City will interview her next week. It is the City's hope to move on this quickly and have a Board attorney as soon as possible. The Oty will continue with its search to get an attorney for the Board if the one prospect does not come on board. The attorney went through a brief Interview with the Oty Manager today when she dropped off the application. Apparently, she is from a big firm and she is now starting out on her own. CODECOMP~~CEREPORT Capt. Danigel verified that everyone received an updated list of board members and fines sheet in their package. Capt. Danigel stated this is the busiest week of the year for Code Enforcement, Biketoberfest. There are two businesses that have been issued special activity permits. Earthquake Magoons for one day to have an outside oyster roast and No Name Saloon has a special activity permit that goes from October 10 to October 19. No problems so far, everyone has been cooperating. Code Enforcement has a total of 69 cases worked in September and 31 so far for the month of October. Code Enforcement has issued lots of notice of violations and is getting very good responses. Mr. Schultz came into compliance the very next day. He removed everything off the site. He only owes the aty the $53 citation fee. Chairperson George Ann Keller wanted to let the Board members know that Mr. Hooper stated that the Board ~ ...., was moving in the right direction and he complimented the previous meeting that he attended. Capt. Danigel stated that she may not be present for next month board meeting due to her husband will be having surgery that day. PUBUC COMMEN't$: Dan Grisell stated that he was asked if he knew anybody on the Board and he don't except that he has done tree work for Capt. Danigel who is also his next door neighbor. Dan Grisell was the only applicant that stayed for the entire Board meeting. ADJOURNMENT MOnON by Glenn Barnhill. SECQNQED by Ed Com to adiourn ~ meetina. MOnON CA~ED U~ANIMO,",$L Y. The meetina was tiljoumed at 6:~4 Dm. Next Meeting will be held on November 20,2003 at 5:30 pm.