08-08-1989 ~ CITY OF EDGEWATER ..." BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE August 8, 1989 7:00 P.M. City Hall MINUTES ROLL CALL/CALL TO ORDER Vice Chairman JoAnne Sikes called the August 8, 1989, meeting of the Beautification Committee to order at 7:02 P.M. in the Edgewater City Hall. Members present were: JoAnne Sikes, Diane Gross, Gloria Fish, Richard Loomis and Jodi Geiger. Committee Chairman Mark Seifert was excused and member John Borner was absent. Also present were Councilman Danny Hatfield and City Manager Elly F. Johnson, arriving later. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mrs. Geiger moved to approve the minutes of the July 11, 1989, meeting and Mrs. Fish seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0. OLD BUSINESS Final Discussion and Approval of By-Laws The Committee reviewed and discussed the draft by-laws, making no changes. Mrs. Fish moved to approve the by-laws as proposed and to submit them to the City Manger for Council's approval. Mrs. Geiger seconded the motion and it CARRIED 5-0. Beautification Awards The Committee had a lengthy discussion on what the award would look like, how it would be chosen and what the qualifications would be to be eligible. The final decision was to have a wooden sign made up that would be presented to the winner for display on their lawn, and the following month would be given to the next winner. Winners would be chosen by Committee members and each month they would be chosen from the different voting zones. The first two months the award would go to a residence and the third month would be given to a business and so on. Some regulations were set up as to qualifying, such as there would be a one year waiting period for new construction residences and businesses. The Committee also drafted a sample letter to be sent to winners and agreed a certificate should be presented to the winner by the City Council at the following Council meeting. Councilman Hatfield introduced Mr. Johnson to the Committee. Mr. Johnson stated he had contacted the State Department of Transportation and the City could get approx- imately $21,000.00 a year toward the mowing of the median strips on U.S. 1 and 442 from the city limits to U.S. 1. The advantage of doing this would be the vast improve- ment of the City's appearance and we could hire two men whose sole responsibility would be to maintain these medians and keep the City looking well kept. He also said the City could apply for a permit to do landscaping in medians with flowers and low ground cover plants. The Committee agreed this was a much needed arrangement and expressed their hopes that this could be accomplished. NEW BUSINESS Fall Projects The Committee decided that Zone 1, which runs from Ocean Avenue, north to the City limits would be the first area that a Beautification Award would be given to. Members agreed to bring back names of possible winners to the next meeting and to issue a press release notifying residents in this zone. Councilman Hatfield suggested the Committee work on a form letter that could be sent to Edgewater businesses that would explain to them what this Committee is hoping to accomplish, and what kind of projects money was being raised for. The Committee agreed this was a good idea. It was also agreed to continue pursuing the possibility of placing garbage cans along U.S. 1, as was discussed at a previous meeting. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mrs. Geiger moved to adjourn, seconded by Mrs. Gross. The meeting adjourned at 8:20 P.M. Minutes submitted by Barb Kowall