October 10, 1989 7:00 PM
City Hall
The October 10, 1989 meeting of the Beautification Committee was
called to order by the Chairman, Mark Seifert, at 7:20 PM in the
Edgewater City Hall.
Members present were: Mark Seifert, JoAnne Sikes, Jodi Geiger
and Diane Gross. Committee member Gloria Fish was excused and
John Borner Jr. and Richard Loomis were absent.
Mrs. Geiger moved to accept the September 12, 1989 minutes and
Mrs. Sikes seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 4-0.
Entries/Sloqan Contest
The Committee members reviewed the list of entries that were
received for the slogan contest. All slogans were typed in a
list, and names of who had submitted the entries were not
included. The members chose 5 slogans and then from the 5,
chose the top three. The winning slogan was submitted by Vincent
Azarello Jr., the second prize went to Margaret Denison, and the
third prize also went to Vincent Azarello Jr. The new slogan for
Edgewater is "CARE: ~REATE B. 8.EWARDH-JG ~NVIRONt-1ENT." j'"lrs. Sikes
moved that the winners would be notified by telephone and invited
to attend the November 6th Council Meeting where the prizes would
be awarded by the Mayor and perhaps the press could take their
pictures to be put in the newspaper to give the Committee some
publicity and make the public aware of the Committee's campaign
to clean up Edgewater. Mrs. Geiger seconded the motion and it
Beautification Award Siqn
Mr. Seifert stated he had checked on prices for getting a SIgn
for the Beautification Award and the lowest price he received was
$100.00 and that was for a two-sided sign. Mrs. Geiger noted she
knew of a place in town that did signs for some of the local
landscaping businesses and they did a real good job for a lower
price. Mrs. Sikes moved that this company be approached and
prices be acquired for painting a sign for the award. Mrs.
Geiger seconded the motion and it CARRIED 4-0. Mr. Seifert
agreed he would check into this.
The secretary noted the Committee had received a $25.00 donation
from an Edgewater couple which was placed in an account to be
spent on beautification. The members discussed how donations
might be gotten and Mrs. Geiger suggested donation cans could be
placed in local businesses and could be decorated with the new
beautification slogan. Mrs. Sikes moved to send a memo to the
City Manager asking permission to proceed with the idea of
putting donation cans with the new City slogan in local
businesses. Mrs. Gross seconded the motion and it CARRIED 4-0.
The secretary informed the Committee she had received a
resignation letter from JoAnne Sikes, which was to be effective
as of October 11, 1989. The rest of the Committee thanked Mrs.
Sikes for her participation and expressed their understanding and
regrets that she will no longer be a member.
There being no further business, Mrs. Geiger moved to adjourn and
Mrs. Gross seconded the motion. The meeting ended at 8:24 P.M.
Minutes submitted by
Barb Kowa 11
Beautification Committee
October 10, 1989