12-20-1989 Special ."'" ...., CITY OF EDGEWATER BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE SPECIAL I"EETING Dec.-ber 20, 1989 7:00 P.M. City Hall MINUTES ROLL CALL/CALL TO ORDER Chairman Mark Seifert called the December 20, 1989, Special Meeting of the Beautification Committee to order at 7:00 P.M. in the Edgewater City Hall Conference Room. Members present were: Mark Seifert, Gloria Fish, Richard Loomis, Jodi Geiger, Paul Giattino, Lisa Weber and Diane Gross. Also present were Mr. Elly Johnson/City Manager, Carl Overstreet/Superintendent of Public Works, Ron Ferland/City Engineer, Ken Pellum/Landscape Architect from Dyer, Riddle, Mills & Precourt, and Jennifer Halperin from the press. LANDSCAPE DESIGN FOR U.S. 1 AND 442 Mr. Johnson stated the City was applying for a Highway Beautification grant for the medians on U.S. 1 and 442 and he asked M,-. Fer land and M,-. Pellum to come up wi th a landscape des ign fo,- the med ians, as the g,-ant pape,-s have to be prepa,-ed and sealed by a landscape architect. He stated the pape,-wo.-lo:: should be back in a few weeks on doing the maintenance on U.S. 1 and 442 and OUl- matching share of the SO/50 grant can be labo,-, mate,-ial on hand, or equipment. M,-. Johnson suggested the Committee choose a segment of U.S. 1 and 442 or perhaps the City entrances as a first year project that we can add on to neKt year and keep it all within a master plan. Mr. Fe,-land intl-oduced M,-. I(en Pellum, the ce,-tified landscape a,-chitect with Dye,-, Riddle, Mills Po: P,-ecourt. M,-. Ferland noted the p,-og,-am should be done in phases wi th a total concept in mind. He said a lot of communities have an "Adopt a Road" 0'- "Adopt a Median" p,-og,-am whe,-e private businesses could take a st.-etch of a med ian and do the beaut i ficat ion plan wi th in the total concept. He noted some of the medians had swales fo,- d,-ainage and the plan fOI- these would have to include plants which could withstand drought and flooding. M,-. Pellum stated he would check the med ians out, take some p ictUl-es, d,-aw some sketches and come up wi th a landscape plan the Committee could review at the neKt meeting. M,-s. Geige,- stated that the Chambe,- of Comme,-ce has g,-ants available to them fo,- highway beautification and once the,-e is a plan completed, they would be willing to help. The Comm i t tee discussed wh i ch at-eas they wou 1 d 1 i ke to see imp,-oved the fi,-st yea,- and decided on the no,-th and south ent,-ances to the City, Pa,-k Avenue ent.-ance, wes t 442 entl-ance and the U.S.1 and 442 intet-section. Also discussed was irrigation, size and height of plants to be used, blockage of visibility and dt-ainage. The Committee agreed to review the plan by Mr. Pellum at the ne~t meeting on January 9, 1990 and to have another Special Meeting if it were necessary in order to have the plan completed and mailed by the February 1, 1989 deadline. ADJ'OURNtIENT There being no further seconded by Mr. Loomis. business, Mrs. Fish moved to adjourn, The meeting ended at 7:40 P.M. Minutes submitted by Barb Kowall