February 27, 1990 7:00 P.M.
City Hall
Chairman Mark Seifert called the February 27, 1990 meeting of the
Beautification Committee to order at 7:05 P.M. in the Edgewater
City Hall Conference Room.
Members present
and Lisa Weber.
were: Mark Seifert, Jodi Geiger, Richard Loomis
Committee member Paul Giattino was absent.
Mrs. Geiger moved to approve the minutes of
meeting and Mr. Loomis seconded the motion.
the January 9, 1990
Motion CARRIED 4-0.
Count Funds In Donation Cans
The donation
to the girls
to be added
cans were turned over to the Secretary to be given
in the Finance Department for an official count and
to the account set up for Beautification Committee
March Beautification Award Choice
The Committee tabulated the selections for the March
Beautification Award which will be presented to a residence this
month. The winning address was 1926 Victory Palm Drive and Mr.
Loomis agreed to present the sign to Mr. Frank Knabel.
Spring Clean Up Program
The members felt this item should be discussed at a later
meeting when they once again have a seven member Committee.
Mrs. Geiger stated that New Smyrna Beach, with the help of the
Chamber of Commerce, is trying to get designated as a "Tree
City" and perhaps Edgewater could get involved with them and be
designated also. It is nationally recognized and there are
certain requirements that have to be met but it may be helpful in
acquiring future grants for beautification. Mr. Seifert agreed
to get in touch with the Chamber and see what could be done.
The Committee discussed possible sites for a beautification
project and decided the Fire Station on U.S. 1 would be a good
location. Mr. Loomis suggested a car wash would give the
Committee some good publicity and keep the slogan in the public's
mind and the money could be spent to landscape around the Fire
Station. Mrs. Geiger moved to send a memo to the City Manager
asking permission to proceed with a car wash with the proceeds
going to a landscape project around the Fire Station. Cost for
the washes would be $2.00 per car and $4.00 per truck or van and
perhaps tickets could be sold in advance as well as the day of
the car wash. Mrs. Weber seconded the motion and it CARRIED 4-0.
Location of the car wash was discussed and Mr. Seifert agreed to
check with the Library and see if it could be held there and also
he would check with the Volunteer Fire Department and see if
they would agree to help with the car washing.
There being no further business, Mrs. Geiger moved to adjourn and
Mrs. Weber seconded the motion. The meeting ended at 7:58 P.M.
Minutes submitted by
Barb Kowall
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Beautification Committee
February 27, 1990