05-08-1990 '-' ...., CITY OF EDGEWATER BEAUTIFICATION COMMI'r'lEE May 8, 1990 7:00 P.M. City Hall MINUTES ROLL CJlT.T./r.AT.T. TO ORD~ Cha~ Mark Seifert called the Beautification Committee to order at 7:02 City Hall Conference Room. May meeting of the P.M. in the Edsewater Members present were: Mark Seifert, Jodi Geiger, Richard Loomis, Felicia Ver Way and John Antienowicz. APPROVAL 0' MINtJ'rES Mr. Loomis moved to approve the minutes of the March 15 and April 10 minutes and Mrs. Geiger seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0. The new member, Mr. John Antienowicz, was introduced to the rest of the Conmittee. OLD BUSINESS Car Wash Pr:oject The Conwnittee discussed the car wash scheduled for May 19th and made their arrangements as to who would be bringing hoses, nozzles, buckets, soap, rags, etc. Mr. Seifert said they would have a couple of people to hold signs along U.S. 1 to encourage passing motorists to stop in. The Conwnittee members noted the ticket sales have been going relatively well 50 far. NEW BUSINESS Ideas for Fire Station LandscaDin2 Discussion was held as to what kind of landscaping could be done at the Fire Station. Members agreed it should be a project which could be easily maintained and plants selected that were able to withstand the cold months. Mrs. Geiger suggested three 5 or 10 gallon trees. surrounded by three or four low plants and surrounded by mulch. The members agreed that some fast growing trees would look nice along the Fire Station property near the roadway. A final decision as to the types of trees and plants used will be made after it is detennined how much money the car wash will bring in. June Beautification Award Choice The selections were tabulated for the June Beautification Award and the winning residence was 3103 Needle Palm Drive. Mr. Loomis will be presenting the June award sign. ADJOtJlD8lEMT There being no further seconded by Mr. Loomis. business, Mrs. Geiger moved to adjourn, The meeting ended at 7:55 P.M. Minutes submitted by Barb Kowall