~uly 10, 1990 7:00 P.M.
Ci'ty Hall
The Chairman~ Mark
the Beauti~ication
Edgewater City Hall
Sei~ert~ called the July 10~ 1990 meeting o~
Committee to order at 7:07 P.M. in the
Con~ e'" enc e Room.
Members present ,"lere: Mar I,: Sei fer t ~ Jodi Gei ger ~ Ri chard Loomi s
and Felicia Ver Way. Committee member John Antienowic2 was
absent. Also present was Robin Colucci ~rom the press.
Mrs. Geiger moved to approve the minutes aT
meeting and Mrs. Ver Way seconded the motion.
the June 19~ 1990
Motion CARRIED 4-
Final Plans ~or PlantinQ at Fire Station
Mrs. Geiger stated she has the plants for the Fire Station
project~ noting the cherry laurels are not the large ones that
she wanted and her suggestion was to plant them in the pots for
now~ and replace them in September with larger ones when they are
available. The Committee discussed when the project would be
done and agreed that Friday~ July 13th at 1:00 P.M. would be
convenient Tor those who were going to help plant. Robin Colucci
agreed to have someone from the press there to tal,:e some pictures
for the paper.
FundinQ for Projects
Mrs. Geiger stated '"lith budget tall,:s going on now~ and the
Committee coming up for review to determine if the Committee
would remain permanent or be dismissed~ it may be the appropriate
time to as I,: Counci I Tor some I,:ind of funding or budget for the
Committee to continue their projects. She also felt it would be
a good idea to let Council know what the Committee's
accomplishments the past year have been and what their future
plans will be. She noted in the past year the Committee has
established a City-wide slogan for beautification~ placed
donation cans in businesses decorated by the children at
Edgewater Elementary School~ planted a tree at the Library for
Arbor Day~ presented the monthly beautification awards to
residences and businesses and the landscaping project soon to be
planted at the Fire Station with the profits from the Committee's
car wash. The Committee discussed what they ,"IOLuld like to
accomplish in the future and some of the plans were to spruce up
the entrance signs leading into Edgewater~ the placing of garbage
cans along U.S. 1 or appropriate other locations~ sprucing up
some of the City's parks with a little color~ ordering bumper
stickers with the City's beautification slogan on them to
increase public awareness not to litter~ and continuing work to
make Edgewater a "Tree Ci ty". Mrs. Geiger mo'ved to have the
secretary send a memo to the City Council asl~ing for funds and to
list the accomplishments and future goals of the Beautification
Committee and Mrs. Ver Way seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED
AUQust Beautifi~ion A~.,at-d Choice
The selections. wel-e t.~bui.ated fOl- the August Beautification Awat-d
,..,hich i,:;;. being pl-esented to a business~ The winnet- chosen '<IdS
Edgewatet- City Hall~ 104 N~ Rivet-side Ot-ive~ The Coslltllittee agt-eed
that the Beautifiction Award should be presented by the Committee
membet-s and pt-esen ted to Mt-. Ell Y Johnson to accep t on beha 1 f 0 f
the City ~ Mt-s. Ge iget- moved to a.lso give a cet- t if icate of
appt-ec iat ion fOt- set-vice to Mary Lou McDonald who was
responsible for all of the planting and care given to improving
the fl-ont of the City Hall gl-ounds~ Ml-s~ Vet- l4ay seconded the
motion .~nd it CARRIED 4-0.
There being no further
seconded by Mr~ Loomis~
business~ Mrs. Ver Way moved to adjourn~
The meeting ended at 7:58 P.M.
Minutes submitted by
Ba'rb I<owa}l
Page 2 Beautification Committee
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