10-02-1990 Special 'w' ....., CITY OF EDGEWATER BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE SEPTEMBER MEETING HELD OCTOBER 2, 1990 7:00 P.M. CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM ROLL CALL/CALL TO ORDER The Chairman. Mark Seifert, called the September meeting of the Beautification Committee held on October 2, ]990 to order at 7:00 p.m. In the Edgewater City Hall Conference Room. Members present were: Mark Seifert, Richard Loomis. and Felicia Ver Way. Committee member Jodi Geiger was excused. Committee member John Antienowicz was absent and released from the Beautificat~on Committee. Also present was Lisa Kruckmeyer, Secretary. APPROVAL OF MINUTES J~1'j~.. l;~.ler ~J.a "''f'' ~"r~ {) ''',i e (j t c~ approve the mInutes of the August 20, 1990 seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 3-0. meeting and Mr. Loomis OLD BUSINESS There was no old business to discuss on the agenda. NEW BUSINESS October Beautification Award Choice The selections were Award and the winning Loomis agreed to present tahulated for the October Beautification 1831 Evergreen Drive. Mr. A~-.)ard "51';1n. re-::::.idence l~t-aS thE' October Ideas for Beautification Week The Committee decided they would work Beautification Week at the ne~t meeting. present thp 1etter to the new Council. on their letter for the They dpcided they would Beautification Committee Account ---- Mr. Loomis asl(ed how much money ~~ In the Beautification Committee account. He asked the Secretary to find out how much money was in the account before and after the car wash and how much money was in thpre after the planting was done. t'ir. Seifert. asked the Secretary to ask Mrs. Geiger what happened to the mulch. Mrs. Ver Way asked if the Beautification Week was going to he for cleaning up old buildings also. Mr. Loomis stated the only thing they could do is advise the Council. Banner lilf Dr ma t. i \1n !<>1r.. SE~ i fer t ~;:( t.3 tee trt.at any type of bannpr carl Committee discussed getting a banner that 'rlill gc~ tlE"rn.::t=je.. It'IE~ -acros,=" U.S. 1. Advertisinq for Members for Committee Mr. Loomis stated that the Committee needs to people to serve on the Beautification Committee. ad'-...'er t i -::::.e for Beautification Grant Mr. Ver Way asked what was gOIng Grant>> The Secretary stated she would back at. the next. meet.ing. on ~~~i th the Eteaut i f":i C":=1t i or-~ checl:: i r~t. c~ it. and report .. . 4 '-' "-If ADJOURNMENT There being no further seconded bv Mr. Loomis. business, Mrs. Ver Way moved to adjourn~ l'r-~e frteetirto E'rlde:~d .at 7""::N"'~ ;:]...rn.. Minutes submitted by L i ~,a l:::r uc k meyer