OCTOBER 23, 1990
7:00 P.M.
The Chairman~ Mark Seifert~
to order at 7:02 p.m. in the
called the October
Edgewater City Hall
23~ 1990 meeting
Conference Room.
Members present were: Mark Seifert, Richard Loomis,
Ver Way. Committee member Jodi Geiger was absent.
was Lisa Kruckmeyer, Secretary.
and Fe lie i a
Al so p.,-esent
Mrs. Ver Way moved to
meeting held October 2
Motion CARRIED 3-0.
approve the
1990 and ,.lr.
minutes of the September
Loomis seconded the motion.
There was no old business to discuss on the agenda.
November Beautification Award Choice
The selections were tabulated for the
Award and the winning business was
Ridgewood Avenue. Mr. Loom]E. agreed
Award ";::.ign.
November Beautification
Persimmon Place~ 232 N
to present the November
Future StrateQies of Beautification Committee
Mrs. Ver Way stated she had a few ideas down. Her ~irst idea was
designating a weel~ in the spring and the fall for the citizens of
Edgewater to chip in and help clean up. Some of her other ideas
were to have a banner made up and to contact the schools so the
kids could have some kind of essay contest of why it is important
to care about the community. Mr. Seifert stated there could be
prizes too. He also stated maybe some businesses would donate
the prizes for the top essays in each grade. Mrs. Ver Way
stated that maybe the local radio stations could advertise or the
newspapers could advertise. Mr. Loomis stated that he could go
to a Council meeting and present some of the ideas they have.
Mr. Seifert stated that they could be invited to one of the
Beautification Committee meetings and then a plan could be
devised to submit. Mr. Loomis stated he would like to be in the
Christmas parade and he could put a CARE slogan on his truck.
The Committee discussed maybe making CARE week the same time that
Public Works goes around and does their big clean up. Mr.
Seifert stated a message could be put on the back of water
The Committee discussed possibly creating a different slogan.
They decided they would think about It.
The Committee discussed
prizes for the contests.
they could glve as
The Committee then discussed having the new Council
at the" mE<et iog";::. a"nd f i nct out l.>.Ihat thei"r ideas are
Committee WOUld submit something they are for and
is for.
one at a time
arid the-ill t.he
the Committee
Mrs. \,'er l--Ja"y asked if ";::.omeo"ne 1.>,1 a ";::. goi"n9 to put i"l for
again. Mr. Seifert stated the City Manage, does
would have to be invited to one of the meetings too.
the grant
that arid he
Mr. Loomis asked the Secretary to
charge D~ the Christmas parade.
tJ-y. and
~ i nd ou t ~<lho is in
Mrs. Ver Way asked how long their terms were ~or. The Secretary
stated she '4<JOuld ~ind out and let hel- hiOl<1 at the nel.:t meeting.
There being no further business to discuss~
motion to adjourn~ seconded by Mrs. Ve, Way.
.at 7:40.
Minutes submitted by
Lisa Kr uc !.: meyer
,.11 .
Loomis made a
meeting ended