01-08-1991 '-" ....., CITY OF EDGEWATER BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE JANUARY B, 1991 7:00 P.M. CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM ROLL CALL/CALL TO ORDER The Chairffian~ Mark Seifert, called the January B, 1991 meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. in the City Hal] Conference Room. Members present were: Mark Seifert, Richard Loomis, Palermo. Felicia \lerWay arri.ved at 7:0~1 p.m. Also Jean Haughwout from the Edgewater Section of the Commerce Beautification Committee. arE:! T ani rIa p'f"esent l>Jas Chamber of APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Looirti s ineet i ng and O. moved to approve the Mrs. Palermo seconded irti nutes of the motion. the January B, 1991 Motion CARR1ED 3- OLD BUSINESS There was no old business to discuss on the agenda. NEW BUSINESS Februarv Beautification Award Choice The selections were tabulated for the February Beautification Award and the winning business was the Edgewater United Methodist Church, 21] N. RidgewDod Avenue. Mrs. VerWay and Chairman Seifert agreed to present the February Award Choice. Discuss Future StrateQies of Beautification Committee Chairman Seifert introduced Jean Haughwout from the Edgewater Section of the Edgewater/New Smyrna Beach Chamber of Commerce Beautification Committee. Ms. Haughwout stated she was at the meeting to see if the Chamber members can help and get more support for the Beautification Committee. Ms. Haughwout stated City Hall is the first place people come to in this town and it is kind of tacky and dated. Ms. Palermo stated the benches at the Shuffleboard Clubhouse need to be sanded, scraped and painted. The benches are as bad now as they were last year. She asked who could be contacted about the bene hes . Chairman Seifert they cClLdd put a painted. stated since they arp an advisory request in letter form to have them iL:>:) mm i t teE' , .",..anded and iMs. Haughl>JiDut .;;lsked if there. l>Jias ~in1ng p~QP]e ~or ]ittpring. Riverside Drive and U.S. .1 get it anything they could do about She stated that anywhere on ir- Fa 1 ] .'if' bad. Chairman Seifert Enforcement to see st.ated a letter needs to be .=.e.nt to Code In our Ci ty'. if there ar~ finps for ] it ter i .ng Mrs. VerWay stated the job. The Committee went is supposed to tal(p care of. City Code Enforcement 1S not doing their on to discuss items the Code Enforcement Chairman Seifert stated the Beautification Committee is trying to .:s.lc!!g.ar~]ze' ttne the"'~-l lp.i'_aO€'""nt to who]p area to beautify th~ City. He come UP with a real slogan and push it on the water bills, and get the a 1 sc~ E.tated hea.v.':1" in the teacher.s and ~pre.'s::=~~ Ol.~t it '-" ..., students involved. Chairman Seifert stated since the CARE slogan ifizzle~j (!:u.t~ it: i>~ ti!ne to ~=t-ea.te d.~"11(1:the~- ot,e. Mrs. VerWav stated the Committee could invite EnForcement OFFicer to one of the meetings. Mrs. suggestio'l box should be put iJ~ the f!-O!lt D~fice people can leave suggestions or things th~t are the ne~.} Code '\lel-l4a'/ s ta ted ,:i ~:J 'f C: i t~r'" Ha It S.(] ~=:it~l,", ~o(,j.~-O !,,~ 1. 11 the Chairman Seifert stated before we can beautify we have to get the City cleaned up. He stated they wanted to get the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts together and help clean up Edgewate, but they ~ou]dn~t do ]t for lDsurance reasons. N.s.. F~a] eOi! mc~ 'st.ated iIi!~ay'ber. it t-t?.';l :r: OL~] c~ did not recei '\,-'e get a small grant to help explained they put in for ~ it but they are reapplying and down U.S. *]~ lndian Haughwout stated that Pine wants them and maybe the ~lean up Edgewater. grant last year but again this ypar to iFh ver BOLl] evar d and ]sland]s p]anting Chairman Seifert d{"~ trllP j "E(] .arid~( !Lq::J Hober t ';:, Hoad. If''l;:,. it ";I eE"S l' ()!r ~.i~!oe-'.....!er" Committee could look further into that. Chairman Seifert asked if there was any other new business the Committee,,~arr.ted to talk about. At that time~ Ml'ir. Loomis stated the Secretary would have to advertise for a new member due to his ',e'~, i ~rna t i orr.. The Committee went on to talk about Code stated one Code En~orcement Officer Palermo stated Florida consists of a lot the Code Enforcement Officer could get help him. E',rfcTcemE'nt. cannot do it [,>l,. Loomi ';:, al 1 . [,>ls. of volunteers and maybe someone to volunteer to The Committee went on to :tl i "5[: L!-=:ot'S thE" dead trees .at the Fire De~~.ar ti€~errt. ,.. M"s.. ~le';rWa'y~ 'st.:aite.rd1 >rtrfta'~~bp [)j";np [)i"f ttne. rH.ili:"~(pr'-:.'~/;"~< .a'r.-(:~uri!:ct town could donate some trees. Mr. Loomis stated the City cOl.tld get plenty of donations if hal~ D~ the people in this City would stand behind the City Council. Ms. Haughwout stated the ';nu"f,""'~<E?'}-]e"E. are' lnu.,.t]r~g Tigt~t "inOl~~.. ~1-=... "..~Je'r~l,a'~i ~.t.ated it is t~.ard tc~ beli~v~ that the1re is no ~Qnpv for any typps of projects. Ms. Haughwout stated before anything can bp done the CodE' Enforcement and ~he finps ~ave to be clpaned up and then the flowers can come ] atE'r . i'~< t()J:~ ~rr]!nrit'~~~ R i \;,eT BOLl] e',f,:ar d . Chairman Sei~eTt stated the Committee has to get involved in the [>C!uc,ci] i1l1r.eetings arr.d hea', what goe'"" on. HE' stated t,hat Cit,{ Hal] trte' ~ta'~!lQ'r ar~d~ arid He tel] thp Meridians and Roberts Road and lndJan stated he wou]d talk to the City Manager and tt~E"i;1'r; ~~t!.a t tt-~e f:e,aut if] {: at i :r.Tri [:~D(r~lif~i t tee II '::=. ~~r ic~r j t:] e~< .a'r,-p and th,e directions they are frustrated hpcause go it '(.~g .. N-:;:<.. \le"(" ~~.a",f they are trying and stated they are getting getting no where.. Mr. Loomi s state"d ',,~herr. h,e ;,.~ent to Nor th Cared i na thpre were si gns every mile stating some ~~ind of fine for littering.. Chairman Seifert stated that is on the clean up.. Cha]rman S~i1~rt stated he was f i ir!id C~ll t what his plans are. going to tall~ to Mr. He stat~d he want~d to Joh'n'sor, and. ita 1 k tD the 1~1"a ~.~'(:~, r t () Ct .. Ms. Haughwout stated thprp may be monpy availab]~ lD thp Chamber to help to beauti~y the City. Ms. Haughwout statE'd we might bE' ab]e to get voJunteE'rs to helD clean up and beauti~v the City. Page ::: Beautification Committe? Tarman.' B ~ 1 'S'91 I . '-' .."", Ms. VerWav asked i~ Code En~orcement was ~or garage sales too becaus.e i it i,::; t.e~-l- it; Ie )~n Sunda.v. tojhen 'tou. ~- ide around the peop Ie have this garbage sitting on the end of the road. Mr. Loomis stated Police take care of that. AD.JOURNMENT There being no further business to mation to adjou,n~ seconded by Mrs~ at B:OE' p.m~ d i seu.s.:=.. ~ Palermo. Mr. Loomis made a The meeting ended Minutes submitted by: l i .sa Kr ue l:: mever Page 3 Beautification Committee Januar>,,' B ~ ] 99]