02-12-1991 '-" ...., CITY OF EDGEWATER BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE FEBRUARY 12, 1991 7:00 P.M. CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM ROLL CALL/CALL TO ORDER :rt~e [:r~.::~] r ::!~.art ~ Mar~~ Seifpr~~ called the February ~~_, 1991 "~peTing t~ ordpr at 7:()() p.m. In the City Hall Conference Roo~n. Membe~s preEent were: M~(r!>: :;::;e'1 f ET t ~ FE' 1 ~1 C j .=~ ~''lo~ii.?r l?i-3 -"f-- ~ .=~r~d T.3r~i 'Cl3. F~.3] er :Jr~'D ... E5,e t t .';.~' F~ct.-;:.~.:rr~.ar~ ifo',f_Ei .;:. 't? '~.( C L~ =<e~j ... Also oresent were: 1'la\-'or Tanya Wessler~ Pjann~ng .3T~,r~i :.::: cnr:l1 .,-,,['; ])j rE'C tior ~....ta ~- k ~<-ar et:,:, [:.DOP IE r~f {)'f' if.: efnE"r~t [~ff i c er [~t~.a'r] E~'nE' M~ti,(-~:;~P., !Ec1;;~e\~~.ater [:h .alf~t;e'c c~f [:Ctrnr:[:,er c e ;i:r~E.(~t:t, t.r .;;:, H:r:t~,)'-ii.ar 'n ~i:2'"if l->-J.3: '\~' .., t-'i:.:a'("~~1: ],D"("t.E":::,>:- ~i.ar ] ] ':-,/'C~ i~jL~ 1 f E"c~d)E'r~ . E~e t t \/ ]{Jr.,e-s .. -r. ~_ ..,. '-' ... .,,,:, .j ~-< ~'t~;:, .. arHJ ~i'.a'(" k ~1.i 11e.[ A 1 ';:,c; ~! 'C e-~. e- 'f"~ t ~.*.a ':::. L i ':-:,d N~:rucgim2ver~ Recordina Se~r2tary. APPROVAL OF MINUTES if>1r's... IJ.....}E.~r :i;~,~.a)~~ i-nc~''',/2.d t.[) .2r~p-r:D\l2' t.t'~e ;!;r~i rH,~t.e';::< ;Df t.t{E~ .J .=~ r~ L~ .:3 C '~./ !C.} ~-~ ~ 19~? :1. :T1~E'E~t :: Y-~i;l a'rtd :)..tr -:::,. P.a] .pr tr~!D' '~~<E"::: :L~c~dE"1::j tr~p !r~r-~ t i cnr-l s- MGtion CARRIED 3- o. OLI;L BUE~NES~ -rr-~erE'- !y.t.a.s ':r-~:D ,7"'r, -~ ~1 t~ ::....~ .;:, i r~i-:-' '~,;:. t,:D ,:Jl i :::. C Lt ':::< .;:. .<;-,,'r.. ::....~ ;: ~ t~;~. .:aq e'n~'d~ ,3 __ NEW BUSINESS Chairmar' Seif?rt ~. t.at.ed E....../?r .~lt~ad..~./ .~.rtC~L;.] ,d introduce themselves i~~ t~ i I: r~ t r~ c" .~,/ did at that time. He thanl~pd ev?ryone for cDming and show~ng an ~nt2rpst tn the Beautificati8D [:c~;~!!~r::~j t tp'e__ tc1_E? '::. t ,2< t. eo tt~p. [:r~ affr~b2r- ~r-~ E' '{" p t~ E' ':-.: .2;. Lt '5 E< thp"-..' want to jOln forces Dr get it {) 9 f?' t r-~ e. 'C' :r:~ .C! .s c~ 11\"nE< ide'a.;::. .:::,; =~ to \.~r-', -2 "t. tt-tP"'/ c.a{'~ d'D .=~.~< far =1''';, beautifying the C~t\:~ ~l-;'tr .. J irrr ._)C"!\E"':::. .""tat-ed t r~ e' E(jge},.,~,~.=~ ter [: ria rnt~ E~ r cf '=:c:rnt;;~2 r- c e BeautificatJon Committee (ECCBCl has wanted to get together with the Eclc]E'ij.--ii.ate-.r- B2autificat~on Committee ~EBC) 1D~ som~ timp~ ~~e- stated they wanted to get ar~ ~dea what the projects ~_,'r,;,;-"1 p. r C.tf 1 e"fn.:=, are of tr~e' E:B[: .a"{"~d: :g:f] bac~~ aDd study these and see ;4 they can aSEist lD the beaut~f~cati,~n of the Ci~y. ;~: h.3 "2 c rna 'li"'~ :::;~? i fer it ~. t ate,:J t, t~ e. 'y' :j- c~ 'f"\ ~ t~ 'l'J.ariC. t.!] .::::.teD' ,!)......fE'C .2, CP./ :)- :!) L~ ';nd .-3 'r -] e.=:_ . H:e. .a'~j k 2':0 'k"J:!""i,3 t. tt;E' boundaries are and what are thp C,Doe.';:, . Code EnforCPffi2nt Officer Charlene Runae E,tated E,he has :r: :Dr~ i e'~. {)f tt-~tE' c:DdE~'5 that she could give the Committee. She stated she has b2E'D addre~,5ing the complaints she gPts .2S snon as she ::: .2:n _ She. trfE~'r: E"':'::~)] .:3] 'rj2Cl the ~~r :t},:C E"i"dcir:E ':::,h2 C~f.}E-"::, -' t r-~ ':r {) U ''9 r-t ::....~;t~ t:, r~ 'C i t i rtg =<{)l~~E!'C~"Cf;e' . ~~;t-~ E' =< t.a t ed e"-:,~{'p'l1'- ''..,l;Dr~;1=- r~.3.=< t",ee{-~ ;:~'r 2.t t ''}:' C {):D __p p. r ,=~ t i ".,j ,E' ~;>--i:]' t r, her SlDce she started wor~~ing for the City. :~"'i..-__ , '.. ::;:'. 'i;..,.le-r :t:.-l,a~'l a:::,ked ~. ~ ~j t is allowed to have Q.ar -a'De -' -< :::-.ale -::< i c: r,': ~. 211 :.D-\.t?C i['Ci: ::~J_~'n:Ij;.a'y';;:< ~ Mr~ I:~aret stated vou are allowed two garage sales per [::' e. .~- -=< cn-~ ~) E< r . . "j/ E~ ,3 r .arr:o thiF' .=, :1 9 '("~-::.:< t. t,:: =~ t :::<:~t" ;ur~ are a vio]atioD of the sign orDInance however they are rot enfDrcin~ it at this t1ffi2. Tl-~;::) ::;:.E' .=, 1 G q.:::, .are' c {} :l'';f~;r:r~:!) rr, .t .\,{ r e.f 2.e ';: r.d tc~ .::::,,~. snipe signs and those are illegal under most SigT~ Drd~nances__ He stated w~th what .g D e -~. Ct ~-~ u~~ "tt-tE' :~fe'e~::E'rtd.=.tt-1E"'~-/ ,.c4:t:::~r~ '. t t:~,2'..lE='. t.t~e r:e.::=,{)t.~c;=2"-;::.. j~.-;~.::- ~...::- ::::::- it"~.a ~i .~, t.2ted t~;E:' i.=, '=<{L.n- P<- i ':::.ec) ':~::'C~L( 'i._ .::.-, ~ ;: r~':::~""lE' .:2; :D;ar.::-.i:G2 -' ~' =<.:3. P -;--. ',,-~ -,' ,: ~ ~::;. Li r~'=i a ."'t" . ~r~';- Karet st?ted i~ 1S C'3mmD~ ~ __ lc)t =- COffi8unltlPS. ~1's . t~J:{) ] f e.r;;d.E",{,', 3'::. ~:: e-'c~ ;. ..4 tney had to Get 3 1:1 :::;::''(":.-:::.2.. "-' ~ 1~1i-.. ~:::):i.~-et )=,t.:it.e~j the~i .a.~-e ~-f:!'OtJil-e~j t(] cet ,~. p:e~-~~1iit.. M~-.. Vel- Way as~:ed if they pay fo~- the pe~-mit_ M!-.. ~:a!-et stated he believed thE!-'e was a ~ee.. The Secl-etary stated Lt is $2.()().. f::ha. i. ~-n;~aXl ~;e i f~;;~-. t ';:. ta. te(!! ~~le j ti.':::. t ~~i..:i.!'1 t to. cet tf:!, t.he . ~ D[f.tJn:~ja~-'i' 1 i ~lE?'=. ::;lE t ~ ~~ t~J; at1d Fi~ld out whe,-e they call dlld ca~l~t go~ what they do!~.t Wdllt to .3. ~:~c~ ii-<(.ih .3. t the~'/ tj~J: ~"t>3.n; t to' .3t=~=Qn1p: L i ':;h: .. He stated ~<;.hen they first started Dut as a b[).~.~-~j the:l ~"M~!-e '5.81 f" fU.~1de~j ~ The'y would t-aiSE mO!ley by having a cal- wash. He stated about th,-ee n"h:J~'1th; bc~f"f1~-f.? the r~et.~ ~=:~:J~J.r:~e= i. [ ~=a.!ne l: ~..... t!r;e"':i' t.....iel-e ~'?,'r;>:;.!je >3~1 a:~j-;...",- i>:::-~:!.~-',:f'"'" i=D~~un i t te,c;"_ :~t=~~{:Dr ~Jes.s i er ,~{ ':::. k E~.d i f .; ~ '~i3r ~):-::< t~:E?t te'~ :0.- Chairman SeifeTt '~it-atpc~ t,tiP\-~ jL~~,t -:::,t-ar te,d it ,ar1ct i,.~j; th thE old trre''''l ,~.tcf{]d :d(J .. COtlDCil ]eav~ng and the new one com~ng in they dictn-t k:iH)~J 1?~rf2'r e .~.c~ il~~:e ~ '~~"P t~eerF. i T~ ] 1 ff!;bo Ji;r.i;cn;~dpr] ":r"HJ ;:Jo.~~tt.a t ~Je ar E~ gel i r~g t c~ ~f>lr'5 .. tlr~e\l \,~?r Wa-~-l di;Dr~ " t statEd the Committee g~nDw ~f th~re is 'dop.;::,'(n 1: t. ~):r~;[~!i-'.ii ~?.iit-~ a t t =C~ aid-.,_,}' i se. if ,3 r~ -~~" j!:!H)'f";1E" .~./ t,:D ::d{) -===<C~H~e c~-f tt~E' i r f:~r:r} je.c t.:;::... pr;!) jee t .ar~d Mayor Wess1er stated what thpy would have to do IS plan out thpir their goals and then come before Council and asl~ for approval or send a memo to :""1,. .Johr,,;::,on :Dr t~e'''' '~.E~] -f -2;ino tr~e-~:/ c-arJ. pretty much get bac~~ to them without even going before Councjl~ She stated she would suggest picking out a coup]p Df goals that you might want to see happen ~n the City and worl~ towards those T" a tr~er' trl-ar~ t r \~' i rf!:~ t,I) er-~:gLli] f tt"ie ~~Jo.i.i:r-~:D] e. [: i t'~l .. St"i:2" -=~ t,-ated -~<r~e. '~.,a~l'~ in the last set af minutes someone ~ent]oned a grant fer U.S. #1 contacted people through .]ac~l: Ascher] monies for other th]ngs in Edgewat2r.. but that grant is ~inobtainab]e foy- Edgewate'r.. She ~.tated she has it. {) t r '~;l ':.1 r~d ~:;~et: (;:iffE~rE"Clt E;r-ie. -==<t.ated if trip);,-:- ~li,-ar~ted might bE' to do L.S~ .1 or ]nd~an Rjver they could do j; t In .:;:.ec t. i C~f""j:-=< .. It not a lot of money available. more feasible "for Edgewatp~ Tight now beca'JsP there is Mrs. Wolfenden stated she is on S{n'~~~r r~-:a .~'r~d t c~ ,1:D t t-iP.ro:~ Ih:Dt~~ t (" i c ~:: '~l they had Mr. Ascher] tali~ to them about grants and he the 7rpp City Committe? ] r~ ~Jp~~J t t~e.\,"- .ar 2' t{J g;e.t a -~-Hj h, :D ~...~ ;r{~a n-~,,",;~ I:: t i e-!::c .3. r E~ a;::,l:::ino fo"(" gr .=~r~t -s .. ShE'- '!:. t.d t eO; he mentioned to them about a couclp of ~]t~ps going taQ~ther and r~quest]ng funds.. Mayor Wessler asl~ed ~f New Smyrna has a Beautification Commjttee. Mr. 3im 30nes stated they have a tree board. 1-=. ,a hpad of New Smyrna Beach. Hp stated Edaewater ';!""~2}1oJ.: ] r~ ~~e~-Li :::;t"'n\,~"ir ':na .. He went on to say the Committee war~ts to help He stated Tree City USA is brand plant the seed in Edgewater to get th2 Tree City p~agram going. He -E<t.-ateo triE"' ~~ri[>gr .3i!"r~ :if '5"(";1 i' t .a 1] tr~2,,;t it 'w:i]] t~e b'E~r ,atd~<p :] t 'n:2f"s~:jE:, T t-~2.~{ t1!':~",..fe .;;. t. t.. ] or: t ] ''''/ t~ee';!~ it r .~,i i r~o to achieve things they cive awards to !T:";'H)"f e ;rr',Drf;e-:-./.. tt-~r {}u:gJ~ p;t]-s it i '~:~;:e 'l:' P i ";T'''~f c~ -r c E~ir~pr~ it . He;::,tated businesses ~n New Smyrna Beach~ Edge~~~,2tp.r ~ ,rlr~d [~.ak Hi] 1 . He stated they have discussed a 5tepr~ng Committee concppt to ]oo~( at var~ous projects wherp they can get wor~~ done.. Chairman Seifert stated they Narlted p.VF,......OC1E -3 t, t. t-le meet i '01'9 to 'get. .a clearer direction of which ~3Y to go~ He stated they are concerned citizens and do not .~naw what they .;::; '.r~.ri 1~~t1.a t t r~E'-''',/ '~,tiC:U 1 d L .ar~ d.D ~ wr;,E-"'r e t. r-tP\/' :L ar~ :Q{].. bp concpotrating their pfforts Gn dc~ i r~,D . PaGE"- E~ Beautjf~cation Committee F ebr t.~a'('" "~~ .] Et;'"' ] '9St-l '-" ..., ~h""'~. .. \ler ~~.3 ~i~ ,=,tated t r~ E"'~:/ ;:..~ar~t tc~ ~~now how they can get the c i t i zpr~-::. {)f Fdgewater ~nvolved af",d t'D l!:)f2 ff~c~r e ih-Ja -,,,,, a rId .;:::. tar t. beautifying the City and to tal~e orlde lD it. ~Mayar Wess]e~ stated some olaces that a~~ built beautiful oet the awards and other places that are not and work hard at it and they just donht get recognized. She stated the Committee might want to thin~~ about giving out more than one award to residents. Mrs. Palermo asked if t.t~2 [:CH'1~i{~i t te.p ..ii. ':::=c 9 :] '''..l :1 r~g t rH? .3\->"-I.ard~( 0":-1 categories such as business and residential. Cha~rman Seifert stated they are. Mrs~ Palermo stated they could always qive an honorable mentior~.. Mayor Wessler stated when she judged tt~e Port Orange par-ade and they had first place, second place, thlrd p]arp~ hDnorable mentiDn~ and the mavoT~s mention. iplr =~.. F~,a ] E'.r if.~:n stated they might be able tD get some help from the r!ews media ~f they ~~eep pounding clean up wep~~. l~l.a'~lL~r ~~e-';:,'=.]2r .~(t.ated '=.t-~e ip.i::D~L~]d t~.a-'~"E" t.:c~ '~<lP2.a~:: t{] tr;p, -a 1 :D'("~,g 1J.. ~S. at. t .Dr r~;E"'Y t~Lt t #.1 ]f t t~E~)l ':=.ep- a building that should be cleaned uo they COllld ta~(2 down the address and maybe she could l~Jr{}!;:) tt"ie~1~ ,:3 letter explaining that the City ~s trvirlQ to clean up. !r:--1 r. ''-',i'' c' r l",J.a'~{ .s t.a t.E~d tr-~2"~'l tn.3\f1? .3 r7,i CE' town with nice G2DDIe and they would ]iJ~e the City to ]OO~~ nice. Mayor Wessler stated unforttlnately EdgP\~~.=~tE~r t~.a'=, ~)r P':.... i ;[JL~';:,] "y" ~ -< '''-~ .i. ':10 ';:.CH'ne. -] r~'=~ t .at'):!: e,'!:, ~ ctrt :Lr;ff its nose to spite its face by enforcino some of the ordinances. Mr. Karet stated what 'staff ] '~. g{]] r~:g t{) dc ]i.;:::. t-~.ar!d] e. e:".3C t-~ .=~r!ri every law passed by each and pvery Council !?i.a-\~;::nr '. '. - l?i:e':=.'~< 1 ;Et.';f' stated unfortunately what happens is you end up :1 rt a stic~~y situation where something and' then you \,ll:~ tJ lE..t .;::, {) ~f~ e. r;';.a...,....e::- to let !:~e-D[]) C' :gfet e'\f"e'r\lt~:Dcl"':I" get .:3 \"'~.3 "~l 'i..l-;] t t-~ .3 t.)o~.a \~ ~t; i t. r~ '==~CH'r.tPtt~ i r~:9 .. She stated YDU have to rOD!>: at ';; t it r~ {Jtt~E<r .a'~.~~ec t.'~. t:[~D . ] f '\~~:DL~ ~~il1 someone~~ businpss bv tal~ing away what brings in bus~ness you end up with a shacJ::. Mr. Ver Way asl~ed if people t{~u'=, i r~e~.'=.e':::. . are" c i teet f I.:nr c: 1 ] .a~) i d a t E~d Tt (J ir~E" ~< c~ r ~~ir. ~<arE~t .~<tatE"d t.t-iE'.'r-e ] =:. .a ] or~g ~~r C~':C 2'5,'::::. that )iCl'U ri-3\,lP' t{) g{) through !i."'~r-~ ] c tfr iTr~ ] :J'r~in i !!: ~~: '5 ] eO.31 ~n'- ![~tt ] E'irt';:. .. ~Jr~er~ triE!.re' i.;:. .3 =!: D~nr:~ 1 a] r~t f r iDii1'r: '=.{]ir~eC~rfe- tt~e'''''l e'ApE<C t .a husiness to DP =12an~d up the day they ra]].. He 1.)o.ie~~t lr:~"f"'t t[J e'~.;:~) 1 a]1 l"~ tt~p [:~rc~cess tt~e-"'-./ :OD through for dilapidated bU21dings. Mr. Ver Way stated he has been here thr~e years and he could name five buildings that have never changed. Mr. Karet stated there effect~ such as exterior are. cert..airt c~rd][ r~.a.'r~ce'!.;. tr~,at are- r~{)t 1 it appearance codes. !f"1,3\..:'{)r ~Je':::~'~.l E.'<r stated 5he spol~e to Mr.. t.ac~ ,Drt .a; .~< E"- 'n;";:.]. 1: ): '$.~l e 'If'~er ''"-:i'e ~Jr~ert "{iDL~ Johnson about this and yOU start at.tacking someone's t~c~u~,e . Mr. ~(aret stated if t.r~e [:L~if~i!i'!';,i t tee t f-l i r~~~: '=:. .::;: made, you C2n ma~~? a r PC :nin,Ti'l'Mf?'r~d,a t i c~r~ ~ :2:i tt~er change n2pds to be directlY to City can direct the City 'Staff I:r<, t. :[) [:CrdL~T'~C i 1 ~ ,3 r~d it iri P r~ thE' counz:: i 1 M.ar~.a~~E'r t,:D ~-~.3 '~i" P tr~2 appropriate members 'Wif ':. t .=~ f -f ~)";-E~rt.are reC{)ff;!ft;!ne'r-~d,at ~ :Dr-~'=,.. F".age '_' Beauti7]CatiDD Committee iF et~'r iL~.:ar 'V~ l E".. 1 't;t~'l ....." ..." [:rt.a]rrf~.art ~;:eifprt asked if the appropr~ate way to handle ~t lS to send a memo to the City M.anaoer. MaYDr Wesslpr stated it should go through it !!-H?r 'il :2.:a] ] ";/ ;Tr~.a k E-<'~( Tt:D t {) ~~lr... .J {) t-~ T'~'==< 0 ri ... d i ffe-re'f"tce'.. ~!:;. r-~ ~ stated Mr ... ir<.ar e..t .:=, tat.ed the"l cit.e ':::.:Di!~e~'~J:t~2r eo opt ~~~~eert ]80 .ar!d c'()~) viDlations per month. Chairman Seifert stated at the beginning of the Beautification Committee they went to a City wide slogan campaign which I~ind of fizzled.. He stated he doe5n~t th~nl~ they had enough media attention. He stated the slogan was CARE - Create a Rewarding Environment. He went on to say that it has been two years and they mioht want to Teinstitute and ~un that again... Mr I~aret stated it JS s~mp]y a matter of oublic awa:eness. ~lr 'E~. 1>10] f er"de"r~ stated it sounds to her ]il~e what they need to do is start with the codes and fjnd out what they are and i?.ft-t"a t t t-~ E"-!~,/ need to be and either throl,lgh this Committee or another committee ~eV2ew all of the codps and mai~e the codes what \->'tE~ ~-l,arft tr~2"rn tCt t~e ~ 1>1ave.,..- a.ke~..;:,] p.., ":=.tate-d \f:t:~l.{ have to be car2fu] because there are a lot of codes in the bDOI~ and you dnn~t want to get .your .:=,e 1 f tied :dCH~,l-j1rij ] :[(ok ] rH] .at c!Dde=<. She 'st.ated tt-~e'~l' should oicJ~ out a fpw specific codps and wo~~~ on those~ Code Enforcement Officer Charlene Runge stated she would Olve the :r:c~,:nn;!;~~]ttee a C :Dg:)"y' {)f the standard codes which ~~eeo comlrQ up all tt-~e t 1 :rr~e. Mayor Wessler as~~ed ~f tr~e-':-{ ,= :Dr~"t i rniUP t. c~ :'C c~ rrH?' L~ Cf 'D "".~ "e-' r .:a..,..~d ;[~'\,"E~r a081D are they necessariJy good codes or are they harassing. Ms. Runae stated it tai~es time; if ~t ]S 5ometh~nQ sma]] she will just 5tOP bv and tal.~ to them and they w~ll usually tal~e care of it rioht there. Most of the people are at worP~ during the wppl(, which delays things. Mayor Wessler statpd a lot of J=~ec~r~] 2 are- ::n.-,~,t L,na\-'./ar e Df the c:Dde""s. The Committe? then went on to discuss fences. if'"tr. lj~ler Way asl;:ed if there ~s a six foot limjt "~ f pr~c:E' .ar c"Ltrtd .3 ~~:[J{] 1 . Mayor Wes5]PT stated no ~t ]5 _ tour foot fence. 1r>~r";:<.. ~.../e";! ~~.:a"~{ "a~,ked j~.ut~.at tt~p 1" pr~:r:e.. r~ i ~1t~e'=, t .>l ~l t t"i .2~ t '~'l (} Lt :r::: .ari" igt~ \->-ti ttt d Mr. Karet stated it depends. on where ~n your yare the fence ]5. Mrs. VeT Way as~~ed about an In the around pool. Mr ~("are-t stated depending on what oart of your yard thp pool is in it 15 six feet high. Chairman Seifert asJ::pd whv they have thp two fence rule. F~a~iE~ 4 Bpaut]ficatiDn Cammittpp F etnr- U,B(T \.<'~ ] ct. ~ ] ~~S.l ..... ...." ~1Li.. ~::: ar et stated th :1'=, lS particularly controvers~al. B,3~~ i c a] 1 .~/ the requirem2nt IS you have a fence aTounc ] .==~ e'r~c ] {)':=.ed .. Tr{E<t )lOiLi'r- poc~ 1 e....../p..Ct ] f :] t re-a'5c~'r-{!] r~Q t~ F4t~ i r~ct tt-i.at ] '~t thpv' fplt the enclosure does not provide as great amount of security as Tt~2' ';!E~.a'SDr~i";!~g ]-5 t~ec.al.~'=.e tt~e e'rt:::]()':::.!L~rp':::< .are ~-~'==<L~a]l"'l f!~.ade do'p'~.a f er~c E<t . 'Df ';::<L,,-pe.,,~i"!Gi .and the scrppnings aftpr .a ~r;er] ["~d c~f it i i;f~E? t~ec C~itH? br i t t] 2'- -fr:r:~:ff~ tt~2' 'SLlr~ ,=~ r~d .are. e.,a.;::, ,1 E'f" t!C~ pu~Jrt i 'f"!.. He. .;;.t.ated b.a';::.Jc.al ]\{ tr~;p. ferace" j.:::. ~jC~jilr::g t{] ~;:epr~ :DL~t '~,leY""'y~ ":.Utal1 Lt~] l:d!rert... Mayor Wessler stated there should t~e f e r~::c e':=. .ar c~ur':d t t~E" c r E"pk's t ![~C~ ,.. !~1r.. ~:;:.a-r et stated the facts are that more people drowned in pools each year than they do in outdoor lal~ps or canals.. Chajrman Seifer~ asi~ed if the f er~c E"E( are .~~{} r.~!f?' t t~ ] r~~~; t t-~.a t .d'r E~ ;L~';r~!!: h.ar!ge.at~ ] e? Mr. ~(aret stated pvery regulation to some extent ~~ changeable and that is somethino the Council would have to decide.. he had anythjng to add.. Mayor Wessler asked Parl~s and Recreation Director 3acl( Cinr dE'''' if Mr.. COrd?T stated basically when it comes to the parg~s~ as far as p]ant]ng~ with the water problem t t,~ e. .'..,/ c.art" t i:;1{) .:3 "("fY t ~-~ ] r~;g .. He stated one paT~~ that js being upgraded slowly is I(en'nedy ParJ(,.. He stated the rest of the parks ar~ fa~rly in descent shape~ He ji>~e' r~ it c~.,.~ it. iD =<.3 ~{ they plan on addino t -r e'E-" ':;c t c~ the two parl(s on f;~ i ~~~e'r .~. 11 dE" E)-r-] '~~;~p f {]'r ~~ Ci i;r~p- 'Ecr"t.ade ... ~~r~ i .;:< tIe Stc~r~ t t~p. .ad~::i j t :] !Q"'~ j; .;::, in 2:.::cel 1 ent c~f tr~e ';f" i '~,}E.'f"~~~'a 1 k .stj.P1IPE' ~ Hie .=:,t,.at.ed ~~ c~ .~. .;;. ] t~ i .~~~ i?J1 i t. r.~ t rf, e '}~" ir(;'n-a'~'l t::E"' .3t~ ] eo to diD quite ~ bit of beautifjcation on it dep2nds on how they are going to of the wa];~ itself and that could f:~ i '~.le-r =~] dE" r:~'(' j "~~E" a. H;E'" .s t a it eci~ t~;p at~] e. tin dte'=:,] gr~ .-:: ].3 '~-l ,n LU t change the whalF appearanc~ of Riversidp n.(" j ''''~::2' . He i~.i'E"r1t c~rt tc~ say MaryLou is doing an excellent job on the Community Center and City Hal] area~ which they got the Bp3utjfication Award for>> [: h.3 ] r 17::;';.3 r~ E;!E":1 "f e'''' it. .:3 ~~ ~:: eo .:. -4' ..;,; ;l t r-~ E"'" c' are anything native with any I:: 0 ] or ? ~p stated that i~ ~hat it is ]ar~~ino t rr-~ iF' g:~ a"(" ~~: .;::~ J1 :r:;:c;~:: !grE".at t~u t .?i more than anything; little c,n]onr minht Sp3CP them up a ] i ttlE"'. Mr. Corder stated they are ]oo~~ing .=1 t t rtE'^ possibility of having .:az.a] e.a'==~ .a'('~d th i r1g'~< ]51 ke tr~.:at t{J .r~d;r:i ':::~r.:~;rr~e' r!: (C~ I C~'~r .. Hp !;.~~i:C~L~.1 id ] i k e. it D l[j Q .:31 C '::~ i':rr,p', ] e. t p. 'r E"r;t{:~ .~..,}.~ t i {:~ r~ of 1< e. f"f rite. a "~~ Park ':::;:,{] i:7'~e t it ~:i!BE' ] rl t rt'e- future'. . !f>~r .=~ . \..~.f.e"r.- ~~~.a ':i-{ '=. t...a t E'!rj thE" ':n[:~ SWlffiffi]ng slgns at the par!~s loo~~ t 2r r ] t~ ] p. .. Mr.. Corder stated he cOl.~]d not do anything .ab:DL~t trier- r ] ....,..,~er .. H""" .~~tatE"iIT tt~e' Hpa]th Departmpnt '~~-a] di rH:~ '=~~.J; j i!~;;"fr: it 'r:-~:g .=:1 t U'-~er~.2~i1'" d E~e2~c r-t .. He can':t overrule thp health department be.:: .3!U':::.e i f" '=~ c~ ltff:e',D "("iiE" i;,....;,p rl t au~ there and got 5ic~~ ~hen it would be the Cityi's l~3b~litv.. ;M-r ~ ~<a''T et, .~~ t.a t. e.d inwL~C!r~ 01 thE' reason for that ]s because of the outfall of the City sewer project. Cha~rman Seifert went on to 'E. .:3. ''..-/ tt-:;e. [:c~!r~!!;ri!] t te.e f Pes ] .:={ tt~at t.hE' ifl':r.~~t aire.:t.~< t t~ .~-l t ~~{t-i [)!.U :1 or] t;;;E-: 'c] par~p;ct up ar2 th? entrances to the City and City Hall.. a committee now that Mavor Wessler stated samean? had mentioned maybe putting together [: i t '~'l ~ja]]. !.~~;iHD!L~];ct .:::~t.art ]'D{"~ki'~n'u fin.,. r:~r;Dr~ert~~::- frJr .=~ r~e~~,.j The Comm~ttpe then went on to discuss the dead palm Ed~ewat2r ?~]t off of Jnterstate 95. F~.age =~ it r e'Er"s .a t t. rt e. Bea~Jtjficat~on Committee F et~'!f" !:_~ar 'V' 1 E~ ~ :! c;.C?! ~ ....., r;r~.a i r :rr~ar~ Se i of pr t stated he appreciated eYeryonp~s input and ~elD because ~t really gives the Committee positive encouragement. Mr. Jones stated he was glad there were ':=.!.D L~ ] ir~.a t e"';:. that ;,.~a"nt to 1~~{) r ~}: an beaut]f]cat]on t;,DC~ .. ;~ie stated they 1001;; at ~t as a Southeast Vol usia problem. He st.atpo everyone worl~ing toqether ~ea)lv could naJ(e a difference. !~la '''--;~1n"C ~Je'E.'s] ;f:r- ":;:, ta t eo t t-~~? [:~J;rf~fni t tee. fff,a":'l 1}'"J.a.,.~t t c~ tt-~ ~ r;,kat~ou t :D r ;'[~ [] {) i ";riIQ ;' '" -~ a ] E~t ter tr~r:Dugr-~ [:i t"\-" H.all tc~ ~"~Je'l~~ ~::; rn ,}.,. if" r;;.3. ,. .:;< TrE<e [:D~1'~[r~i t teE" .ar~d t.a]~}:]r~g at~c~L~t maybe joining application as far as grant monEY goes ~or U.S. .1. ADJOURNMENT. f;'i'~::I} t. i (:~"f'l' Tr-~Ere:' t~E'.i':ffiQ ';f'l!D fiurtr-tpr t1ti'=~]"'r,E"'5':. t,!) d1i=.C1Ll':"~', ~~r'~... t:D lJ'~}er ~...J.=~'-",/ in.aoe a .aa ):DiL~r r~ ~ ';:.e:r: c~'(";::r:!~E<d t~\/ (1r:.=:< . ~~.a ] i?r :rif~(:~ .. "1 r-~ e:- r:~PE' t i ("~,:J adjourned at B:(~5 p.m. Minutes submitted by: L :i -;:(3 ~< r iL~L k :r!"f;e'~~~pr F~.age C-.< Beau~ifi~atjon Committee FebrLlary ]2~ 1991