APR I L 16, 1991
7:00 P.M.
The Chairman, Mark Seifert, called the April 16, 1991 meeting to
order at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Conference Room.
Members present were: Mark Seifert, Felicia Ver Way, Tanina
Palermo, Betty Rossman, and Lila Stubbs. Also present were Jean
Haughwout, and l isa Kruckmeyer, Recording Secretary.
Mrs. Ver Way moved to approve the minutes of the March 12, 1991
meeting and Mrs. Rossman seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-
There was no old business to discuss on the agenda.
Elect Vice Chairman
Tanina Palermo made a motion to nominate Felicia Ver Way,
seconded by Betty Rossman. There being no further nominations,
it was moved and seconded to close nominations. Motion CARRIED
Discuss Future Strateqies of Beautification Committee
Mrs. Rossman stated she spoke to Jim Jones from the Tree City
U.S.A. At that time, she distributed information she received
from Mr. Jones. Mrs. Rossman gave a synopsis of her conversation
with Mr. Jones.
The Committee then went on to discuss Tree City U.S.A. Mrs.
Rossman stated they needed to have five people to get Edgewater
started in the Tree City U.S.A. She stated that Mr. Jones told
her New Smyrna Beach does not have a Beautification Committee so
Edgewater is ahead of them. She stated a lot of time would have
to be spent for Edgewater to become a Tree City U.S.A.
Mrs. Haughwout asked how you would get Tree City U.S.A. started
in Edgewater; who is designated to choose the people.
Mrs. Rossman stated the Beautification Committee would because
the Chamber of Commerce was the one who chose them in New Smyrna
Mr. Seifert stated the Committee should look over the information
that was passed out by Mrs. Rossman and they would discuss it at
the next meeting.
Mrs. Ver Way stated from what they discussed at the
Beautification Committee for the Chamber it is definitely worth
it because it really recognizes your town.
Mrs. Ver Way stated she would talk to Mrs. Wolfenden at the next
Chamber meeting and ask her how they got their people.
Mrs. Rossman stated there are
Observance with a proclamation
Arbor Day in the community.
four points.
issued by
One IS an Arbor Day
the Mayor declaring
Mrs. Palermo stated one
grocery store and a man
asked where the center
said this is the ugliest
car and took off.
of her friends was walking
who was looking to open up
of town was and she said this
spot I have ever seen and he
out of the
a business
is it. He
got in his
Mrs. Ver Way
WQi- kshop and he
when he got the
stated she spoke to the man that owns Patrick's
said the state was going to widen Park Avenue and
letter he was going to let her know.
Mrs. Ver Way stated what they could rio, like the
take pictures of things that do not look good and
her and she would send them a letter.
~'1a''y'or c;aid,
submit them
The Committee then began to talk about Tree City U.S.A. agaIn.
Mrs. Ver Way stated the reason the Chamber IS taking interest in
bringing towns together is they want to apply for a grant to
beautify Route 1 and they think if they go together and apply
for it there might be more strength. They want to get all three
towns recognized and get them cleaned up.
Mrs. Haughwout stated the Chamber are all business people in this
town and whatever effects the businesses and the town effects the
people too.
Mrs. Ver Way stated they should have the newspaper go around once
a month and take pictures of the businesses that are a mess in
Edgewater and run an article in the newspaper.
Mrs. Palermo stated she thinks they should send Charlane down to
Patrick's Workshop to check out the broken glass and the
sidewalk and the wires in the back. She stated that sidewalk may
even belong to the City so they should be careful how they accuse
The Committee then had a discussion about taking a break for the
summer. They came to the conclusion that was not a good idea
because if they took off for three months it would take them six
months to get back on their feet again.
Mrs. Haughwout stated she would call and find out how
Tree City U.S.A. started.
to get the
Mrs. Rossman stated Jim Jones would help the Beautification
Committee in any way he could. She stated they needed to find
five responsible people in the community.
Mrs. Haughwout
find out.
stated who
has to find them IS what they have to
Mrs. Rossman stated she was under the impression they did it.
Mr. Seifert stated it says in the information that Mrs. Rossman
distributed that the Chamber of Commerce Beautification Committee
provides recommendations regarding appointments to the first tree
The Committee
U.S.A. and they
agreed they want to pursue and be a Tree City
are going to take the steps to being that.
Mrs. Rossman stated
the Beautification
a Tree City U.S.A.
Jim Jones said he would write a
Committee if they were interested
letter for
in becoming
Mr. Seifert asked the Secretary to type a
asking if it is possible to advertise for
in becoming members of the Tree City U.S.A.
memo to
the Mayoi-
Page 2
Beautification Committee
Ap r i I 16, 1991
Mrs. Ver Way asked if she had the correct address for the winner
of the April Beautification Award.
The Committee then discussed
Awal-d for Apl- i I .
the winner
the Beautification
Mrs. Rossman stated when that house was looked at there were
geraniums in the window boxes but now the geraniums are gone and
there is nothing there.
Mrs. Palermo told Mrs. Rossman to put the sign on Turgot.
Mrs. Ver Way stated someone is going to call and question why
that house won and she can't blame them for that.
Mr. Seifert stated they could just give the
the newspaper and do not give the sign.
plaque and
no t get
May Beautification Award Choice
The selections were tabulated
Choice and the winning business
for the May Beautification Award
was Sea Treasure.
Mrs. Stubbs stated the Committee had talked about concentrating
on City Hall and she wondered if anything is being done.
She asked if volunteers could be used to help clean up City Hall.
Mrs. Haughwout stated on the gardening part.
Mr. Seifert stated they needed to construct a
anyone is interested in decorating, carpeting,
letter asking if
and painting City
Mrs. Rossman stated she thought it
youth involved.
get the
The Committee
then gave
their picks for the June Beautification
There being no further business
motion to adjourn, seconded
adjourned at 8:14 p.m.
to discuss, Mrs.
by Mrs. Stubbs.
Ver Way
made a
Minutes submitted by:
Lisa Kruckmeyer
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Beautification Committee
Ap r i 1 16, 1991