05-14-1991 "W" ..... CITY OF EDGEWATER BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE MA Y 14, 1 '791 7 : 00 P. "I . CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM t1INUTES ROLL CALL/CALL TO ORDER The Chairman, Mark Seifert, called the May 14, 1991 meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. In the City Hall Conference Room. Members present were: Mark Seifert, Felicia Ver Way, Tanina Palermo, Betty Rossman, and Lila Stubbs. Also present was Lisa Kruckmeyer, Recording Secretary. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mrs. Ver Way moved to approve the minutes meeting and Mrs. Palermo seconded the motion. O. of April 16, 1 S'S' 1 Motion CARRIED 5- OLD BUSINESS June Beautification Award Choice The selections were tabulated and the ~<.j i nn i nq l-e':; i dence t-JdS for the June Beautification Award 2114 Willow Oak Drive. The Committee decided to mail letters out for the addresses did not win the award. Tree City U.S.A. Mrs. Stubbs showed the Committee the article that was in the Observer in reference to Edgewater becoming a Tree City U.S.A. Mrs. Rossman stated she spoke to Brad Johnson who is the head of Tree City U.S.A. in Volusia County. She gave a synopsis of her conversation with Mr. Johnson. The four things they need to qualify for Tree City U.S.A. are a tree ordinance, $2.00 per capita, a designated day for Arbor Day, and designating a tree board. r1rs. Rossman November 1st. December 1st. stated the application has to be The application has to be to Brad Johnson by In Tallahassee by Chairman Seifert stated the Committee could find interested citizens and recommend five to Council. Chairman Seifert asked if everyone was in favor of moving ahead with Tree City U.S.A. and making it a separate board from the Beautification Committee. Everyone was in favor. Chairman Seifert stated bringing up different qualified to serve on a they should people that tree board. zero the in their Committee efforts on feels are The Committee then discussed the types of professions be good on a tree board. that ~'muld The Committee far as ha.ving then ~..,ent on a Garden Club to discuss the concern of citizens as in Edge~'Jater. Chairman Seifert to be appointed 'v'er l.Jay. t1r s . Seifert told the get their picks recommend. asked if anyone had recommendations for members to this tree board. Mrs. Rossman nominated Mrs. Ver Way nominated Richard Loomis. Chairman members that will not be at the next meeting to in if there is anyone they would like to .... ...." The Committee Awanj. then qave theil- picks fOI- the .Ju.1 \" Beautification Chairman Seifert stated they may take will just pick the awards every month gone. a summer recess but they since a few people will be Mrs. Rossman stated she looked into the fence in front of the cemetery. She stated it is not owned by the City and she asked how do you approach these people to tell them to do something. She stated the fence is broken and needs to be painted. Mrs. Ver Way stated stated not to mention call. she would call the owner. Chairman Seifert the Beautification Committee when she does Mrs. Rossman stated if the City owned the fence she was the Beautification Committee could volunteer to go down and paint the fence. thinking and fi:o.; Chairman Seifert stated the City strongly opposes volunteer help because of insurance purposes. Mrs. Palermo asked what if they sign a waiver. Chairman Seifert stated that could be a topic brought to Council. Mrs. Ver Way asked how they are going to get anything done or who is going to be able to do this. Chairman Seifert stated there He also stated another are hurdles that need to be tak i ng ~.....or k o \ler C DinE' . reason is you are away from City workers. Mrs. Ver Way stated they should know if the Committee is insured. Chairman Seifert from the Council addressin\). stated thFY meetings so need to they get k nO~'J .a copy of \'#hat the the minutes Council is ,",Irs. Rossman is interested stated Brad Johnson was very excited In becoming a Tree City U.S.A. that EdgeNater Chairman Seifert reminded the members picks with them to call them in. that did not have their ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss~ Mrs. Ver Way made a motion to adjourn~ seconded by Mrs. Palermo. The meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m. Minutes submitted by: Lisa '<rue kmeyer Page c' Beautification Committee ~"la y 1 5 , 1 SOS' 1