04-02-2014 SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING April 2, 2014 5:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS MINUTES 1.CALL TO ORDER 2.ROLL CALL Present Mike Kelly Vance Smith Christine Power Rebecca Porter (arrived at 5:05 p.m.) Justin Kennedy Bonnie Wenzel Absent John McKinney Janet Shira 3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES a.Regular Meeting - January 15, 2014 Justin Kennedy moved to approve the minutes of January 15, 2014, second by Christine Power. The MOTION CARRIED 4-0-0. Yes Justin Kennedy, Christine Power, Vance Smith, Mike Kelly No None Abstain None 4.OLD BUSINESS Update on scholarship funds - Finance Director John a. McKinney Mr. McKinney was unable to attend the meeting; however he did provide a copy of the funds available to the fund as well as a breakdown of costs and profit from the Princess Ball. Mr. Kennedy stated Janet did a good job and congratulated everyone on the Princes Ball. Chairman Kelly stated the total proceeds from the Princess Ball were $1,699.42. 5.NEW BUSINESS و Council Regular Meeting April 2, 2014 a.Committee Member term expiration - Councilwoman Christine Power's term expired on March 7, 2014. Justin Kennedy moved to reappoint Councilwoman Power, second by Vance Smith. The MOTION CARRIED 4-0-0. Yes Justin Kennedy, Christine Power, Vance Smith, Mike Kelly No None Abstain None b.Review of 2014 Princess Ball - Economic Development/Special Events Coordinator Janet Shira Due to Ms. Shira not being present there was no discussion on this item. c.Determination of scholarship amount and number of awards Chairman Kelly suggested choosing the recipients prior to choosing the award amounts. He stated there was $4,500 available for scholarships this year. He stated his recommendation was to not spend all of it. City Clerk Wenzel stated the actual amount in the fund is $5,271, the Finance Director suggested using no more than $4,500 for scholarships this year. d.Determination of scholarship recipients The Committee went over their top choices for recipients and discussed each application to determine how many, who and award amount. Justin Kennedy moved to Approve four scholarships in the amount of $1,250 each to Lindsay Narbeth, Erica Kochis, Christopher Tyson and Cheyenne Drews, second by Christine Power. The MOTION APPROVED 5 - 0. Yes Mike Kelly, Vance Smith, Christine Power, Rebecca Porter, Justin Kennedy Chairman Kelly asked what was next as far as would the recipients be announced now or wait until Honors Night. City Clerk Wenzel stated that she would not be announcing the recipients, but it was part of the public record. There was discussion regarding changing the meeting day, the Committee determined Tuesdays would be better. Mr. Kennedy brought up doing a derby race as another fundraiser. Councilwoman Power stated this was a Boy Scout tradition. Mr. Kennedy stated ﻮ Council Regular Meeting April 2, 2014 another fundraiser event geared towards boys was needed. Chairman Kelly felt they needed another event. City Clerk Wenzel asked for a motion regarding the meeting day as it would be an amendment to the Committee by-laws. Christine Power moved to change the day of the meetings to the first Tuesday, second by Justin Kennedy. The MOTION APPROVED 5 - 0. Yes Mike Kelly, Vance Smith, Christine Power, Rebecca Porter, Justin Kennedy 6.ADJOURN There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m. Minutes submitted by: Bonnie Wenzel, CMC ى Council Regular Meeting April 2, 2014