01-14-1992 ~ ..... CITY OF EDGEWATER BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 14, 1992 7:00 P.M. CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM MINUTEJ? ROLL CALL/CALL TO ORDER: The Chairman, Felicia Ver meeting to order at 6:57 p.m. Way, called the January 14, 1992 in the City Hall Conference Room. Members present were: Felicia Ver Way, Tanina Palermo, and Richard Roberts. Betty Rossman and Linda Sullivan were excused. Also present was Lisa Kruckmeyer, Recording Secretary. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Ms. Palermo moved to approve the minutes of the Decemher 10, 1991 meeting and Mr. Roberts seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 3-0. OLD BUSINESS: Tree Cit'l U.S.A. Chairman Ver Way stated she just found out that the application was sent back and Mr. Corder had received it because they are starting something new in Tallahassee and they are not accepting resolutions like Mr. Johnson thought. Anyone applying in 1992 has to have a tree ordinance supplied along with it and they are going to start using our application as a model for other people apply'!ng. Chairman Ver Way stated Mr. Johnson gave her a list of the things they need in the tree ordinance and one thing is they have to be mentioned in the ordinance. She stated they can get the banners when they need them because they are approved but not officially approved. She stated they are gOIng to go for Arbor Day In {~p r i 1 . Chairman Ver Way stated if they want school children in their Arbor Day celebration they are going to have to do it after school. She stated the third Friday in January is Florida's Arbor Day. The Committee decided Edgewater's Arbor Day. April 10th (",auld be a good date for- Chairman Ver Way stated to Fdgel",a t er . they can not put trees at the entrances Median Strips on U.S. #1 f''Ir. Rober ts Orange <'ind strips. asked Soutrl where the information came Daytona had things planted f.l-om in when Port the median Chairman Ver Way stated she was talking about the entrances right now but would get back to the median strips. Mr. Roberts stated when you come through Florida Shores you've got palm trees all down the center. He stated he didn't know if the Commi t tee l,'Janted to put the 5 i gn off to the side, on tt1e right of way or on the median strip. Chairman Ver Way enough on that. stated the Committee didn't di<::,cuss it far ,.., '-' Chairman Ver Way stated Mr. Corder is going to be here next Tuesday so they can discuss it with him. He will be bringing the blue prints. She stated they are all being reworked. After Mr. Corder looked at the blue prints, they were for three medians to the south instead of one north and two south. Chairman Ver Way stated the tallest high. She stated Port Orange can have as many turnoffs as Edgewater does. plant they it because can have is 4' they don't have Chairman VerWay stated he is also working on a sprinkler system. She stated eventually we would be using gray water. Chairman Ver Way stated if the Committee wanted to see the plans they would have to schedule a meeting for January 21, 1992. Mr. Roberts suggested using white indian hawthorne. also suggested the wax myrtle and evergreen giant. they are going to be tolerant as far as taking the taking some stress. 1'11-. Rob e 1- t s He stated cold and Mr. Roberts gave Chairman Ver Way a list of plants from C.B. 's Nursery. He stated this list is only good until February 6th. Mr. Roberts stated a palm tree is re~lly hard to transplant. He said lantana is a good dry resistant plant and it will give YOLI a lot of color but it could be damaged from a hard freeze. Mr. Roberts stated he was pretty negative last meeting. He stated he still feels strips but xeriscaping does have a place around City Hall. He stated with the foolish not to bring an irrigation system on xeriscaping at the that way on the median such as in parks or g ray (,-.)a t er i t I,-JQ u I d be 1 n. Ms. Palermo asked if they decided to get money or a tree from the clubs. Chairman Ver Way stated she didn't think that was decided but they were saying it may be better if they gave a set amount of money. Chairman Ver Way asked Ms. Palermo if she got a list of the clubs. Ms. Palermo stated she didn't understand that she was going to get a list of the clubs. Chairman Ve, Way stated she was supposed to get a list of the clubs. Ms. Palermo stated she would get a list from the Chamber. Chairman Ver Way stated Mr. Roberts trees. Mr. Roberts stated he got a from $25 to $95 a tree. He gave trees. was going to get a price on price on trees which ranges a list and prices for certain Chairman Ver Way stated they need to decide where they are gOIng to put trees if they can't put them at the entrances, what kind of trees, how much they should ask for for donations and who is planting the trees. She asked if they are still going to do the plaques. Ms. Palermo stated if they give publicity to the clubs that donate that may be a more economical way out. Ms. Palermo stated if the clubs or even an individual wants to have a plaque in memory of someone, it wouldn't be much of a problem if they pay for it. Ms. Palermo stated they should jllst keep it as simple as possible because they may be running into too many complications. Page 2 Be~utification Committee ,] anuary 14, i 992 ~ ...., NEW BUSINESS: February Beautification Al,oJard choicE" The Committee then gave their picks for March. The Secretary gave Ms. Sullivan's pick which was 1511 Orange Tree Drive. Chairman Ver Way stated she chose 602 or 603 S. Riverside Drive. She wasn't sure b~t it is located on the corner of Riverside and Connecticut. Ms. Palermo stated she chose 222 Shangri La Circle. Mr. Roberts stated he chose 1009 Fernald Street. The selections were tabulated and the winning residence was 127 Yelkca Terrace. Chairman Ver Way stated she spoke to someone at the cemetery and they stated they are starting to paint the fence. Florida Shores Shoppinq Center Chairman Ver Way Char lane Runge. read a rn e rn 0 from Code Enforcement Officer It stated a citation was issued and she feels confident this problem will be in compliance soon. Ms. Palermo stated Mr. Hebert ShOllld be contacted. Way stated she would contact him. Chailman \'/(=::>1- Lake 2" Al ice _Par.:.L Chairman Ver Way stated they will not be naming Lake & Alice Park after the two firefighters because they are not residents of Edge~',Ja tei- . Mr. Roberts asked if that stated that is the end of suggestion didn't fly. was the end of it. Chairman Ver Way it lid th the Commi ttee bpraLlse thei r Lonq and ~ihnrt Term Goal"" of Bpautifiration Committp€? The Committee decided to tahle this item until all of the members ~',Jere present. Mr. Roberts stated when the Committee gets farther down the load they could find the largest trees in Edgewatel. Chatrman Ve, Way stated that could be one of the goals on his li:=,t. Mr. Roberts gave Chairman Ver Way a pamphlet to look at of trees. Chairman Vel Way stated she would look at it and give it him. har- k to Chairman Ver Way asked Mr. Roberts their Arbor Day on a Saturday so he ::;, ta ted he wor k s Sa turdays too. if he would rather they have coulc1 attend. f"ir. Rohert"" ADJOURNMENT There being nel ftlrtr-iPr- tJu;:,inps;:. to dic,cu",.s, f'1s. Palermn made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Roberts. The meeting adjourned at 7:42 p.m. Minutes submitted by: Lisa f:::ruckmpyer Page 3 Beautification Committee January 14, 1992