01-21-1992 '-" ...,.r CITY OF EDGEWATER BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING JANUARY 21, 1992 7:00 P.M. CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM t1INUTE~ ROLL CALL/CALL TO ORDER: The Chairman, Felicia Ver Way, called the special meeting of the Beautification Committee to order at 7:00 p.m. In the City Hall Confelence Room. Membels plesent were: Palermo, Betty Rossman, Jack Cordel, Mark Kruckmeyer. Felicia Ve, Way, Richard Roberts, Tanina and Linda Sullivan. Also present v,Jere Miller, and Recording SecretalY, Lisa Plan~B-eview for Beautifica.t.ion Gl-ant of (.'Iedian Strips Chailman Ver Way stated the reason fOI the meeting was to look at the new blue prints that Jack had dlawn up. Chairman Vpr Way stated the last time they looked at the blue plints they were under the implession that nothing could be altered. She asked why the Committee wasn't informed because maybe they could have had input on this. She stated people are calling them and they don't know anything. Mr. Calder stated the median strips involved were the two south and one nOlth. That is what was showing on the conceptual plan of the plints. After looking at the detailed prints they welE showing the three south. He stated the one north and the two south is what was discussed and that is what he is redrawing. Chairman Ver Way asked if they are going to change plants around. Mr. Corder stated yes but that isn't finalized yet. He stated last week he spoke to someone and he was invited to New Smyrna's Tree Committee meeting because they wele doing a presentation on their CRA grant that they are applying for. Chairman Ver Way stated when she went to the Beautification meetings with the Chamber, they had asked if there was some way that New Smyrna and Edgewater could get together to correspond our medians. She stated they couldn't do that because they had already approved some plans. She asked if that was correct. Mr. Corder stated this is all that can be sent in herause money that is available. His conception was that coming of 442 going north was one of the areas that needed to be at because that is the main traffic area. of the in off lookerj Mr. Corder stated the grant paperwork has some prices coming in to include is not completed. on the grant. He still Ms_ Sullivan asked what the deadline is on the grant. stated February 1st. r-1r. Corder Ms. Rossman asked how much 15 the grant that IS being applied for. Mr. Corder stated that has not been determined yet until they get the price on everything they want. Mr. Corder stated an irrigation system is included this time. He stated in sixteen to twenty months they will be able to switch to gray water instead of using City water. ...... ...." Ms. Sullivan asked Mr. Corder if he redrew the plans the Committee looked at before. He stated basically. He stated this is an overall of the three medians that are being talked about. Mr. Corder explained the drawings he presented. He stated he took five areas in each median to put plants in. Mr. Corder stated according to D.o.T. you need to maintain at least a minimum of 4' away from the highway pavement edge. He stated D.o.T. has height restrictions of no greater than 3'. When you are getting into a high viewing area, you have a major traffic area which IS a major viewing problem. You are eliminating any tree. Another aspect is they will not allow anything bigger than a 4" in diameter. He stated when they get into the overall master plan which is going to be the rest of the medians, then we might be able to look at trees of some sort. Chairman Ver Way stated it is really kind of a two shade type of thing because we are applying for Tree City ll.S.A. and we have no where to plant any trees. l"ls. not Sullivan trimmed. stated the Mr. Corder tree by stated he the north City knev,! that. limits is still Chairman Ver Way asked if that too. Mr. Corder stated South were e:< i st i n(]. treE" ~'Jould DC1'/tona and need to be cut down Port Orange's trees Mr. Corder stated when he talked to the man at they turned dOltJn an application that i.-Jas 2" they consider the 4' line. D.O. T . too far last yeC'l.r over- l",ha t Chairman Ver Way stated South Daytona and Port as many turnoffs as we do which is why we have Orange don't have more restrictions. Ms. Palermo asked if trees could be ptJt between a sidewC'l.lk and a street. Mr. Corder stated the sidewalk on U.S.#l only lasts until Ocean Avenue and then it stops. He stated it might be possible but you are only talking aboLlt a 3' or 4' wide area and that might fall under the 4' allotment D.O.T. is talking about. Chairman Ver Way asked what type of plants did Mr. Corder come up with. Mr. Corder stated native plants and wildflowers are two big things on D.D.T. 's list in order to get points. He stated a man made a comment to him whether plants are native or not when you put it there as a group to take care of it is going to create maintenance. Mr. Corder stated they had talked ahout lantana as a good ground cov'er. [-is. Sullivan asked about d,~y lilies. 11r. Corder stateci that is another possibility. He stated the median directly south is 543' long. The other one to the south is approximately 5~6' long. These medians range anywhere from 24' to 30' wide. He stated another criteria from D.G.T. IS unique designs. He stated he is trying to keep a low mC'l.intenanre cost. He stated a large patch of lantana would be good and it comes in a lavender color. Another large patch of a ground co\/er- is St. Johnc:, Wort ~'Jhich is a yellow cover. Between these patches would be grass because of the length. Ms. Palermo stated a periwinkle is a nice plant that withstands the winter and multiplies. f1s. ~iullivan asked if Mr. Corder stated he "'JOuld like to put sunflower-. they are going ",.'ith flowers and not shr-uhs. was trying to find color. He stC'l.ted he in dwarf azaleas surrounded by the beach Ms. Sullivan stated continuous flower. i~ blooming. ~.he ltJas think inr] ahout the She stated when one plant aspect of keeping IS gone another one Page 2 Beautification Committee January 21, 1992 '-" ....., Mr. Roberts stated the evergreen giant which also takes a lot of dryness and gets a lavender flower to it is a grass. He stated the azaleas will split. He stated you always have your indian hawthorne which will take the cold. He stated they get a white and pink flower. Chairman Ver Way stated a few months ago New Smyrna and Edgewater were going to get together but at the very last minute New Smyrna changed their mind. Ms. Palermo stated New Smyrna should do their thing and we should do ours. Mr. Corder s ta tedrle doesn't have enough marlflovJer to handle a situation of having 2,000 annuals planted in the medians. Chairman Ver Way stated she doesn't understand how they expect the small force Mr. Corder has to be able to take care of all of this stuff regardless of what is there. Mr. Corder stated this is being discussed right now. He stated somewhere down the road he would like to get additional manpower and a horticulturist for all aspects of the City. Ms. Palermo asked if he could use volunteers to help with this type of maintenance. He stated he needed to talk to the City Manager and City Attorney on liability aspects. He stated they will be looking for volunteers when the master plan is developed an the Adopt-a-Highway program. Chairman Ver Way stated the older boy scouts and girl scouts are always looking to help in the community. Ms. Sullivan asked if Burger King adopted starts down here at the north of town. there is a sign right across from Burger !,',jhere i tstop<:c,. U.S.#l. Sh~--' Cha i rman \/pr f::: i ng lrJh i c h stated it ~,jay stated is proharJ 1 y Chairman Ve, Way asked if the the Adopt-a-Highway program and Corder stated ves. Committee is going to work the Adopt-a-Tree program. with t'll. t'ls. Rossman the tOlrJn is beautiful. stated when .'JE' really going to She stated let's get this concrete and get it take sha~e. It is gOIng get the grants in. set up to tJp Ms. Sullivan stated if people that these three you get phone cal Is, make sure to tell medians are just the start. Chairman Ver Way stated maybe businesses and maybe they will eventually we can contact some donate flowers or adopt a median. Mr. Roberts asked if Mr. Mr. Corder stated the old he is hopefully going irrigation system. Corder had a cost figure for m~tprials. set didn't have irrigation. He stated to get an estimate tomorrow on an Ms. Rossman stated she met the City Manager want to work with beautification which IS great things for Edgewater. arId he great. real l'r" does He :Js doing 1"lr. Corder stated the scar)1 part ie" v,lith trH? amount of' mee-lian strips that are within the median strips and due to the size of them, if we do not keep it native and to a minimal the cost could go astronomical. Page ::f Beautification Committee January 21, 1992 'w'. ....., Chairman Ver Way stated once we get this underway project starb:::.d and the people see some results it 1S change the whole community's mind and people are going working together to beautify the City. and this going to to <=,ta:- t 1'-'fr. COl-der stated ;;;ome of the prohlems he runs into are the medians all have catch basins and they have drainage problems and we can't fill those in. Mr. Corder stated one cost factor the City mulch because the City has their OItJn rmllch wi 11 be machine. saving on is The Committee med i ar,s. then discussed different flowers to use for the Chairman Ver Way stated they still have the medians going from U.S. #1 to the River on Indian River Boulevard. tvlr. Corder stated he's not too sure that is in our maintenance agreement ~"lith the state. HE' ""tated if that is Ollrs It.le can put snme t.rees in. Chairman Ver Wav st.ated at the Arbor Day thing t.hey had at the park, NoraJane came up to her and said that the Committee could take over that strip of land and do what they want with it. The Committee told Mr. Corder the Christmas trees down Indian River Boulevard were gorgeous. The citizens really appreciated it. Chairman Vpr Way stated the Christmas parade was fahulolls. She stated it is going to Ollt do Smyrna1s and ppoflle are going to start coming to this one. Chairman Ver IrJay stated if you don't hesitate to ask. need the Committee for anything, Ms. Rossman asked if it would help if they went McMahon. Mr. Corder stated he doesn't think point. in to talk to Mr. so, not at this Chairman Ver Way stated she went to the Arbor Day in Daytona. She brought back a program as an e;.<amf/)p because the'll ~"Ji 11 have to do one. She stated the Chamber of COl1lmerCe Beautification Committep wants to be invited to Edgewater's Arbor Day. She stated she spoke to Mr. Johnson and he prefers Af/ril 24th. She stated they would have to go with National Arbor Day on Friday 10 the afternoon to get these kids together. Chairman Ver Way asked the Committee if they wantecl to have this in the morning or the afternoon. 1'1",.. Sullivan stated they shOltld go morning because the kids are all there. Chairman Vpr Way asked how the kids are goin,;) to get there. 1-ls. Sul1iv'an stated by hus. Mr. Corder stated he doesn't know if they are going to be able to pull the high school band. He stated he had a problem getting the band for the Christmas parade. Chairman Ver Way stated the Committee IS going to be celehrating two functions, Tree City U.S.A. and Arbor Day. She stated at the Daytona celehration they were handing out pencils. Ms. Palermo asked what we could do as an alternative. Ms. Rossman ;:;:,tated she thinks the penci Is are a good idea. Chairman Ver Way Daytona donated a stated that would stated the Parks tree for the Arbor not be a problem. and Recreation Deflartment in Day ceremon,/. Mr. Corder Chairman Ver Way stated at Indian River Schoo] there are trees in the front hut none in the back where the children play. Mr. Corder stated he would talk to Mike Crows down there because that <;"chool ~'Jould tie a good foral fioint for Arbor Day. Page 4 Reautification Committee January 21, 1992 --.. ...., Mr. Corder stated they could look at planting more trees the Fire Statlon. down at Ms. Sullivan asked jf City Parks and the price would get them a list. they could hi'lve a of those trees. li<;=,t r-lr . of trees for the Corner stated he Mr. Corder stated if you know local that will have any influence a letter stating they support our of any politicians other than on <;=,uch a th ing, ask them for pro~1,am fo, beautification. Chai,man Ver Wav asked if stated the more the merrIer. one letter is enough. l''lr. Corne, ADJOURNMENT ThPI-e be i n<] nn fur thpr bus i ness to motion to aOJourn, seconned by adjourned at 8:30 p.m. d i SCL1SS, !1s. !"ls. Sullivan. Rossman madp a The meeting r"linutes ~,ubmitted hy: Lisa f<::ruckme'/er Pa<;1e 5 Beautification Committee January 21, 1992