7:00 P.M.
The Chairman, Felicia Ver Way, called the regular meeting of the
Beautification and Tree Committee to order at 7:07 p.m. in the
City Hall Conference Room.
Members present were: Felicia Ver
Rossman, ane! Tan i na Pa 1 ermo . L i ndel
prespnt vJas Recorel i nfJ SecrptClr y, Lisa
Way, Richard Roberts,
Su 1 1 i van "'Ja~, ah<;=,pnt.
~<ruc kmeye, .
Mr. Roberts moved to approve the minutes of
meeting and Ms. Rossman seconded the motion.
the March 10, 1992
Motion CARRIFD 4-
Arbor Day Celebration
Chairman Ver
She informpd
Smyrna Arbor
Way stated they are
the Committee they
Day Ceremony and also
Rain Forest Program.
officially a Tree City U.S.A.
were all invited to the New
to participate in Indian River
Chairman Vpr Way stated the following trees have been donated:
the City donated the Laurel Oak, the Daisy's donated the Sycamore
TreE', the Florida Shores Property Owners Association sent a check
for $50 to huy a tree, Pel iean Cove t.Jest also sent a check for
$50, and the Veteran<;=, donated a Laure! Oak.
Chairman Ver Way stated the following donated door pri7ps: First
Federal c.;:jave a $50 savings hOlle!, Burger King is donating lunehe,.:;,
Caddy Shack donated three ice cream cones and three miniature
golf games, Tropical Video donated 4 coupons for videos, Front
RO"'J Vi deo donated 3 wi th different amounts on thpm hut Me;.
Rossman stated if there weren't too many entries they would
donate one for everyone that entered, Valentino's donated threp
pizza's, k-Mart donated one gift certificate, and Aqua Park
donated five one-day swim passes.
Chairman Ver Way stated she was going to
about framing the winners' postprs.
should also get ribbons.
speak to Ann ?immerman
She stated the Committee
Chalrman Vpr
Lice,. Eithpr
the end.
Way stated the school is hosting the celehration for
M-Is. f<pnnedy or Mr. Struthe,s would have t.o do the
Gino Conti is going to sing God RIess the LJ.S.A. at
The Secretary read the Ilst of people who are going to attend.
Chairman Ver
t.,ja y ~c:, tat. Pel
Richard Paczko"'Jski
is going
to [pad a
The Committee then discllssed where they would get the ribbons.
Chairman Ver Way asked if they have identification cards. Ms.
Pal prmo !:"tated "'.Jhpn thpy go around C'l<;=,k i ng for donat i once, they
should have some type of identificatirln card.
The CClmm it tee then d i SCll!:-,,,,,ed wha t t. ypes of trees they shou 1 cl get
and jf they shoulc1 just: go to the <;=,chool or around thp City.
Chairman Ver Way
Elementary as to why
Edgewater Elementary.
stated she had
Indian River
a complaint from Edgewater
Elementary ~"as picked ovpr
f"lr. Robert<-; asked ahout thp p]antinc:.1 pc-u-t of the trp€" the L.ity
bought. Chairman Ver Way stated she hadn't had a chance to talk
to Richard Loomis. She stated shp spoke to Mr. Howard and she
said it 15 guing to cause a problem because she tholHJht Richard
was donating a tree but he is not. She told Mr. loomis the
maintenance man will dig the holes and plant the tree when it is
over with.
Mr. Roherts stated Mr. Loomis has the impression that his picture
would be In the paper or maybe his son planting the tree at the
~;choo I .
Chairman Ver Way stated he just wanted the publicity bllt was not
going to donate a tree.
f"ls. Palermo stated this l-wuld hp hpr last meeting until [Ictober.
The Committee then discussed the order
was going to he on the program.
for the prolJram and what
May Beautification Award Choice
The selections were tahulated and the winning residence was 2112
Royal Palm Drive.
The following are the picks for the June
2948 Victory Palm Drive, Ms. Rossman
Chairman Ver ("JaY" - ?l+20 Yule Tree Drive.
avJarcl: f"lr. Roher tsu
- 328 Pine Brepze, and
Chairman Vei Way stated they will need to
the fOllol'Jing month at evpry mF'eting.
havE' their
picks for
Poster Contest Winners
The Commi ttpe then l-Jent through the postprs.
The winners of the poster contest were as follows: 1st place
Nicholas Bilotta, 2ncl place Travis Read, 3rd place Ahra
Lewis, 4th place - Renee Wilson, and 5th place - Tara White.
There heingno furthpr business to cJiscuss, f"15.
motion to adjourn, seconded by r"!s. Palermo.
adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Rossman made a
ThE' mE"e t i ng
r''linutes suhmitted by:
I.isa f<rllckmpyp',-
Pilge 2
Beautificat.ion 8, Trep C:OfTIfTI1ttee
Ap r ill it, 1 992