05-10-1994 ~. "-' ..""" CITY OF EDGEWATER BEAUTIFICATION , TREE COMMITTEE MAY 10, 1994 7:00 P.M. CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM MINUTES ROLL CALL/CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Felicia Ver Way called the regular meeting of the Beautification & Tree Committee to order at 7:05 p.m. in the City Hall Conference Room. Members present were: Felicia Ver Way, Doris stump, and Kathleen Spellman. Linda Sullivan and Helen Janda arrived at 7:07 p.m. Also present were Cathy Lowenstein, Volusia County Forester and Lisa Kruckmeyer, Recording Secretary. Chairman Ver Way thanked the Committee for their attendance and participation at the Arbor Day Celebration. She thanked Ms. Lowenstein for her speech. Chairman Ver Way informed the Committee Mr. Corder could not make the meeting but he did drop off a copy of the grant and blueprints that were submitted for the two medians at the north end of the City. The Committee reviewed the blueprints. Chairman Ver Way stated the grant amount is $23,345.57 Chairman Ver Way stated this would be Ms. Stump's last meeting because she is resigning due to personal reasons. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Reqular Meetinq of April 12. 1994 Ms. Janda made a motion to accept the April 12, 1994 minutes, second by Ms. Sullivan. The motion CARRIED 5-0. OLD BUSINESS: There was no old business to discuss. NEW BUSINESS: Presentation - Cathleen Lowenstein. Volusia County Forester Cathy Lowenstein, Volusia County Forester, spoke about Tree City U.S.A. and Arbor Day. The Committee discussed their future goals with Ms. Lowenstein. Ms. Lowenstein passed out and explained two handbooks: Planting a Tree at Your Home or in Your Community and A Handbook for Tree Board Members. Ms. Lowenstein informed the Committee on some resources that are available to the City through the Division of Forestry. Chairman Ver Way and Ms. Sullivan spoke about the Urban Forestry conference they attended. There was a discussion regarding the City not being able to put trees in the medians. Ms. Lowenstein suggested the Committee contact the other cities that have trees in their medians to find out how they got around this. Ms. Lowenstein continued to explain some programs and resources available to the City. ~ .. ... .",., Chairman Ver Way asked Ms. Lowenstein if they could make any improvements to the Arbor Day Celebration. Ms. Lowenstein felt the Committee had everything covered and she was pleased to see there were children involved. Ms. Lowenstein would like to increase networking between the tree boards in Volusia County so the City's can share different experiences and ideas. The Committee discussed the Arbor Day Celebrations in different cities. The Committee discussed the Urban and Community Forestry Grant. Ms. Lowenstein explained the grant process to the Committee. The Committee further discussed the City's Arbor Day Celebration and things they can do to improve it. Chairman Ver Way thanked Ms. Lowenstein for her presentation The Committee gave the secretary their reservations for the dinner. Arbor Dav Video Ms. Sullivan did not have time to copy the video tape therefore it was not available for this meeting. May Beautification Award Choice The selections were tabulated and the winning residence was 600 Sea Gull Court. The second place winner was 404 Falcon Ave. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, Ms. Janda made a motion to adjourn, second by Ms. Sullivan. The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. Minutes submitted by: Lisa Kruckmeyer Page -2- Beautification & Tree Committee May 10, 1994