04-11-1995 .... .., CITY OF EDGEWATER BEAUTIFICATION , TREE COMMITTEE APRIL 11, 1995 7:00 P.M. CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM MINUTES ROLL CALL/CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Ver Way called the regular meeting of the Beautification & Tree Committee to order at 7:10 p.m. in the City Hall Conference Room. Members present were: Chairman Felicia Ver Way, Sandra Ruggles, Kathleen Spellman, and Linda Sullivan. Also present were Recording Secretary, Lisa Kruckmeyer, Economic Development Board Chairman Philip Fong, and Parks and Recreation Director Jack Corder. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Reqular Meetinq of March 14. 1995 Ms. Sullivan made a motion to approve the March 14, 1995 minutes, second by Ms. Ruggles. The motion CARRIED 4-0. OLD BUSINESS: There was no old business to be discussed. NEW BUSINESS: Discussion w/Jack Corder re: Goals Chairman Ver Way introduced Mr. Corder and Mr. Fong to the Committee members. Chairman Ver Way stated they are not going to have an Arbor Day like previous years due to there not being enough time to prepare for it. She informed Mr. Corder the Committee would like to put trees in the medians. She spoke about phone calls she has received from citizens wanting to know why Edgewater does not have trees in the medians like the rest of the cities throughout Volusia County. Chairman Ver Way spoke about people being upset when trees were removed from the property located by Friendly Shores. Mr. Corder informed her J.C. Carder is developing that property. Chairman Ver Way commented on a conversation she had with Bill Butler, Landscape Architect for Ormond Beach, who was responsible for putting the trees in the medians. Chairman Ver Way spoke about a conversation she had with Miss Leslie Butler, South Daytona Parks and Recreation, and they basically put in the same trees as Ormond Beach. Chairman Ver Way spoke about the new codes through the Department of Transportation. Mr. Corder commented on the sight zone. Chairman Ver Way spoke about different cities writing letters to the Secretary of the DOT and telling him there are no trees that fit their guidelines. The cities are putting trees in regardless of DOT's regulations. Chairman Ver Way commented on being able to purchase trees from Mike Hickey for $50 a tree which does not include the planting. Chairman Ver Way stated the Committee would like to concentrate on getting trees in the medians where there is water available. ....... ...., Mr. Corder informed the Committee that they would need to go before Council regarding placing trees in the medians. He explained the other cities that have placed trees in their medians assume the liability if something happens. Ms. Sullivan commented on Edgewater being the only City without trees in the medians. Mr. Corder informed Ms. Sullivan we are one of the very few cities that don't have curbs all the way through the city. Mr. Corder informed the Committee they have to take into consideration the speed limits, the curbing and the water. He went on to explained that Edgewater City is self-insured. There was a discussion regarding the City going to a self- insurance program to save money. Chairman Ver Way commented on Edgewater being a Tree City and trees not being planted the way they should be. The Committee spoke about always being told no whenever they want to plant trees. She presented examples to Mr. Corder. Mr. Corder informed the Committee that they have in the past tried to plant trees at the park at the corner of Lake and Alice and they have died because there is no water available on site. Chairman Ver Way spoke about wanting to get the neighborhood involved with planting the trees and have them included in the contest to name the park but it was not acceptable. Chairman Ver Way spoke about the report that is filled out for recertification of the Tree City status and how she has to document where trees are planted. Chairman Ver Way feels somewhere along the line there has got to be something budgeted for Mr. Corder to get more manpower. Mr. Corder commented on not having enough manpower. There was a discussion regarding Edgewater not being listed in an article in the newspaper explaining beautification plans. Chairman Ver Way stated they waste their time every month because they don't get to do anything. There was a discussion regarding DOT regulations for down the side of the road being the same as the medians. There was a discussion regarding Edgewater being the only City without trees in the medians. Mr. Corder commented on the process he has to take and the cost to put water in the medians on u.S. #1. Chairman Ver Way explained the Committee would like to put trees in the medians that already have water and go along with Mr. Corder as grants are approved. Mr. Corder stated if Council goes along with the Committee, they would need to consider a different type of tree due to enclaves. Chairman Ver Way stated you are no longer allowed to put flowers under the trees, only mulch or grass. Chairman Ver Way suggested speaking to David Schapel, who is in charge of the highway beautification grants, and asking him what trees they would be able to plant and then take that information to Council. Page -2- Beautification & Tree Committee April 11, 1995 ~ ~ There was a discussion regarding other cities putting in trees regardless of DOT's regulations and these cities taking on their own liability. Mr. Corder commented on a city in North Florida that is being sued because someone hit a tree because they could not see. Ms. Sullivan stated they could always continue to find something but at some point the Committee has to quit wasting their time and move on and accomplish something. She commented on their time being valuable. Mr. Corder stated if the Council wants to assume the liability, the City could put any tree in the medians it wants to. Mr. Corder explained to the Committee that they have to put a memo together expressing their concerns of wanting to put trees in the medians but they need to consider the liability too. Ms. Sullivan asked if they should be concerned with liability as a Committee. Chairman Ver Way stated they are responsible for what they put in the medians. Mr. Corder stated if the Committee is going to make a recommendation to put something out there they should be concerned with it. There was a brief discussion regarding the liability of riverwalk being three inches off the road. Mr. Corder explained they actually made the pedestrian walkway safer. Chairman Ver Way spoke about the people that still walk on the street. There was a discussion regarding the speed limit being one of the criteria considered by DOT as well as the sight zone. Chairman Ver Way questioned the strip going from u.S. 1 at Indian River Blvd. to Riverside Drive and whether they have to follow DOT guidelines. Mr. Corder informed her that belongs to the City and they can plant whatever they want there. Ms. Sullivan spoke about not getting anywhere with that due to having no money and water over there. Mr. Corder informed the Committee the water is very close. Mr. Corder spoke about having to pay impact fees and connection fees. Mr. Sullivan asked why they are not waived for the City. Mr. Corder explained it is because it is a separate entity. He also spoke about having to pay a monthly water bill. Chairman Ver Way feels the Council needs to do something because the people coming into Edgewater want to see beauty. Mr. Corder feels the Committee is on the right track. Mr. Corder spoke about only being able to do so much with the staff he has. Chairman Ver Way asked Mr. Corder what happened to the list of priorities of the Committee. Mr. Corder informed her it was cut from the budget. Chairman Ver Way stated she doesn't understand why Council would what a Beautification Committee if they can't do anything. Ms. Ruggles feels the Committee needs to be more active and get more people in the City to attend the Council meetings and push for beautification. Ms. Sullivan spoke about Ms. Fugate going before Council regarding beautification and everybody raved about it. She spoke about the Committee talking about the same things for the past couple of years. Page -3- Beautification & Tree Committee April 11, 1995 ...... ...", Mr. Corder stated he was informed by City Manager McMahon to work with Ms. Fugate on this project. He informed the Committee to contact Ms. Fugate to see if she would be interested in working with them. There was a discussion regarding where Ms. Fugate would get the money for this project. Mr. Corder informed the Committee she feels she could get all donations. The Committee feels they can too. Ms. Sullivan stated Ms. Fugate can get it donated but it still has to be maintained. Mr. Corder informed her it is a stormwater issue and would be maintained by stormwater. Mr. Corder informed the Committee areas is part of the ClP project. have to be planted at each end of cars from driving through there. beautification of the retention He stated trees are going to the retention ponds to keep Chairman Ver Way stated she doesn't see anything happening with Arbor Day until fall due to it being too late and then it is going to get too hot. Mr. Corder stated when the Committee goes to Council to stress the costs involved with this and his being able to only stretch his people so far. Ms. Sullivan made a motion to place the Committee on the agenda for the May 1st meeting. She stated between then and now they need to get a presentation together and figures from Mr. Corder. Mr. Corder explained to the Committee they need to go to Council and find out what priority beautification is on their list. Mr. Corder commented on what is department is required to do and not having enough manpower. Chairman Ver Way asked if Ms. Fugate was informed about no one coming to help plant the plants in the medians. Mr. Corder informed her no she was not. Discussion w/Philip Fong re: Edqewater Pride Campaiqn Chairman Ver Way informed Mr. Fong the Committee is very interested in working with the Economic Development Board with the Edgewater Pride Campaign. Mr. Fong commented about at budget time every item competing against each other and decisions being made by priority. Mr. Fong told the Committee not to get discouraged. Mr. Fong commented on the valid issues presented by Mr. Corder regarding liability and meeting the code. Mr. Fong feels the dilemma the Committee is facing really needs to go before Council. Chairman Ver Way asked if Council reads their minutes. The secretary informed her a copy of the minutes is placed in a reading file in the Mayor's office. Mr. Fong informed the Committee if they have a matter of significant nature they would want to place it on the agenda. Mr. Corder commented on how he got involved with the Committee originally. He feels the Committee needs to demonstrate they are a city-wide committee. Page -4- Beautification & Tree Committee April 11, 1995 ...... ..,., Mr. Fong informed the Committee they need to report directly to Council and that their responsibility lies with the Council. There was a discussion regarding who the Committee needs to report to. Mr. Fong explained the Edgewater Pride Campaign to the Committee. Mr. Fong suggested the Committee go before Council with a plan. He suggested the Committee meet with Council individually to discuss the area of concern. There was a discussion regarding discussing the Committee's concerns with Council so they are more informed. There was a discussion regarding attracting businesses to Edgewater in terms of economic development. Chairman Ver Way feels in order to attract businesses there has got to be something for them to be attracted to. Mr. Fong again informed the Committee they need to address Council and find out what their priorities are. Mr. Corder commented on what he has to compete against at budget time. Chairman Ver Way feels they should have an architect come in and give the Committee a plan of how they would like to see the City look in five years. Mr. Fong commented on there being programs available out there to obtain funds but they need to have a plan first. Mr. Corder commented on the plan the Committee needs to get together to include goals and objectives. There was further discussion regarding the plan to include goals and objectives. Mr. Fong suggested the Committee devise a master plan and informed them what they need to do. There was a discussion regarding how much money is budgeted for beautification. Chairman Ver Way commented on a grant that is available to get trees planted. Mr. Fong informed them they have to solve the dilemmas first. There was a discussion regarding obtaining the Urban Forestry grant and what is involved. There was a brief discussion regarding tree inventory. Chairman Ver Way doesn't think anyone will get involved unless they see projects start happening. Mr. Corder commented about experimenting with wildflowers in the median across from the cemetery. Ms. Sullivan asked if they will need to get permission to plant anything in the median on Indian River Blvd. Mr. Corder informed yes they would. Chairman Ver Way questioned the surveying being done on Indian River Blvd. Mr. Corder assumed they were doing the surveying to find out how much right-of-way they have to purchase. Page -5- Beautification & Tree Committee April 11, 1995 ....... """'" Chairman Ver Way asked what happened to the Chamber sign welcoming people to Edgewater. Mr. Corder informed him he has it in their shop. Mr. Corder commented on the 26-acre park being located behind Edgewater Elementary and having to do fundraisers to purchase the property. Mr. Fong again stressed to the Committee they need to have a master plan with projects identified. Mr. Corder spoke about having water down Indian River blvd. within a year. He informed the Committee there is no reuse water down U.S. 1 and that is why it is such an expense to use potable water to water the medians. Chairman Ver Way suggested being taken off of the agenda. Ms. Sullivan feels they need to stay on and speak to the councilmen before May 1st. Ms. Sullivan stated Mr. Fong is the first person who has come to the Committee with a direction of where they should go. Mr. Corder informed the Committee they need to contact Ms. Fugate regarding the beautification of the retention ponds. Chairman Ver Way asked the secretary to get Ms. Fugate's phone number for her. Mr. Fong commented on issues that are consistent with economic development. There was a discussion regarding the Committee taking pictures and writing letters to people asking to get businesses cleaned up and there being an excellent response to their concerns. Chairman Ver Way feels this meeting has been very informative. Ms. Sullivan feels the Committee has tried to stay in the medians because of U.S. 1 being main entrances into the City and she commented on the first impression being important. Mr. Corder commented on the Tour of Homes. Mr. Fong urged the Committee to do their homework and present a plan to Council. Mr. Corder again spoke about competition during budget time due to other departments having needs too. Chairman Ver Way feels if beautification is not done, people will not be attracted to Edgewater. Chairman Ver Way commented on the land development regulations. Chairman Ver Way questioned the gas tanks on Indian River Blvd. Mr. Corder stated the tanks have been there so long that they have to be recertified before they can be placed in the ground. Mr. Fong asked if anyone had any questions. Chairman Ver Way stated this would be discussed at the next meeting and they would get back to the EDB on how they intend to help. There was a brief discussion regarding a master plan. Mr. Fong feels it will be helpful for the Committee to see more clearly as to what they want to accomplish with a master plan which would make prioritizing easier. Page -6- Beautification & Tree Committee April 11, 1995 ...... ....., Mr. Corder informed the Committee that the Southeast Advertising Agency donated $15,000 to New Smyrna Beach for the SR 44 corridor. Ms. Sullivan asked if the city obtained another grant to plant more medians. Mr. Corder stated yes the city did but he is waiting to see what happens with the widening of u.S. 1. He informed the Committee the medians will be widened due to parking being taken off of u.S. 1. Ms. Sullivan asked if the plants in the medians that were planted can be moved now. Mr. Corder stated they could. Ms. Sullivan asked if they can be moved to another meeting. Mr. Corder stated if he can get water to them. Chairman Ver Way thanked Mr. Fong and Mr. Corder for coming. April Beautification Award Choice The selections for the April Beautification Award are: 1918 Lime Tree Drive - Kathleen, 1940 Coco Palm Drive - Helen, 2229 vista Palm Drive - Sandy, 2008 willow Oak Drive - Felicia, 1843 Travelers Palm Drive - Linda. The selections were tabulated and the winning residence is 2229 vista Palm Drive. Ms. Spellman stated her pick for Zone 4 is 2804 Royal Palm Drive. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, Ms. Sullivan made a motion to adjourn, second by Ms. Ruggles. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Minutes submitted by: Lisa Kruckmeyer Page -7- Beautification & Tree Committee April 11, 1995