SEPTEMBER 12, 1995
7:00 P.M.
Chairman Ver Way called the Regular Meeting of the Beautification
& Tree Committee to order at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall
Conference Room.
Members present were: Chairman Felicia Ver Way, Linda Sullivan,
Connie Newcomb and Michael visconti. Also present was Lisa
Kruckmeyer, Recording Secretary.
Regular Meeting of May 9, 1995
Ms. Sullivan made a motion to approve the May 9, 1995 minutes,
second by Ms. Newcomb. The motion CARRIED 4-0.
There was no old business to be discussed.
Welcome - Connie Newcomb
Welcome - Michael visconti
Chairman Ver Way introduced Connie Newcomb and Michael visconti
and welcomed them to the Committee.
Update of goals for new members
Chairman Ver Way showed pictures of the eyesores along U.S. #1.
She commented on the eyesores that have been improved.
Ms. Sullivan explained these are not only concerns of the
Committee. Ms. Ver Way actually got phone calls about a lot of
these eyesores asking the Committee for help getting things
cleaned up.
Chairman Ver Way commented on the medians in Titusville. She
spoke about the landscaping in our medians not being designated
by the Committee. That was already taken care of before the
Committee had anything to say about it.
Chairman Ver Way explained a grant was approved last spring for
the two medians on the north side of the City limits. That is
being held up due to U.S. #1 being widened.
Chairman Ver Way commented on the beautification of the fences
around the lift stations in Florida Shores.
Chairman Ver Way commented on the fountain in the pond at Rotary
Park and the other ponds throughout the City that need fountains
to aerate the water, give oxygen to the fish and for
beautification. She feels these ponds need to be cleaned up and
made to look nice. This is still on hold because there is no
money for this project and the Committee has to figure out a way
to do this on their own.
Ms. Sullivan commented on a fountain that was put in a lake on
Mango Tree Drive. Mr. visconti commented on the fountain in the
lake in Meadow Lake. He suggested the Committee ride through
Meadow Lake to see how nice it looks.
Ms. Sullivan commented on the trees that were planted between
Meadow Lake and Whistle stop Park that have died due to children
breaking the trees. Mr. visconti commented on the wetlands
behind Meadow Lake.
Chairman Ver Way asked Mr. Visconti how he made the fountain in
Meadow Lake. Mr. Visconti explained he and another gentleman did
it and the fountain cost about $500.
Chairman Ver Way commented on the Committee at one time being
interested in designating the City as a City of Fountains.
Chairman Ver Way commented on the Lake Doctor. The City is
paying for him and she doesn't see what he is doing. She
suggested getting rid of the Lake Doctor and putting the money
into fountains.
Ms. Visconti commented on Meadow Lake having Aquamatic coming in
once a week to put a chemical around the lake. If it was windy,
he couldn't do it and he still got his money. They decided to
get rid of him and put the fountain in. Chairman Ver Way feels
that is great.
Chairman Ver Way questioned the cost to run the fountain. Mr.
Visconti explained the Association pays him $30 a month for the
electric. According to Florida Power & Light, it is $1 a day to
run the fountain.
Ms. Sullivan spoke about the grass around the lakes being
maintained by Public Works.
Ms. Sullivan asked Mr. Visconti which house is his. He informed
her 316 pine Breeze Drive.
Chairman Ver Way explained the beautification award process to
the new members.
There was a discussion regarding the Committee being aware of
people removing trees without a permit and making sure trees that
are removed are replaced.
Chairman Ver Way commented on the City being a Tree City U.S.A.
and the process for recertification.
Chairman Ver Way explained the past Arbor Day Celebrations that
have been held by the Beautification & Tree Committee. She
informed the Committee the celebration this year would be smaller
than in the past due to the length of time is takes to prepare
Chairman Ver Way spoke about not knowing where to hold the Arbor
Day Celebration this year.
There was a discussion regarding not being able to put trees in
the medians due to the standards of the Department of
Transportation, the City being self-insured, there being no curbs
around the medians, too many turning lanes, and the speed limit
There was a brief discussion regarding all the cities along U.S.
#1 except Edgewater having trees in the medians.
Ms. Newcomb asked Chairman Ver Way if she had a list of the
criteria for the different trees that are acceptable. She was
informed there are no trees that meet DOT standards.
Ms. Sullivan commented on the other cities putting in the trees
they want and then getting them grand fathered in.
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Beautification & Tree Committee
September 12, 1995
There was a brief discussion regarding the first impression of
There was a brief discussion regarding the City being self-
Mr. visconti questioned if U.S. #1 is a state road. He was
informed this is a state road but it is maintained by the city.
There was a discussion regarding there being quality water used
to water the plants in the medians. Ms. Sullivan stated they
were under the impression from the beginning that reclaimed water
was going to be put in the medians.
There was a discussion regarding the water in the medians being
on during the rain.
Chairman Ver Way spoke about a list she received of the cities
that recertified as a Tree City u.s. A. and questioned New Smyrna
Beach not being listed. In the 1994 Small Business Tree Planting
Program Grant recipients, New Smyrna received money to plant
trees on non-federal public property.
Chairman Ver Way asked the secretary to contact Cathy Lowenstein
to find out when the grant is coming up again for the trees and
to please send an application to Chairman Ver Way's attention.
Ms. Sullivan spoke about being able to obtain trees from Florida
Power & Light.
Chairman Ver Way asked the secretary if Ms. Janda had returned
the books the Committee received from Cathy Lowenstein. The
secretary was not sure but would find out.
There was a further discussion regarding obtaining trees from
Florida Power & Light.
Chairman Ver Way stated the Committee was very upset when they
received the grant to beautify the medians and no one showed up
to help plant the plants.
Chairman Ver Way spoke about people taking the plants out of the
medians shortly after they were planted.
Chairman Ver Way questioned where the money came from for plants
to beautify around City Hall. She was informed it was the City
Manager's suggestion.
The Committee is upset because they can't get any money to
beautify but then beautification projects are being done by other
Chairman Ver Way stated they don't know where to go to get a book
on fountains. One of the goals of the Committee is to beautify
the strip from U.S.#1 to the river on Indian River Blvd. and put
a fountain at that intersection. Mr. visconti informed her there
is a company in Port Orange listed in the Pennysaver.
There was a discussion regarding the median from U.S. #1 to the
river being the only piece of land the City can do with what they
Chairman Ver Way stated she spoke to Ms. Williams from First
Union about trying to obtain money for beautification of that
strip. She has to get back to her to find out the outcome.
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Beautification & Tree Committee
September 12, 1995
There was a discussion regarding the above mentioned intersection
being a good focal point.
Chairman Ver Way encouraged the new members to comment on any
suggestions they may have about beautification projects.
Mr. visconti commented on the area when you come off of 1-95
being a disaster. He suggested asking DOT to beautify that area.
Ms. Sullivan stated they did at one time but the trees died due
to not being watered and being planted in the middle of the
Ms. Sullivan stated maybe they could get help from some of the
bigger businesses in Edgewater to help sponsor some
beautification projects. Mr. visconti suggested talking to the
Chevron people to see about beautifying out by 1-95.
Mr. Visconti spoke about the trucks that park on the property
next to the Chevron station. Ms. Sullivan stated if DOT wants
that to be a park and ride, they should pave it. Chairman Ver
Way stated she would speak to Russell smith before the next
Mr. Visconti feels both sides of SR 442 coming into Edgewater
need to be maintained. Ms. Sullivan stated that is DOT.
There was a brief discussion regarding the widening of SR 442.
Ms. Newcomb stated she saw surveyors out by 1-95. Ms. Sullivan
commented on the junk that hasn't been cleaned up from the
overpass repair.
Chairman Ver Way stated maybe they will have to send a letter to
Russell smith. Ms. Newcomb stated sometimes when you have
something in writing, it's a little more effective.
Ms. Newcomb suggested getting each builder, when a piece of
property is cleared, to donate one tree to the City to be
relocated somewhere in the City where trees are needed.
Ms. Sullivan spoke about a project in Tampa where contractors
would relocate trees that were removed from cleared property.
Chairman Ver Way and Ms. Sullivan commented on the Urban &
Forestry seminar they attended. Chairman Ver Way commented on
cities smaller than Edgewater doing a wonderful job beautifying
due to community participation. Ms. Sullivan stated it was all
done by volunteers.
Ms. Newcomb spoke about in the city where she came from they used
to buy used whiskey barrels and fill them with dirt and flowering
plants and they were used to beautify the main street. Each
person who had one in front of their business, bought the barrel,
which costs around $8.
Chairman Ver Way commented on wanting to do an Adopt-A-Tree
Program but they can't start that until they can find out what
kind of trees they can plant. with the Tree city agreement, the
City is supposed to be planting a lot of trees and that isn't
being done.
Ms. Newcomb suggested putting something
newsletter when someone donates a tree.
Albuquerque, New Mexico does that. Ms.
people like to see their name in print.
thought it was $200 for a tree with the
in the newspaper or
Ms. Sullivan stated
Newcomb stated a lot
Ms. Sullivan stated
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Beautification & Tree Committee
September 12, 1995
Ms. Sullivan commented on the idea of having a "Green Up
Edgewater. "
Chairman Ver Way stated you can't get anyone interested to do
anything until they see some results. Ms. Sullivan spoke about
the meeting with the Chamber of Commerce.
Chairman Ver Way asked the secretary to give each member a copy
of the Parks and Recreation Board by-laws.
There was a discussion about getting all of the banks to make a
donation for beautification.
Chairman Ver Way asked the secretary to send a memo to Philip
Fong informing him we still don't have any answers for him yet
regarding the Edgewater Pride Campaign. We can't give him any
commitments because the Committee doesn't have any o.k. 'so We
are only an advisory board. We have to get the o.k. 's from the
chain of command.
Mr. Visconti asked if the Committee could be placed on the agenda
to go before Council. Chairman Ver Way stated when they do go
before Council, they have to have their plan of action and they
have to know what they are talking about to be prepared for any
questions Council may have.
Chairman Ver Way suggested inviting them to a meeting. When
new Council was voted in, she had invited them to meetings.
last time, she was told each Councilmember would visit the
Committee at sometime. The only one that came was the Mayor.
Ms. Sullivan stated beautification is very low on the priority
list. We have no money so they don't want to hear from us
because when they do, we are asking for money. Anything we do
makes more work for the city.
Mr. Visconti stated if you invite the Council to a Beautification
meeting, there are only five or six people. If the Committee
goes before the Council, the public is there. Ms. Newcomb stated
you have to meet them on their turf.
Ms. Sullivan stated the Committee needs to sit down and come up
with a plan and prioritize a list of projects.
Ms. Newcomb spoke about the Parks and Recreation Department
budget consisting of approximately $660,000. Ms. Sullivan
explained that includes everything. Sports come first and most
of the money goes to maintaining the fields.
Mr. Visconti suggested on a referendum to ask every citizen to
donate $1 a year to the Beautification Committee. The Committee
thought that was a good idea.
Chairman Ver Way commented on the $2 per person per capita yearly
clause in the Tree City status for annual tree planting. We
don't get that. Ms. Newcomb questioned where that money goes.
Ms. Sullivan stated to Parks & Recreation. Mr. Visconti feels
the Beautification Committee should get some of the money from
Parks and Recreation.
Ms. Newcomb questioned being in violation of the Tree City
status. Chairman Ver Way informed her that is correct. In this
money that is supposed to be appropriated from the City per
capita, money can be put towards equipment and maintenance.
After that, there is no money left.
Ms. Sullivan spoke about the palm tree on U.S. #1 that never gets
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Beautification & Tree Committee
September 12, 1995
There was a discussion regarding the Code Enforcement process
being done on a complaint basis.
Chairman Ver Way asked the secretary to send a memo to City
Attorney storey asking if they could have the builders donate a
tree back to the Beautification Committee once a lot is cleared
in conjunction with the Tree City program.
Ms. Sullivan suggested including in the memo the $1 per person
per year on a referendum to go towards beautification to be
placed in an account for the Committee and how they would go
about doing that.
Chairman Ver Way asked Ms. Newcomb to find out how much it would
cost to get plaques for when we put the Adopt-A-Tree Program into
effect. Ms. Newcomb agreed to do that.
Chairman Ver Way stated we no longer have a Vice Chairman due to
Ms. Ruggles resignation.
Chairman Ver Way nominated Ms. Sullivan to be the Vice Chairman.
Ms. Sullivan accepted the nomination.
Ms. Newcomb made a motion to have Ms. Sullivan as the Vice
Chairman, second by Mr. Visconti. The motion CARRIED 4-0.
Chairman Ver Way asked the secretary to make some copies of Mr.
Visconti's presentation.
There was a discussion about putting up a booth at different
Ms. Sullivan spoke about figuring out what they would like a
Welcome to Edgewater sign to look like and get some prices and go
to Council and try to get some donations.
Chairman Ver Way thanked the new members for their input.
Ms. Newcomb stated people want to live in a nice neighborhood
especially with the high taxes we will be paying. Chairman Ver
Way stated Edgewater is paying more taxes than Port Orange.
There was a discussion regarding the Committee needing one more
member. Chairman Ver Way stated they would have one by the next
Chairman Ver Way explained the absenteeism rule for the
There being no further business to discuss, Ms. Sullivan made a
motion to adjourn, second by Ms. Newcomb. The meeting adjourned
at 8:20 p.m.
Minutes submitted by:
Lisa Kruckmeyer
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Beautification & Tree Committee
September 12, 1995