City Hall Council Chambers
Monday December 16, 2013 at 10:OOAM
Tim Spoko
John Brackin
John McKinney
TRUSTEES ABSENT: Gigi Bennington
Tyna Hilton
Bobby Laramore
OTHERS PRESENT: Lee Dehner, Board Attorney
Ferrell Jenne, Plan Administrator
Donna Looney, Personnel Director
1. Call to Order Brenda Dewees called the meeting to order at 10:25AM.
2. Roll Call As reflected above.
3. No Public Comment
4. Discussion of Draft Operating Rules & Procedures
a. Board continued discussion starting on Rule 10, page 11.
i. John Mckinney proposes that the Bogdahn Group provides an executive
summary each quarter to the Board. Board agrees and will convey this to
Jack Evatt.
ii. No other changes or discussions were made on Rule 10.
iii. John McKinney proposes that verbiage be added to Rule 11, section
11.3 directing the actuary to provide the finance department with a copy
of the annual actuarial valuation report immediately following completion.
The Board agrees and directs Lee Dehner to add this language
iv. John McKinney asks if the Board would like the City's auditor to make a
presentation of his findings each year. The Board agrees and directs Lee
Dehner to add this language and create section 12.4.
v. No changes were made to the remaining document.
b. Board discusses "Attachment A" of the Operating Rules & Procedures document.
i. Union voted that 1 Board member must be a current member of the Plan.
1. Board directs Mr. Dehner to change "two" to "one" in section (b)
"Membership" (2).
2. Board directs Mr. Dehner to add a new (2) under "Membership"
to include the language "one of whom will be the IUOE Rep," all
other numbers will shift down.
3. Board directs Mr. Dehner to add "one of whom will be the IUOE
Rep" to (3) under"Membership".
4. Board directs Mr. Dehner to change section (c) "Term" to include
the language "excluding IUOE Rep."
ii. Board directs Mr. Dehner to incorporate all changes made at today's
meeting into the Operating Rules & Procedures and present a new draft
at the next quarterly meeting.
5. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 11:05AM upon motion made by John
McKinney and second by Tim Spoko.
6. Next Meeting Monday, March 17, 2014 at 11:OOAM
Respectfully su fitted by: Approved by:
Ferr , aAdministrator 6tgBer++Pgfon, G#a
Date Approved By the Pension Board: