12-16-2013 CITY OF EDGEWATER POLICE OFFICERS' PENSION BOARD QUARTERLY MEETING MINUTES City Hall Council Chambers Monday December 16, 2013 at 1:30PM TRUSTEES PRESENT: David Arcieri Larry Brinson Lawrence Leaf John Tarr TRUSTEES ASSENT: James Morey OTHERS PRESENT: Lee Dehner, Board Attorney Ferrell Jenne, Plan Administrator Donna Looney, Personnel Director Jack Evatt, Investment Consultant John McKinney, Finance Director 1. Call to Order David Arcieri called the meeting to order at 1:35PM. 2. Roll Call As reflected above. 1 No Public Comment 4. Approval of Minutes The minutes from the September 16 2013 auarterly meeting were approved upon motion by John Tarr and second by Lawrence Leaf, motion carried 4.0. 5. New Business a. New Trustee Larry Brinson was introduced to the Board. Lee Dehner asks if his financial disclosure was filed and Mr. Brinson confirmed this has been done. Board approves all 2014 meeting dates submitted by Christiansen & Dehner upon motion made by John Tarr and second by Lawrence Leaf,motion carried 4-0. 6. Reports a. The Bogdahn Group, Jack Evatt i. Jack Evatt advises the Board know that their Firm is growing and they just purchased a firm in Chicago to expand their presence in the Chicago area. ii. Quarterly report as of September 30, 2013 1. Net earnings for the quarter were 3.90%, underperforming the policy benchmark of 4.61% by 0.71% points. 2. Fiscal year to date returns were 11.78%, beating the policy benchmark of 11.22% by 0.56% points. 3. Since inception, the fund is at 4.28%, underperforming the policy benchmark of 4.43% by 0.15% points. 4. Jack Evatt advises the Board that Investment Performance Review information for the third quarter is preliminary data due to the errors contained in the data provided by Salem Trust that were not corrected by the time the report was produced. This is also noted on the front cover of the report. iii. SMiD-Cap Equity Manager Evaluation 1. The portfolio does not currently have any exposure to smaller companies. Jack Evatt states that smaller companies have a tendency to be more volatile but also grow much faster. Jack 1 Evatt states that it is a good idea to invest in smaller companies in a good economic environment. 2. Jack Evatt presents the following four candidates to invest in: Eaton Vance AC SMID, FMI Focus Fund, Lazard US SMID, and Vanguard Extended Market. The first threes' objectives are to beat the benchmark and the last manager's objective is to match the benchmark. 3. Jack recommends Eaton Vance AC SMID or Vanguard Extended Market. He prefers Vanguard due to the fact they are less expensive and their numbers are very good with a defensive strategy. 4. Jack Evatt states that 45% of the portfolio is domestic equities with Dana Investment. Mr. Evatt recommends taking 15% from Dana Investments and put it in Vanguard Extended Market to diversify the Fund's portfolio. This will result in 213 of the domestic equity portfolio in big companies and 113 in smaller companies. Board approves moving 15% from Dana Investments to Vanguard Extended Market upon motion made by John Tarr and second by Lawrence Leaf, motion carried 4-0. b. Christiansen & Dehner, Lee Dehner i. Lee Dehner advises the Board that he believes more Bills will be considered in Tallahassee (S6 246 and SB 534). Mr. Dehner will update the Board at the next quarterly meeting after the legislative sessions begin. c. Foster& Foster, Doug Lozen i. Revised October 1, 2612 actuarial valuation report 1. Revised to include assumptions approved in the experience study dated September 13, 2013, 2. Three assumptions were adopted due to the experience that was found in the study: salary scale, normal retirement rates, and turnover rates, The funding method was also changed from Frozen Entry Age Actuarial Cost Method to the Entry Age Normal Actuarial Cost Method. a. The City/State contribution rates were lowered from 70.7% of payroll to 63.7%of payroll by only changing the cost method. b. The City/State contribution rates were lowered from 63.7% of payroll to 59.5%of payroll by changing the cost method and assumptions stated above, c. The balance due from the City is 48.6% of payroll and before any changes were made, the balance due from the City was 59.7% of payroll (deduction in funding is 11.1%of payroll). d. Doug Lozen advised that the funded ratio did decrease as a result, from 82.7% to 55.0%. Board approved the revised October 1 2012 valuation report as presented by Doug Lozen upon motion made by John Tarr and second by Lawrence Leaf motion carried 4-0. Board approved the investment return rate of 7.5016 upon motion made by John Tarr and second by Lawrence Leaf, motion carried 4-0. NO TE: John Tarr left at 2:15PM for a court hearing. 7. Disbursements 2 Disbursements were approved as stated on the agenda upon motion made by Lawrence Leaf and second by Larry Brinson, motion carried 3-0. 8. Staff Reports, Discussion,and-Action a. Ferrell Jenne, Plan Administrator i. Board elects to keep 1 signature for the Salem Trust authorization form. 9. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 2:20PM 10. Next Meeting Monday, March 17, 2014 at 1:30PM 7ectfully,s bmitted by: Approved by: r � Fer ell Jenn , Pj n Administrator Da Arderi, Chairman Date Approved By the Pension Board: 3