07-02-1996 Special " ..... ~ CITY OF EDGEWATER BEAUTIFICATION & TREE COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING JULY 2, 1996 7:00 P.M. CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM MINUTES CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: Chairman Ver Way called the Special Meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. in the City Hall Conference Room. Members present were: Chairman Felicia Ver Way, Linda Sullivan, Gail Wells and Michael Visconti. Also present was Recording Secretary Lisa Kruckmeyer. Master Plan The Committee discussed when they would be on vacation. Chairman Ver Way doesn't feel the Committee will have their presentation of the Master Plan ready by budget the budget meetings. Memo from city Manager McMahon Chairman Ver Way read a memo she received from city Manager McMahon. Ms. Sullivan feels it was completely out of order for this memo to be sent to Chairman Ver Way due to her not being present at the meeting. Ms. Wells stated she probably should not say what she said since it has nothing to do with the Beautification Committee. She apologized and stated from now she would say it directly to him or do her own thing on her own. She spoke about the salary City Manager McMahon makes and not seeing any results. Ms. Wells commented on having to do all the work with the master plan. She feels if she was making over $60,000 a year, then she would do it. She doesn't feel since she is a volunteer that she should have to go out and get bids and design the medians. Ms. Wells and Ms. Sullivan spoke about the comments made regarding the City Attorney's salary. They would have made their comments whether Chairman Ver Way was there or not. Ms. Sullivan feels the wrong people were contacted. Chairman Ver Way informed the Committee they are there to advise the City Manager and Council on beautification matters. Discussing officials salaries has nothing to do with beautification. Ms. Wells commented on the beautification projects in other cities and how they are accomplishing a lot more than Edgewater. Chairman Ver Way feels the meetings need to be conducted in a more professional manner. Chairman Ver Way asked for a letter of apology to be written by the members to the City Manager and City Attorney. She feels they deserve the respect that goes along with their titles. Chairman Ver Way asked that a letter also be sent to Mr. Corder. Ms. Sullivan questioned why a letter should be written to him. We are supposed to be working with him and he told us they aren't supposed to be working with him. Chairman Ver Way agreed to get that clarified. . , ~ ~ Chairman Ver Way stated if this is not done or if someone disagrees with her, then she has to ask for a letter of resignation. Ms. Wells stated she would turn in her resignation. She is going to remain on her own and doesn't want to bring anything bad to the Committee. Mr. visconti believes they are volunteers that are trying to help out the beautification of the City. He feels they have come a long way. He commented on getting recognition for some of the buildings that are being cleaned up and demolished due to bringing this to the City's attention years back. Mr. visconti feels they should put a master plan together. Ms. Sullivan commented on no one being interested in beautifying Edgewater and being on the bottom of everyone's list. Ms. Sullivan questioned what would happen if they went before the Council with a proposal. Chairman Ver Way stated they aren't too happy with the way the meetings have been going. Ms. Sullivan stated their meetings have been going the same way for five years. What suddenly has changed. Someone is bringing this to their attention. Ms. Wells stated she is going to resign and this is her last meeting. She stated she has always been a trouble maker and outspoken. Ms. Sullivan stated she has been bashing Jack Corder for the past four years and he has never contacted her. Chairman Ver Way stated it was not the Committee's place to be discussing the salaries of the City Attorney and City Manager at their meeting. Ms. Wells feels City staff is making a darn good salary and she doesn't see a whole lot being done. Chairman Ver Way spoke about a lot of their projects falling under DOT. She suggested the Committee speak to DOT if they have any questions. Ms. Sullivan feels other cities have the guts to put what they want in their medians, let DOT know later and then they are grandfathered in. Chairman Ver Way stated what the other cities have now we can not have now in Edgewater according to the new rules of DOT. Ms. Wells again informed the Committee this would be her last meeting. Chairman Ver Way informed Ms. Wells she would need a resignation letter from her. Ms. Sullivan questioned who asked for apology letters or letters of resignation. Chairman Ver Way informed her she did. Ms. Sullivan feels it would be petty if they didn't get something approved because they expressed their opinion on someone's salaries. Ms. Wells clarified she understood it should not be done at the Beautification Committee meeting. She is not going to send a letter because she feels the City Manager is making a good salary. Chairman Ver Way spoke about the Committee needing to work together as a team and get along with the City officials. Chairman Ver Way informed the Committee of meetings in the past where she has informed the Committee they can't go in screaming and yelling at Council and expect to get anything accomplished. Page -2- Beautification & Tree Committee July 2, 1996 """ ....., Ms. Wells informed the Committee she was going to leave and asked the secretary to inform Code Enforcement of two locations: 2229 Vista Palm Drive, old tires and rims in the front yard, and 2812 Woodland Drive, engine and engine parts in the driveway which have been there for months. Mr. Visconti feels the nursery on u.s. #1 needs to be cleaned up. Ms. Wells left the meeting at this time. Chairman Ver Way asked the secretary to present Mr. Corder with a grant notice she received to be turned in by August 14th. Mr. Visconti expressed his thanks for the wood and decals to make the beautification signs. Mr. Visconti asked what they are going to do about presenting the master plan. Chairman Ver Way wasn't sure whether they are supposed to be present at a meeting or send a copy of what they are proposing to City Manager McMahon to present at the budget meeting. Chairman Ver Way feels they would need to have another meeting to get the facts together. Chairman Ver Way asked Mr. visconti the status of his meeting with Coronado Paint. He stated they would be having their budget meetings in July. Chairman Ver Way asked the secretary to let her know when the budget hearings will be held. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, Mr. visconti made a motion to adjourn, second by Ms. Sullivan. The meeting adjourned at 7:47 p.m. Minutes submitted by: Lisa Kruckmeyer Page -3- Beautification & Tree Committee July 2, 1996