JUNE 9, 1998
7:00 P.M.
Chairman Visconti called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:00
p.m. in the City Hall Conference Room.
Members present were: Michael Visconti, Michael Tanksley, and
Rose Hoffman. Patrick Conway and Eleanor German were not
present. Also present were Parks and Recreation Director Jack
Corder, Recording Secretary Lisa Kruckmeyer and Terry Webb, who
donated two bottle brush trees in honor of her mother for
Mother's Day.
Regular Meeting of May 12, 1998
Mr. Tanksley made a motion to approve the May 12, 1998 minutes,
second by Ms. Hoffman. The motion CARRIED 3-0.
There was no old business to be discussed.
Tree donations - monument
Mr. Tanksley informed the Committee of a meeting he attended with
the Committee of Society of Volusia County due to Mr. Visconti
being out of town, regarding a beautification project where
someone can donate a bush or tree in memory of a loved one.
There was some discussion regarding the location of these plants
and permits that may need to be obtained from the Department of
Transportation and Florida Power & Light. A gas line is also
present at this location. Mr. Tanksley presented another option
of doing this project somewhere else. Mr. Corder didn't know of
anywhere in town they could do something like this. Mr. Visconti
suggested the stretch of median from u.S. #1 at SR 442 to the
river. Mr. Corder spoke of the limited space on this median.
Terry Webb spoke about donations made by residents to purchase
trees. She contacted New Smyrna and they are working on a
program with a minimum tree donation of $275. She spoke about
smaller donations that could be used for smaller plants. She
feels any extra money could be used to take a picture of the
plant and put it in a card with the person's name on it or use it
for flyers looking for people to make donations.
There was a discussion regarding the cost of trees being
approximately $125 and what could be included in this cost if
someone makes this kind of donation.
The Committee discussed recogn1z1ng everyone that would make a
donation. They would like to get the best prices they can to get
this started.
The Committee spoke about the expense
at the north end of the City limits.
medians has been approved by the City
having a hard time finding someone to
u.S. #1.
to beautify the two medians
The money to beautify the
Council. Mr. Corder is
do the jack and bore under
Ms. Webb suggested having a fundraiser selling plant cuttings.
Mr. Corder informed the Committee Councilman Roberts was against
going with the seasonal flower beds and would like to go with
Mr. visconti spoke about a letter he gave Mr. Grace that he
received from the Department of Agriculture regarding there being
federal grant moneys in the amount of $357,000,000 available in
the State of Florida for tree care programs, the planting of
trees and beautification.
The Committee discussed problems they may run into with the
beautification project mentioned earlier by Mr. Tanksley. They
went on to discuss possible solutions.
The Committee spoke about having a Camellia sale in the city and
the Camellia being a designated City flower. Ms. Hoffman stated
if they did have a sale, they could have a sign-up sheet if
anyone would be interested in joining a Garden Club in the
Mr. Corder mentioned the small nursery they are going to have
behind their maintenance building. Mr. Tanksley suggested
starting a compost heap. Mr. Corder spoke about this being
easier said than done. You have to have to have an isolated
location for that. Ms. Hoffman suggested building compost beds.
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Beautification & Tree Committee
June 9, 1998
The Committee discussed when they would hold a meeting to discuss
the beautification project presented by Mr. Tanksley. The next
regular meeting of the Committee is July 14th.
There was some discussion regarding digging a well on the median
at SR 442 and U.S. #1 going to the river. Mr. Corder doesn't
know if they could get a decent shallow well there because of
salt water intrusion.
The Committee discussed different locations to put trees. Ms.
Hoffman feels they need to focus on putting trees in the medians.
Ms. Webb suggested adding people's names to a picket fence when a
donation is made. She also suggested having in honor of as well
as in memory of.
Mr. Tanksley agreed to provide the secretary with a list of names
and addresses to send invitations to for the next meeting.
Mr. Corder left at 7:45 p.m.
Beautification Award Choice - District 2
The following are the choices for the Beautification Award for
District 2: Mr. Visconti - 1901 Juniper Drive, Mr. Tanksley - 602
S. Riverside Drive, and Ms. Hoffman - 1529 Queen Palm Drive.
Beautification Award Choice - Business
The Committee decided to have Nationwide Medical at 2018 S.
Ridgewood Avenue as the winner of the Beautification Award Choice
for a business.
The Committee spoke about the work done at Sea Treasure.
Mr. Tanksley feels Discovery Days should get an award every year
at Christmas time.
Beautification Award criteria - Bylaws
The following changes were made by the Committee to the by-laws
regarding the Beautification Award Criteria.
1. Eye appealing - well kept
2. Must be six months old
3. Can only be picked once every five years
4. Members of Beautification & Tree Committee not eligible
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Beautification & Tree Committee
June 9, 1998
1. Eye appealing - well kept
2. Must be six months old
3. Can only be picked once every two years
4. Members of Beautification & Tree Committee not eligible
Everyone was in agreement with the changes.
Mr. Tanksley suggested giving the beautification award for July
to 513 N. Riverside Drive.
The secretary informed the Committee at the next meeting they
would look at the three homes chosen by the Committee members and
choose which one they think should get the award. They will also
need to bring a pick for District 3
Mr. Tanksley suggested giving the beautification award for July
to 513 N. Riverside Drive instead of 238 N. Riverside Drive for
District 1. The Committee was all in agreement.
There being no further business to discuss, Mr. Tanksley made a
motion to adjourn, second by Ms. Hoffman. The meeting adjourned
at 8:03 p.m.
Minutes submitted by
Lisa Kruckmeyer
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Beautification & Tree Committee
June 9, 1998