03-14-1974 - Workshop '" '-" ...,I WORKSHOP MEETING OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER REGULAR MEETING HELD MARCH 14, 1974 Mayor David C. Severance called the Regular Workshop Meeting of the City of Edqewater, Florida to order on Thursday March 14, 1974 at 7:00 P.M. Mayor Severance gave thef100r to Mr. Brown, discussing environmental land management, Helms Committee Repott. Mr. Brown stated that he will be talking about one or two bills that are comming through the 1egistature. The first bill is the local government comprehensive planning act of 1974. It basic1y deals with growth plans for municipalities, Counties and other districts. It will set down certain elements that you the local government must include in your comptehensive plan, secondly it sets down a time frame within you must comply. That time frame is from July 1st of 174 to July 1st of 177. If you are within wholey I or partially within the coastal zone and thats a particular area within Florida thats defined by another stature. Then in addition to the land use plan, which includes traffic, water, sewer density, low income housing plus others, in addition to that you have got to inc1udein your plan elements about coastline erosion and etc. What it is doing is saying that Edgewater must come up with plans, we're not telling you whats going to be in the plan except that it must include certain elements, certain areas. When the plan is completed then you must send it to Tallahassee to determine if it includes all those elements. If you don't do it then the County resumes responsibiiity, if they don1t do it then the State comes in. and resume responsibility. The bill includes an appropriation. Mr. Brown went on in more detail about this. Councilman Clinton asked Mr. Brown if he could help us get t a red light at Ocean Street and Highway No.#l, which is in the school zone. Mr. Brown stated that if he can get an official request from the City then he will pursue it. Mayor Severance stated that he would like to introduce to the Council Mr. Fern8ndez from Briley, Wild & Assoc. Mayor Severance stated that we a,k~d Mr. Fernandez to come down for a casual meeting. He then qave the floor to Mr. Bevel. Councilman Bevel stated that suggested that we increase the size of the Sewer Plant which would increase our capasity for the number of customers. WE put in two new wel1s,1IIt a new treatment plant. We put in extended water lines in Florida Shores, and in some areas that don't have water that are in the City Limits. He stated that he would like to check to see how much money or a thought t of that amount needed to do this. Mr. Fennandez stated that probably the biggest problem with finaDces right now is pro~ably the old bond ordinance. It is extreemly restrictive as far as what its requirements are prior to issuance .. of the new power pursuit bonds. He stated that he spoke with the FHA people in Gainesville, and they will not take a junior 1ein. The problem is, that the two biggest requirements are that you are required to have 200% of JBHX the maximun year is required in reserve. Before you could start out with any additional you would have to have about $185,000.00+in your reserve account. He stated that Rep. Brown has brought j~x one suggestion that has been used by a lot of Cities for generating revenue,and it is ~~~~~ C~~~~l ~e~~ ~ ~~~~=~t ~Eeno:~~ma~~t ~f~S h~~ gr~:~h o~~:~e ~e~~~ds available are raising your V:ater fates, and or bring some sort of equality to your water and ~ Ik sewer system rates. -I -- W' ...., Councilman Bevel stated that right now we have a suggestion in from the Zoning and Planning Board which wbu1d probably be discBBsed tonight, and hopefully we are going to get the auditors decision on who's going to be our auditors, then get an auditors report in. - Mayor Severance asked Mr. Fernandez if he had reviewed the report that Mr. Gilbert sent us in regards to updating the Water Plant and supplying the increase of water ahd so forth. Mr, Fernandez stated that yes he had reviewed this report. He said that there are alternative approaches, a possibility would be of cuttino down on the length of your raw water-main, and putting in automatic controls and operating a remote plan. Mayor Severance stated that it was the feeling of the Council, last year, that we needed more water for the City,-and we felt that with the growth of the City 90ing to be to the south and to the west, and we have a tank down in the Florida Shores area, we felt that running the two additional wells in that area and putting another fully automated plant in that area tied in with the one up here and working down there. Mr. Fernandexstated that that you would have to find out what the quality of water is in that area. Part of the problem is that the State~ is contro1ino water more carefully then they did when the original plant was put in. The new plant would probably require fi1teringl.11 wlii IS Mayor Severance stated that what we need to do is to give the authorization to the engineer to run this study on this impac~ for the city of ~dgewater and come up with a fesib1e plan on it. Monday night we can make the formal motion. Mayor Severance introduced Mr. Cunningham From May, Zima & Co. auditors. Hes stated that the city has asked him to come down to talk to us about the accounting situation here in Edgewater. Mr. Cunningham stated that he has talked to the City Clerk, and thet they are qualified to do the job. We do audit all of the municipi1ities from St. Augostine to titusville, with a few exeeptions. All account~ is charge~ on an hourly basis. If we aregoinq to run into anything that is going to run" you into more money, we will come and talk to you about this. Mayor Severance stated that the City Clerk has recommended May, Zima & Co. and what we should do is to instruct the Attorney to draw up a resolution for Monday night covering this particular item~. The main thi"8 problem that we have got is that we could not follow the previous auditors. When they gave us the audit report we didn't know where we were. Mr. Cbnningham stated that the figure could be more or it could be less, we give you a figure of what you can budget, because you do have to make up a budget each year. t41~IJl:xi.KI BIllS & ACCOUNTS GENERAL GOVERNMENT Southern Bell Florida Power & light Dwight's Bank of New Smyrna Beach City of Edgewater Edgewater Motors Watkins Ford Williams Welding Hall Machine Works 204.68 210.61 3.35 12.00 55.30 44.35 10.00 16.60 28.64 -2- '-' ..."" American Hardware Joe Smith RoPP's Automotive City Hall Daniel hi. Cory Dajtona Fire E~uipment Tipton's Florist Dr. Davis Ace Hardware New Smyrna News Gray Drugs Oasis Car Wash Commercial Printers Taylor Bros. Tire Robert F. Jones Thomas H. Sheldon hlilliam Pickelman Sa-So Inc. New Smyrna Beach Police Dept. Diversified Electronics Smyrna Auto Ward LaFrance Biscayne Fire Equipment Joeseph B. Weaver 38.33 729.50 11 .50 10.59 1. 34 10.20 118.65 15.00 7.95 16.45 2. 11 5.25 67.50 52.94 6.73 5.05 33.65 21 .81 108.00 598.22 59.50 30.95 1,039.83 237.50 3,816.02 WATER & SEWER Southern Bell American Hardware Florida Power & Light Edgewater Manufacturing Co. B & H. Sales Edgewater Red & White Orlande Armature City of Edgewater Water Pollution Control Burroughs Corp. Southern Paint Dobbs Electric New Smvrna Builders Supply Hall Machine Works New Smyrna Plumbing Supply Allied Chilorine Chemical Equipment Utility Supply Badger Meter Hughes Supply 16.80 31D.50 1,101.54 110.09 51.59 i3.18 140.62 .1:5.45 25.00 54.08 22.88 216.50 4.49 78.00 16.12 877.50 8.50 .98 1,063.44 230.29 3,968:55 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING BISCAYNE Fire Equipment 2,000.00 Councilman Lodico stated that Mr. Copeland was here to talk with us about the potboles in the roads. Mr. Copelandstated that the roads have some small holes and some large ones. It's hard to work it by the hour. He said that he would work for a flat fee Bi per ton of asphalt put down. He stated that 60 dollars a ton MBiB would be the fee. Mayor Severance stated that we can authorize Mr. Copeland to do the patch wook on these roads. Mayor Severance stated bhat Mr. Christy wishes to discuss Civil Defense with the Council. He then gave the floor to Mr. Christy. -3- '-' ...., a. Mr. Christy s~ated that on the EDC plan that he had to change his ^_ book and listlngsaround to how hi they had it. If the Council okays this book, he said that he would straighten all of their books aout to the way that they have them. ~N-l'" )'~Cft"k.~-_~~"......!l'~ Mr. Christy presented the EDC book to the Council and discussed their questions with them. He stated that he has qualified men f~om the County that will come over and give us schoo1Gng any tlme we want. He stated that he can't express to the City how important Civil Defense is. He stated that he has maps of the whole state of Florida. He then read a XISBiMtiBM~ ordinance. WI The Civil Defense still BWMSthl owes the Police Station a radio and the Council owes the coordinator a radio. Mayor Severance stated that what we need to do to solve the problem is to get two four channel radios tB for the Police departmemt. Mr. Christy stated that he has some films that for Civil Defense and Fire Department that run anywhere from 10 minutes to 45 minutes. He requested the permission to use the Community Center for one month. Mayor Severance stated that Mr. Christy should get permission from the Community Center Board and put a request in and reserve it for a certain day each month. He does have permission from the City Council. Mr. Christy stated that he will be needing an EOC operating center. The office in the Community Center will not do, that is only an office. Mayor Severance stated that we could probably incorporate something when we build the Police Stibion. Mayor Severance stated that Mr. Carnie fromthe Library has some plans for the Library addit~Dn. Mr. Carnie stated that all that they have so far is a plan that the Library Committee would like. We would like you to look it over and make any suggestions that you wish. If the Council is interested in making additions to the Library which we ~eed, they would appreciate it. He stated that they have no idea of thd cost. Mayor Severance asked Mr. Carnie to leave the plans with the Council and they will look into it. Action will be taken on this Monday night at the Regular Council meeting. Mayor Severance stated that we wrote a letter to Mr. Brown asking him to come down to discuss with the Council the problem of some complaints that we have had from the resddents on Neptune.aMi Ma~ Behind his place of business there is paving in the back and there is a drainage problem that it is possibly causing and a traffic problem of vehicles using Neptuene to get to the back of his property. Mr. Brown is here tonight. He wants to know if the City would be willing to put up a stop sign, MB thXM no thru way. Councilman Bevel stated that he went down there, and looked at it, and that he could see these peoples point, but it is a City street and what can we do. Mayor Severance stated that it is his understanding that Mr. Brown WB owns the property all the waty to the easement area, and the actually has the right to enterconnect with neptuBe. WI ~ 4---- W' "WJI Mr. Brown stated thata11 that he is using it for is trucks making deliveries. He is gdinq to tell his people nit to use that road unless it is absolutely necessary. Councilman Lodico stated that he has gotten complaints too, and the biggest complaint is the way that Mr. Brown has leveled that ground off, which is creating a terrific drainage and flooding Neptune Drive. Mayor Severance stated that that problem can be i11iviated by putting in a small ditch along the east boundary of the property. This will absorb the water and keep it foom running down Neptune Street. Mayor Severance suggested that we put a no-thru-way sign at Neptune and Mr. Browns property and that Councilman Lodico go down there and look at the possib'lity of putting a ditch in. Maybe we can come up with a way to control the drainage. COt~MUNICATIONS The City Clerk read a letter with a petition attached to it. stating that residents in Waterway Park require. some degree of Fire protection. Fiee Chief Walls stated that he has talked to the gentleman that wrote this letter, and they are not wanting this protection for free, the want to pay for it it. We have no water supply there expept for salt water canal. It would be a good idea to get together with these people to see what kind of fire protection plans that we coald come up with. He stated that he has no way of legally going down and fighting these fires. Mayor Severance stated that we can acknowledge this letter and petition Monday night and he will suggest then that we write this gentleman a letter suggesting that he and ~~her representatives come to the Workshop on the 28th to discus~n detail exactly what they want. ' ~ Clprlt r,;lEl it litle, f~.fI'f-n.9- & PLwni"g Soa~d' The City Clerk stated that she has a letter from the Zoning & Planning boar~ that she is not going to read, it is on water rates, all of the Councilmen have a copy of it and you can~t do anything about that until we talk to the auditors. The etiy Clerk read a letter from the Zoning & Planning Board I stating that the folowing requests from Magnusum Corp. were discussed at the Regular Meeting March 4. 1974. decisions follow each request. 1-Request to allow businesses on one 40 ft. lot in the commercial zone in Fla. Shores- motion to deny this request. 2-Request to reduce setback requirements for corner lots on Indian River Blvd. and 30th Street in Fla. Shores.-motion to deny request. 3-Request to reduce setback requirements on corner lots of a111R pther streets other than those mentioned in item 2 above from present 30 ft. to 15 ft.- Moiton to deny request 4-&5- tabled for further discussion. Mayor Severance stated that this letter is self exp1ainatory and that the Council can take action on this Monday night at the regular Council Meeting. The City Clerk read a letter from the Zoning & Planning Baord recommending the establishment of a greater Edgewater area. Mayor Severance stated that after much discussion we will acknowledge this letter and thke action on it Monday night. The City Clerk read a letter from the Sectetar;e of States Office acknow1edgeing the receipt of our Charter Changes. City Attorney Weaver explained the reason for updating the Charter and how he is going to go about doing this. -5- '-' ....., Mayor Severance stated that we could take action Monday night as far as giving the City Attorney the lihBXi authority to do this. City Attorney Weaver stated that he will have a contract ready Monday night. The City Clerk read a letter from the Building Code Committee requesting copies of the Southern Stand Building Code, Copies of the Electric Code, copies of the Southern Standard Plumbing Code, and Copies of the Southern Standard Meciinac1e Code. Mayor Severance stated that the City Clerk just sent for some of these books, and that we will be needing a set of these codes anyway. He then instructed the City Clerk to sent for these codes. This doesn't have to be brought to the Council meeting Monday night. The City Clerk read a letter from the Friends of the Library extending invitation to the Mayor & Council to attend the Meet your Neighbor Tea. At this tea the awards for the slogan and emblem will be awarded and they will be happy to have the Council do this. Mayor Severance stated that the emblem and slogans are to be returned the 28th of March and to be judged at the Workshop meeting. Then we can make the awards at the tea. on the 27th f of April. The City Clerk read a letter from the Bibrary Board stating that the week of April 21st is National Library Week, they are requesting that the Council proc1amm it National Library Week in Edgewater. Mayor Severance stated that we will akknow1edeg that and have a proclamation to its effect. The City Clerk read a 1etterx1io<oox from Vera Steoonkus statinq that there are no streeti 1 ights, stop signs and'the weeds have not been mowed in the area of Queen Palm. That cars sp~ed on this road also. Councilman Bevel stated that he checked with the chief on the speeding, he set the radar up and the traffic that was going by were not exceedino the 9peed limit. Mayor Severance stated that street lights a is our next proposed plan, for 21st and Cueen P1am. The City Clerk read a letter from the Florida Library Association, ca1'ing upon the the Mayor and Commissioners to a support full funding of the public libraries. Stating that if they wish to support their public library to contact the legislature and ask for full funding. Mayor Severance suggested that we put it on the agenda for Monday night and write him a letter back and also contact the legislative delegation in regards to this. The City Clerk read a letter foom the Office of the Controler ItliiR~ thanking the Council for their coroperation in answering the questionaire that was sent to the City. Mayor Severance acknowledged this letter and stated that this does not have to be on the aqenda Monday night. Councilman Rexeix Lodico asked what we are going to do about stop signs, speed signs and street signs. Mayor Severance said for Councilman Lodico to order street signs, where we need them. Councilman Lodtco stated that he can get a couple of men to go out and paint these street signs at a flat rate. -6- . , '-" ...., Mayor Severance said for Councilman Lodico to check on the prices of stop signs. It depends onthe cost of them whether we buy them R~X"Btx all of them at onee or some of them later. We might be able to get them at a BMIW bulk rate. ' The City Clerk read a letter from the Zoninq & Planning Board stating that they recognize the need for new recreation areas, parks and ect. They recommend that the City enter into a lood acquisition progftftm. Mayor Severance stated that this letter will be read Monday night at the Council Meeting. Councilman Lodico stated that he would like to ask the City Attorney a question as to a legal aspect. He said that he was elected Councilman of this City first then made coordinator of the Street and Garbage Department. This doesn't mean that anyone can stop him or he can stop anyonefrom coming into his department. He thinks that he and the rest of the Councilman should be able to go anywhere in these departments that he wishes. Mayor Severance stated that if we all agree to show courtesy to each one and at~east let everyone know that we have either gone in or we want to go in and talk to somebody in that department about a problem. Councilman Lodico stated that he is not going to keep his nose out of the Police department as Councilman Clinton asked. Councilman Clinton stated that he will refrase that, that if he is going into the Police Department to start some confusion ke~p your nose out of there. Mayor Severance stated that Chief Katez and Councilman Lodico will have to clear this up themselves, he dows not want to clear it up here. It has been resolved and we all know what our job is here ~ to represent the City and to represent as a coordinator of a department. Lets continue to work as we have been working and x<< show respect to each other and solve this. Mayor Severance stated that he will not allow this subject to be talked about at any more Workshop meetings or Council meetings. Councilman Clinton stated that he has been talking to a couple of people about a handball court. He said that there is a sl ab on -\1\~klL~\ ?\tL about I 100 foot long that would make an ideal place for a han~ ball court. Bayor Severance stated that what he wants to do is letting the Chamber of Commerce help with the tennis courts, hand ball courts and other receeational facilities. We are going to move the playground equipment out of the area thet it is now currently in at the park and pier. He wants to put in two tennis courts and two handball courst on the park and pier. Fire Chief Walls stated that the Fire department agreed to take that play equipment out to extend the parking et the park and pier. There are parking problems over there now. Mayor Severance stated that it will be open and there is parking there, but we need to have some sort of recreation here i9 this City, and the best place is on the park & pier. Mayor Severance stated that he was going to get the spectfications of these courst and that the Council would talk further on this subject of the Tennis courts Monday night. City Attorney Weaver asked to have the authority to go ahead and check on some sights for these courts. Mayor Severance granted him this. -7- . . '-' '"'WI Councilman Clinton stated that he feels that Chief Katez should be ab.e to make his recommendation as to who he feels deserves should be lieutentant. He also stated that the Chief should have a small pay raise due to the leeutenant making almost the same amoun t. Mayor Severance stated that he was in favor of making a lieu~enant and sergent, , The Chief doesn't have to be increased too. We are going to gi e them pay raises next year anyway. We tPeate the positions and we should give a resomalbe salary for those positions. Each Council man is to get some prices and look them over before next workshop. Councilman Clinton asked the Police Chief if he had gotten a chance to go and talk to Mr. Buchanan to day. He stated that he would like to have Mr. Buchanan notified that around his house really looks worse taan our City dump. Tell him that it is not to happen again. Councilman Bevel stated that we have a safety hazard out at the Swwer Plant. We put in two motors and the electrical connections have rusted the pipe, everyt~ing is rested completely lapart. He stated that he went ahead ahd authorized Edgewater Electric to go ahead and fix it. He gave them a letter to that effect. Councilman Bevel stated that Economy Electric will be in Wednesday morning to put in a switch for the butterfly valve and do the electrical work on that. He gave ihem a letter authorizing them to do this work. There is a little more work on this which would not be part of their contract, which the water department will have to pay for. Councilman Bevel stated that he would like for us to make contact with New Smyrna and get this valve meter connection between Edgewater & New Smyrna water, so that we can have some in these lines. We might have to borrow water from them again. An emergency hookup valve. Councilman Bevel asked that we take the old fences from the playground and let Mr. Lodico's crew go out to the dump and install it across the front of the dump and purchase some kind of a gate to go onl it. Then the officers will be able to enforce sometijing. Mayor Severance said that a section of that fence isn1t any good anyway, so we can go ahead and do this. Councilman Bevel stated that each Councilman should have a map ~of the City of Edgewater sho\wing his recommendation of the first 35 street lights. There was much discussion on where these 35 lights should go. Mayor Severance stated that Monday night we can make a necessary motion to start the wheel on the first 35 lights. Councilman Clinton asked if we could havea blackboard B put up so that when we are explaining things we can draw them out instead of saying it with our hadds. Mayor Severance stated that we have some tof the candidates for the Zone Council III seat. Monday night we are going to make the motion and second and vote on who we want to slat i set in the Zone III seat. He thanked the candidates that came down here tonight so they ~ll know what they will be involved in Monday night. ~ "b- . . .."", '-' ~ The four candidates stated how they felt about Council seat for Zone III ( Mr. Fisher, Mr. Sikes, Mr. Vog1e and Mr. Wa1 Mayor Severance stated that the proper thing to do is at Monday nights meeting the proper motions and seconds to be made for which ever candidate the Council elects. He said the we can't take any action tonight but we can come up with some names. Councilman Bevel stated that he went by the process of i11imination and is down to Mr. Vog1e and Mr. Fisher. He can't decide which one is best. Coucni1man Clinton stated that the two that he has boiled down to 6s Mr. Sikes and Mr. Vog1e. Again he also doesn't know. Councilman Lodico stated that he knows three of the candidates and worked with them. He also doesn't know. Mayor Severance stated that he has boiled it down to two also. Mr. Sikes and Mr. Vog1e. It is hard to think of who could do the best job. Councilman Bevel stated that Monday night he will probably maMe a motion to elect Mr. Sikes as Councilman for Zone III. Councilman Clinton stated that he will probably seconded that motion Monday night. Mr. Vog1e stated that he would save the Coucni1 a lot of problems and withdraw, because he knows Mr. Sikes and he is a good man. Mr. Shambota stated that he ran across an 6rdinanceNo. 851 that was passed on the 24 day of September 1973. All Councilmen voted yes on it. It reads that the garbage rate of $2.25 per month is established for the residents of the City of Edgewater. The residents have never been charged this. The City Clerk stated that the reason that this Ordinance was not put into effect was because there was no commercial in it. She stated that she came back to the next Workshop and stated that there was no commercial con~ideration at all in it. There was not schedule for more than three cans, you could put 20 cans out and still pay $2.25. Mayor Severance stated that this Ordinance was never inforced because of the fact that the commercial rates were not complete. The Coucni1 sent them back to the Zoning & P1ainning baord and Mr. Mackie was working on it. He said that we will have to resenG that. -- Ci-