04-25-1974 - Workshop
APRIL 25, 1974
The Special Meeting of the Workshop of the City of Edgewater
Florida was called to order Arri1 25, 1974 by Mayor David C.
Mayor David C. Severance
Councilman Jacob Lodico
Councilman Edward K. Clinton
Councilman Walter B. Sikes
Councilman John G. Bevel
City Attorney Joseph E. Weaver
City Clerk Sue Blackwell
Deputy Clerk Pam Bryant
Police Chief George R. Katez
P r-e s e n t
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r'1 a y 0 r S eve ran c est ate d t hat 0 n e 0 f the m a i n i D ten t s 0 f t his
Workshop meeting is to discuss the problem of the City Dump.
He asked the City Attorney to bring the people up to date as
far 8S the actions, sitations, and letters and so forth that
we have received from various agencies in regards to our dump.
City Attorney Weaver stated that the City Health Department has
been after us, and we have received communications from them
indecating that the future for our dump is very doubtful. He stated
that he has been looking around inside the City and outside of the
Ctiy to try to find additional area for a land fill that we could
use. The County is not going to allow any future zonina for land
fills. What we are facing most definately is going to the County
Sanitary land fill system.
Mayor Severance stated that as far as the people that have contracts
with the City, as a last resort, that we are going to have to take
the necessary seeps to discontinue the contractual basis of allowing
the business to take their own stuff out there and dump it. This
is inthe line of trash.
Mayor Severance stated that we will have Mr. Cory survey the dump
and see just how much space we have. We should have the Street
Depattment go out there and clear the area.
Mayor Severance stated that before any definate action is taken
as far as contracts 00, we will have another meeting. He stated
that the Council will discusshaveing a man out at the dump full
time and take action on it at bhe next regua1r meeting..
The City Clerk stated that if we are going to have someone at
the dump, make the residents come in and pick up some kind of a
form that says they are a resident, then we can check and see that
they are.
Mayor Severance stated that we will have to wait to take any action
on this, in the mean time he stated that he would contxact a
contractor to go out there and aet in touch with the Street Dept.
to clear this area. We will a1~0 put in for a permit to burn one
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Councilman Clinton suq,ested that the Council ask the City
employees if they would want to volunteer to work over on a
certain shift, to bive them a chance for overtime.
Councilman 8ebe1 suoqested that when c1earino off the dump,
that we clean up thee front of the dumn so that it doesn't
look so bad.
Mayor Severance stated that he will net with the City Clerk
on running an ad for hiring some people for guarding the dump.
We have also got to look into possibij a trailer or some type
of shelter, and a radio or telephone, then we will have some-
thing bacs for you at the next morkshop meeting.
Mayor Severance stated that Mr. Sauers is here concerning the
water and sewer connections for Carter's Trailer Park.
Mr. Sauers stated that he has been in the Ctiy for two years
and so far he has Qo~ten police protection fairly well and
fire protection too, but other than that he has gobten nothing.
Mayor Severance stated that action was taken at the last meeting
to have this contract drawn up and everything was discussed.
He stat~d that everything was in order, and that we can progress
on from here. Then the Mayor asked the City Clerk to contact
Mr. Fernandez to see when he could come down and talk with Me.
Sauers on this connection, and ask him if he has his reccomendations
to whether a new lift station is needed or will a pump get us
by, he will give us in writing a letter stating one or the
other.At that time the contract will be iniciated. Mayor Severance
then read the contract with the City and Mr. Sauers, and explained
Mayor Severance stated that the Council has to go through these
emblems and slogans. He stated that they would go through
these emblems and slogans and pick a winner and present it at
the Meet Your Neighbor Tea that the Library is having. A motion
will be made concerninn this at the next regua1r Council Meeting.
Councilman Bevel stated that he has not received a letter from
May Zima on water rates and sewer rates. He asked if we could
go ahead and advertise for a hearing.
City Attorney Weaver stated that they are coming MIJ 2nd, an~
stated that we could go ahead and' advertise for a Public Hearing.
Mayor Severance stated that we could make a motion for a Public
Hearing oni the 6th of May and have the public hearing on the
1 5 tho ft.' ay .
The Council then talked about flood insurance for Edgewater.
The Council also discussed the fence to be rut in back of
Atlantic Machine Works.
City Attorney Weaver stated that the City should contact k Mr.
Kino of Atlantic Machines and have them certify what he has
done, the number of employees that he has, what type of pperations
he is runninn, so that we have somthing on file.
Mayor Severance adjourned this meeting.