04-11-1974 - Workshop '-' - .. t~ORKSHOP r.1EETING REGULAR MEETING HELD APRIL 11, 1974 ...., The Regular Workshop meeting was called to order by Mayor David C. Severance, Thursday April 11, 1974 at 7:00 P.M. in the Community Center. BI6LS AND ACCOUNTS GENERAL FUND City of Edgewater Earl Wallace Southern Bell o a s i s Car \~ ash Edgewater Standard Station Alan Barbara-Texaco Florida Power & Liqht Edgewater Motors ' D\'1i q h t ' s American Hardware Gasoline Plley Hughes Supply Joe Weaver Sunshine TV Xerox Corp. ~'ac Smith Pental Brown's ^irconditioning Champion Math Interpr~ses Sal-ray Supplies Southern Paint National Chemsearch Joe Smith Tractor Lawton Brothers Inc. Knihgt Papwr Copeland Brothers Paving Standard Oil Industrial Office Outfitters New Smyrna Police Dept. Southern Buildino Code Florida StateR Fire Colleoe Humane Society Halpin Supply Co. Smokey's Automotive ~IPTER & SE\4ER Stanley Slates City of Edgewater Southern Bell Florida Power & Light American Hardware Hall Machine Works National Chemsearch Invironmental Specialties Conrad Yelvington Dobbs Electric Dobbs Electric Motor Opertaion & Maintenance Edgewater Electric -1- 21. 05 70.00 76.36 1. 75 9. 15 10.35 255.21 31 .5G 14.50 23.71 69.78 36.56 434.80 70.00 189.93 89.44 52.88 50.90 10.6a 28.22 146.00 4.75 17 .25 24.44 360.00 131.34 237.75 129.00 3.68 25.8S 100.00 139.85 22.88 2,879.56 20.00 7.95 16.66 340.97 30.06 15.00 41.70 14.80 185.61 70.00 54.00 214.18 '-' ...., Hughes Supply New Smyrna Plumbing 1,233.00 6.66 2,250.59 Mayor Severance stated that he wanted to give the floor to the auditors, May Zima and Assoc~ they have a report to turn into us. Mr. Cunningham from May Zima stated that they took the water and sewer records and auditee them for the last five years. He made comparisons of your Revenues and expenditures. He stated that the Citjes operating revenues have not been sufficient by a great majority to meet your operating expences in your debt service.In the past five years your revenues have increased. The City is going in the hole about twice as fast as they should be. He stated that they reviewed the Citjes Ehl8 charges for water and sewer. He stated that they are recommending to the City that you illiminate a system that you are now useing for sewer charges and make your sewer charges 100% of the water charges. The Councilmen and the auditor d~scussed this matter in full. . Cit~ Attorney Weaver stated that he will fiie file mo+tons andEnswers for the Councilmen~ he stated that all he needs is a verbal motion. Mayor Severance asked the Council if they were going to meet o~ not hi about the Police Department. Councilman Bevel suggested that the Council~ meet Thursday night,at 6:00 P.M. He also suggested iRelt that we send aa letter f to each one of the newspapers and to keep a copy of each letter. Mayor Severance stated that the Council asked the City Attorney if we could put a moritorium on new water hookups in the City. The City Attorney answered that if we can get the enoineers to put in writing the fact that this would constitute an emergency if we continued to hook up water, that yes we could, but if the engineers said that we had adaquate supply, there is nothing that we can do~ and they basically said that we have adequate supnly of water for the city. City Attorney Weaver stated that the County is in great favor of Edgewater settino up a service district area. We can practically servtE to Bxixl aria' road. The only way that we can handle Waterway Park is by contract, then what we would like to do is to make this a whole fire district. Then the County will contract with us to supply this total area with fire protection. Which will mean a savings to this area according to the contract. One of the Firemen ~'fia~"T~ stated that it seems that 'tIe are under the asumption that we are buying this piece of equipment just for Waterway Park. He stated that he dowsn't agree with that. 75% to 80% of all the fires that we fteceive calls to are all brush fires in the City limits of this town, we do not have the equipment tRe to fight these fmres. Any equipment that the FireBe department gets is not going to be restricted to just a fire dtstrict. City Attorney Weaver stated that he will try to get an exact dollar figure cost. He suggested that we pass a resolution Monday nioht and let it be ratified by the people of Waterway Park that until this contract is entered into we will charge $25.00 per call to Water way Park. -d-.--- '-' ......, City Attorney Watver stated that as far as these other out of County calls, we are going to have to decide whether we are going answer these calls volunterely or not. ---- ) /}o d .()Ci nlO'jih iu n+,f Fh"'-, Councilman Bevel stated that what Ille feels that we can do at ':'j'i)_:;-f~~~~p~' \JL_~i nt, enter into a con tract wi th these peop 1 e /$25':00--t ~;J $u7s.cf; ~ a . per h 0 use. We can dot w 0 t h i n 9 s, 9 i vet hem s e r v ice "'_~_ Vl0'V immedlately, it also finds out whether fortky people are going to get into this thing or whether 10 people are going to get into it. Mayor Severance stated that City Attorney Weaver would write a letter to Water way Park as to what our intentions are prior to the contract. "Y' '\(','0-, ~'-~<" Mayor Severance stated thaVan architect is here in reaards to the new Police Department, he then gave him the floor.' Mr. Sayres stated that he has done quit a bit of work in Edgewater. He stated that he did not know how large the Police Department is to be mf~x or any of this information, but he would answer any questions that the Council might have. Mayor Severance stated that we would like to build a structure that would be comparable to the Fire house. The dollar fi~M~e value in round figures including your fee would not exceed fifix $50,000.00 to $55,000.00. We have a committee set up to get down what they want and how many rooms and etc. When this committee gets together M and decides the number of rooms, sizes, then Mr. Sayres could give us a workup on this and give us some type of estimated cost of the construction. Mayor Severance stated that ik.~ that the thing for ts to do now is get this committee toqether and hash over a few things then get in touch with Mr. Sayres in a meeting and take it from there. CO~lMUNICATIONS The City Clerk read a letter from the Zoning & Planning Board with reference to the letter from MaQnusam Corn. concernina grnadfather clause for 40" commercial-lots sold' in Florida' Shores. They are requesting that the City Attorney research this matter. Mayor Severance stated that this letter will be taken caRre of Monday night. The City Clerk read a letter form the Building Code Committee requesting that the City enforce that theree be at least one Journeyman or man with competency card on the job at all times. Councilman BEvel stated that if a man is building his WB own home he can do it himself. It has to be inspectedbut if you are building your own home you can do all the work for yourself. Mayor Severance stated that what we should do is acknowledge this letter, and send it back to them aSking them for more specific information as to what they want, does this include all construction. The City Clerk read a letter form the State of Florida Department of Transportation, stating that there will be a meeting April 18,1974 at 7:30 in the Volusia county Annex in Daytona Beach, concerning the highway system in Volusia County. Mayor Severance acknowledged this letter. -3- '-' .."", The City Clerk read a letter from the Department of Pollution Control xilii~" in reference to work done at the Sewer Plant. The CityC1erk then read a letter foom McMahan concerninq water connections. - Mayor Severance stated that MondJY night a motion could be made authorizing the City Clerk to take the funds out of the Genrea1 Fund and pay this, with the understanding that when the grant money comes in it goes back into the General fund. The City Clerk read a letter from the School Safety Patrol Mothers, of Edgewater School. they are requesting that the City donate money toward sending the safety patrol on a tri~ in r.lay. Mayor Severance stated that appropriate action will be taken ~~onday ni9ht. The City Clerk read a letter from the Board of Governors statembg that th~had a meeting on Safety. They are requesting that the woodendoor in the Community Center be changed to a metal door, two more fire extin0uishers, and the other doors be turned around so that the open out. Mayor Severance stated that he thinks that the Community Center needs these changes There was discussion on this and it will be brought up at the Mondya night Council meeting. The City Clerk read a letter from the Library Gaord statedng that the week of the 21st of April is National Library Week. Mayor Severance instructed the City Attorney to draw up a proclamation on this. The City Clerk read a letter from Tom O'~al1ey stating that there will be a tXliRiR~ ~X~"XBm discussion on LP Gas control and live fire demonstration will be held at the commwntty center at the City of Edgewater April 24, 1974 at 7:00 P.M. Mayor Severance stated that this will be on the a~genda for ~londay night. Mayor Severance stated that we got information beck from Florida Power & Light in re~ards to the 35 street 1iqhts that we had agreed upon. They have made a couple of-recommendations for a couple of changes, because of the nonfesiab"ity at this time for putting th~ lights where we want them. He stated that Monday night we will accept this final plan. The City Clerk stated tBat Alan Thomas would like permission to buy the searchmaster to locate buried water lines. Councilman Bevel stated that we could purchase one drrectly from ~1r. Ream, if the Council wants. Mayor Severance stated that Councilman Bevel is the coordinator and if he fie1s that this is a good investment to do so. The City Clerk stated that Mr. Jim Wallace was in and he INX has 6 to 8 stoves,one refrig. and 4 washers that need to be taken to the dump. He will take them himself,if we give him permission. Mayor Severance stated that our dump is closed. Councilman Bevel stated that Taylor Brothers, after last Sat. fire said that they are gettingxxea read of everything and would like to know if they can haul it to the dump. -4- '-" """" Mayor Severance stated that they can take it to Tomoka. He then instructed the City Clerk to make note for Monday nights meeting that a letter be written to all of the people currently under a gentlemans agreement type contract for dumping at the dump, to meet with the Mayor to duscuss this. This meeting will be held at the Workshop meeting April 25th. The City Clerk stated that the City Attorney and herself went to a seminar Wednesday on elections. Mayor Severance stated that the Merit Board needs a member as Mr. Me Cain pasted away. Councilman Lodioc stated that he will work on this matter. The City Clerk stated that the Building Code Committee needs another member, they gave us four mRa~BI names- Doug Cole Slim Alexander, Tom Bresnahan, and Milton Petreseck. Mayor Severance stated that he would call and talk to each one of them and try to get some information on them. Councilman Bevel suggested that Monday night we instruct the Attorney to draw up an ordinance prohibiting LP Gas trucks parked in Residential limits. City Attorney Weaver stated that this particualr thing is in the Fire Prevention Code, what we could do is to amend the Fire Prevention Code as adopted by the City of Edgewater to make it prohibited. Councilman Clinton stated that he told the Chief of Police to find out the sizes for the Police men to get taincoats. He said that we !BHX should go to a regular uniform place and find out the prices and go ahead and buy them. Councilman Lodico discussed sheds for the street department. This shed will be to work under and to keep the equipment out of the weather. He would like to have one pull down door and the rest of the shed open. Mayor Severance stated that what we Deed is a building that is completely inclosed but drive through. The City Attorney abd the Council discussed the settlement of the lawsuit between Faith Brothers and the City. Mayor Severance adjourned this meeting. --:)-