07-25-1974 - Workshop '-'" """ WORKSHOP MEETING REGULAR MEETING HELD JULY 25, 1974 The Regular meeting of the Workshop was called to order by Mayor David C. Severance at 7:30 P.M. July 25, 1974 in the COMmunity Center. Mayor Severance stated that the first thing that the Council would do would be to go over the Merit pay Board recommendation for the budget of 1974-75. We have all had a chance to study over the recommendations. He opened it up to any questions that the council might have in regards to any particular job classification or individual. It is the Councils responsibility and not the Merit Boards to set the wagers for Department Heads, so that is something that the Council will have to discuss. Councilman Bevel had some question on the Seargentspay. Mayor Severance recommended that we i11iminate the potition of Seargent completely. Then reclassify the Seargent as a Lieutenent in classification "C" which will bring him to $4.68 which is above that of the patrolman. This is strictly based on what the Cheif has recommended and requested a Lieutenents position Mayor Severance stated that we should go back to the Chief and have him tell us in writing if this is what he wants and who does he want to be Lieutenent. Mayor Severance explained to the Council that "A" is starting salary, "B" is 6 months automatic, "C" is one year automatic. From there on it is merit. The Council discussed the recommendations in full. The Council then discussed the Department Heads. Mayor Severance stated that if the City hires a City Manager then there will have to be alterations as to the increase in the Personnel Officer. The recommendation for Personnel Officer is at the "C" 1etel which is $5.56 and hour. It would be up to the Council wether she would go to "0" or that they would reclass- ify her, take a pay cut or what, it would depend upon the responsibilities of the City Manager. The Council then discussed the Water & Sewer Department Heads. They are both recommended at "C" level, one year level, which is $3.86. The Forman of the Street Department was also put on the "C" 1ev.1 which is $4.36. The Council had no questions on this department head. In the Police Department the Head is listed at the "C" level, which is $4.81. The Council discussed this department in full. The Council decided that the Chief should be put on the "0" level at $5.05. Mayor Severance explained that he was going to hand the Merit Board recommendations over to the City Clerk and she will see to it that it gets to the City Attorney for the proper legal action to be taken. Mayor Severance stated that for the benifit of the People here tonight we will read through the different categories and the individuals and how much they will be making when this is enacted basesd a 40 hours week. Mayor Severance then read the recommendations. Mayor Severance suggested that they move on to the proposed budget. He said that there were some reductions and some increases. The total figure appropiated 1973-74 for General Government was $120,453.00 and the proposed new budget is $126,587.00, increased $6,100.00 roughly. The Council ~iscussed this in full. In the Garbage Departm@nt the appropriated 1973-74 was $64,880.00 and the new budget is $79,800.00. There was an increase in the com~ination salary of both departments. The Read Maintenance appropriated 1973-74 was $61,516.00 and the proposed is$38,690.00. There is a large drop in new equipment. Street Paving -1- ~ ." & Improvemenats appropriated 1973-74 was $21,152.00 and the proposed is $20,000.00. TOOLS & BARN EQUIPMENT appropriated 1973-74 was $12.088.00 and the propoeed is $500.00J There are funds in emergency contigency that can be utilized if needed. HUMANE SOCIETY appropriated 1973-74 was $13,300.00 and the proposed is $12,000.00. PARK MAINTENANCE & RECREATION appropriated 1973=74 was $55.92 proposed is $10,100.00. The material & maintenance has increased plus miscellaneous is up $500.00 from last year. STREET LIGHTS appropriated 1973-74 was$20,088.00 proposed is $25.000.00. This ttem will be left open for the Council to discuss further at the Public Hearing to come up with a final figure. POLICE DEPARTMENT appropriated 1973-74 was $80,848.00 and the proposed is $118,060.00. This includes a new Car. The Council discussed this category in full. FIRE DEPART~EIT appropriated 1973-74 was$10,566.00 and the proposed is $16,800.00. Most of the increase on this is equipement. FIRE HYDRENTS appropriated 1973-74 was $52,000.00 and the proposed is $55,000.00. !MERGENCY CONTIGENCY appropriated 1973-74 was $15,500.00 and the proposed is $26,000.00. COMMUNITY CENTER approporiated 1973-74 was $59,056.00 and the proposed si $35,000.00. KIBRARY appropriated 1973-74 was $5,000.00 and the proposed was $4,800'.00. DRAINAGE appropriated 1973-74 was $18,388.00 and the proposed was $5,000.00. CAPITAL OUTLAY appropriated 1973-74 was$115.00 and the proposed was $100.00. CIVIL DEFENSE appropriated 1973=74 was $115.00 and the propsed was $5,750.00. ADMINISTRATI9 MANAGER appropriated 1973-74 was $115.00 and the proposed is $11 ,000.00. CITY BOARD appropriated 1973-74 was $000.000 and the proposed is $16,071.00. EQUIPMENT RENEWAL AND REPLACEMENT FUND approrpiated 1973-74 was $11,015,90 and proposed is $100.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATED BUDGET for 1973-74 was $439,170.00 and the proposed budget $500,158.00. The Council then discussed the revenue sheet. REVENUE SHEET IAXES appropriated 1973-74 was $119,121.00 and the proposed is $142,258.00. BUILDING PERMITS a~~ anticipated 1973-74 was $55,00.00 proposed is$8,000.00 ELECTRICAL PERMITS anticipated 1973-74 was $2,150.00 proposed is $4,000.00 PLUMBING PERMITS anticipated 1973-74 was $11,049.00 proposed is $25,000.00 MECHANICAL PERMITS anticipated 1973-74 was ~ $0 proppsed is $15,000.00 BUSINESS & OCCUPATIONAL LISENCES anticipated 1973=74 was $2,000.00 and peopos ed is $2,500.00' . BEER WINE & LIQUOR anticipated 1973-74 was $2,000.00 proposed was $22,000.00 FINES & FORFITURES anticipated 1973-74 was $25,850 proposed was $31,200.00 MISCELLAN&OUS ANTICipated 1973-74 was $3,000.00 proposed was $6,500.00 CIGARITTE TAX anticipated 1973-74 was $16,500.00 proposed is *20,000.00. Franchize REBATE anticipated 1973-74 was $19,500.00 proposed 1s$26,OQO.00. COMMUNITY CENTER anticipated 1973-74 was $750.00 proposed is $700.00 GRABAGE & TRASH anticipated 1973-74 was $41,000.00 proposed 1s$65,000.00 OFFICE RENT anticipated 1973-74 was $1~200.00 propsed is $1~200~OO. SURPLUS FUNDS anticipated 1973-74 was $114,000.00 proposed is $53,800.00 STATED REVENUE SHARING anticipated 1973-74 was $80,000.00 proposed is $90,000.09. MOBILE HOMETAG anticipated 1973-74 was $5,000.00 proposed is $5.~00.00 COUNTY OCCUPATIONAL LISENCE REBATE anticipate 1973-74 was $4~0.00 proposed is$2,300.00. CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNT LOA6 anticipated 1973=74 was $0 proposed is $35,000.00 TOTAL ANTICI~~TED . 1973-74 $439,170.00 pcoposed is $500,158.00. -2- ..... ...." Mayor Severance stated that the Council will be discussing this budget over again beforethe Public Hearing. He sgggested that the Council discuss the Water & Sewer Budget. WATER DEPAIMMENT Water receipts - $91,600.00 Service chatges - $1,000.00 Connection charges - $12,600.00 Hydrant rental - $5,200.00 Misce11aoe6us - $800,00 Tap Fees - $75,000.00 TOTAL %118,700.00 SEWER DEPARTMENT Sewer receipts - $77,900.00. Conncetion cBarges&9,000.00 Misce11aneoud - $500.00 Total v $87,400.00 Non operating Revenue Utility Taxes - $60,00Q.36 Interest on Investments - $9,000.00 TOTAL - $69,000.36 OPERATIoN & MAINTENACNE APPROPRIATION WATER DEPARTMENT - Salary $28,500.00 Payroll taxes $3,400.00 !lectrica1 power - $7,000.00 Chemical $4,400.00 Supplies $1,000.00 Truck expense $1,000.00 Repairs ti or rep1ace,ent $5,000.00. Telephone $6,000.00 Primt6mg$600.00 AuGitor - $15,000.00 Insurance $3,000.00 Mank Mainteneace $5.00.00 Hank Maintence E~u;pment hinter tow thousan d Office ~I~~ apace rental $600.00 New Equipment $1,000.00 Miscellaneous - $3,000.00 TOTAL $67,180. SEWER DE9ARTMENT Salaries $26.500 Payroll tated $3,100 Electrical power $7,000.00 Chemicals $4,400.00 Supplies $600.00 Truck expence $500.00 Repairs & Replacements $2,000.00 Telephone $150.00 Printing & Office Supplies $600.00 Professional Services $1,500.00 Insurance $3,000.00 Equipem*nt Rental $1,000.00 Office Space Rentals $600.00 Miscellaneous & Employee Ins. $3,000.00 New Equipment $1,000.00 TOTAL - $54,950.00 Appropriation and Operation Funds $122,50.00 Principal & Interest Funds $94,476.99 Renewal & Replacement Funds $58,573.08 TOTAL - $275,100.36 The Council then talked on the City Mangger. TRe, agreeded to review the resumes sometime before now and August the 1st, so that they woo\t -3- '-' have to read them at the August 1st meeting. Mayor Severance adjourned this meeting. .....,